It's time for a celebration - Welcome to the Historia Era! 📰
The Books in the magnificent Monster Library, lovingly curated by The Keeper, hold the records of all of Monster Legends' History. However, ...
What is the Cosmic Era?
Cosmic Era is one of the first generations of the Eras. Monsters from this generation are more powerful than original Mythics and Legendarie...
What are Corrupted Monsters?
Corrupted monsters are a special class of Mythic monsters. They can only be ranked up using their own cells, Lutum or Nectar. They also have...
What are Metropolitan Era Monsters?
Metropolitan Era Monsters are Mythic monsters from Metropolitan and are way more powerful than their predecessors. These monsters can only b...
What are Forsaken Monsters?
Forsaken Monsters are a very special group of strong monsters. Like most Legendary Monsters, Forsaken Monster Cells may be requested or trad...
What are Doomsday Era Monsters?
Doomsday Era Monsters or Doomed Monsters are a special class of mythic monsters. These monsters can only be ranked up using their own cells ...
What are Blossom Era Monsters?
Blossom Era monsters are a special class of mythic monsters. These monsters can only be ranked up using their own cells or nectar. They also...
What is a cap breakout?
Cap breakout is a feature that allows your Mythic Monsters to progress between ranks when you don’t have enough resources to reach the next ...
天堂与地狱之间的战争已经结束,但天使和恶魔们却已忘却了他们家园之间的小麻烦: 野蛮人依然在那里造成破坏并吃掉每个人的食物。 他们似乎不可阻挡。他们把森林放到了最后,因为他们对自然的东西并没多大兴趣,但最终他们还是会将森林破坏殆尽。 幸好,一群怪兽们已经做好了准备。 他们进行了一场...
Welcome to the Doomsday Era!
What is the Doomsday Era?Malairion has been defeated! He’s gone into hiding somewhere in the infinite universe. The citizens of Elektra have...
踏入天空 - 欢迎来到银河时代! 💫
就在佩特拉的怪兽们进入一段和平共处时期的同时,我们最喜爱的宇宙海盗也在外太空中展开了精彩的探索……而消息也不胫而走。是时候踏入天空了,因为登上宇宙之咒号的怪兽们已经最终找到了他们梦寐以求的财宝。 他们本以为自己能找到大量战利品,结果却阴差阳错地释放出了某种本应永远深埋地下的东西:...
破釜沉舟 - 欢迎来到深渊时代! 🌊
忒提斯将军再也不想等了。她想要权力,而且,要是塔拉萨女王不愿退位并承认她才是水域的统治者,那么她也不介意去统治别的地方! 但她的野心却为她带来了一位危险的盟友,而她也窃取了大海中最为珍贵的宝藏。忒提斯到底想干什么?塔拉萨能否靠自己的力量阻止她呢?似乎她还想叫上自己的盟友……当然,...
抵达新高度 - 欢迎来到高山时代!
过够了在佩特拉的诸多势力之间辗转的日子,野蛮人们已经厌倦了这片没有怪兽的大地。 尽管拥有流浪的天性,他们还是考虑在某个地方扎根下来,而这个最佳地点便是群山之中! 然而,当他们爬上去之后才发现,那片计划中的地区并非什么无主之地。 那里被一个在很久之前起便与世隔绝的派系给占据了,而他...
拥抱狂野吧 - 欢迎来到野性时代!🐾
黑暗之刃喜欢收集一切东西,从独特的物品到活生生的生物,他们与猎手联盟有着悠久而又丰富的交流历史,后者则能以最为稀有的发现来充实他们的博物馆和城堡。 在其中的一次任务中,几个猎手注意到有一种奇怪的现象正在迅速扩散: 许多怪兽正不断失去感知能力,还像那些野蛮的动物一样行动!...
拥抱狂野吧 - 欢迎来到野性时代!🐾
黑暗之刃喜欢收集一切东西,从独特的物品到活生生的生物,他们与猎手联盟有着悠久而又丰富的交流历史,后者则能以最为稀有的发现来充实他们的博物馆和城堡。 在其中的一次任务中,几个猎手注意到有一种奇怪的现象正在迅速扩散: 许多怪兽正不断失去感知能力,还像那些野蛮的动物一样行动!...