New Monsters - Monstagram
NEW Monster: Clivia!
Clivia’s diet is high in iron, so his favourite food is warriors. The more armor they wear and the more weapons they carry, the more Clivia ...
当克劳德还只是小猫时,他在玩耍时掉进了河里,帕特里翁把他拉了起来。 从那以后,他对救命恩人的忠诚变得牢不可破。 坚如钢铁的爪子和猫的韧性是他的武器,但如果你真的想看到奇迹发生,把他与最好的朋友放在一个团队中: 帕特里翁和克劳德的合作亲密无间! 克劳德是强大的光系坦克,可为团队提供...
斯帕克林·芒帝斯是种迷人的昆虫: 和那些交配后将自己的交配对象吃掉的螳螂不同,斯帕克林·芒帝斯将猎物囚禁在他的栖息地中。 这样,当他感到体力不济时,就会回去从众多受害者中挑一个出来,击晕,然后吸干他的体力。 斯帕克林·芒帝斯就这样不停地猎...
帕特里翁长年遭受诅咒,恨意与邪恶遮蔽了他的灵魂。 帕特里翁灵魂中的暗系力量一度极其强大,令他转变为一种全新的存在: 大怪物,他是凭借一场场战斗征服了全世界的黑暗领主。 每赢得一场战斗,他就会变得更强大,但同时也变得更邪恶。 当大怪物身上的良知都消失的时候,他的好友们认为他已陷入万...
新怪兽 - 伊戈瑟斯
战争打得正火时,盼道夫急需帮助来赢得战斗,于是他对着一座山施了一个非常强大的咒语。 大地开始颤动,短短几分钟内那座山就一分为二了。 这山寒冷多雪的北侧活了过来,盼道夫将它命名为欧鲁斯。 山的南侧是一座高温的火山,也活了过来,化身为怪兽伊戈瑟斯。 这头怪兽不仅能自我修复,而且非常危...
NEW Monster: Bo Tai
There was a great war in Monster Legends, a war that defied every monster’s loyalty to Good or Evil. Bo Tai played a key role in the fight f...
在孩童时期,英杰尼卡就在工程方面展现出了过人的天赋,并很快因此出名! 所有怪兽大师都渴望她的标志性产品——神器,而她最新的创造——圣骨,将会为战斗带来深远的变化。 未来,她将在Monster Legends发挥关键作用。 在对战中,英杰尼卡是一位迅猛的诅咒者,她高超的能力可谓绝无...
叛徒男爵曾经是弗雷吉先生的幻觉表演助手,以及战斗侍从。 但在他发现巫毒魔法后,他就对幻觉表演失去了兴趣,开始走上自己的道路。 在战斗中,他只需要巫毒权杖和致幻毒药就能扰乱战局。 叛徒男爵在战斗时是一名非常敏捷的诅咒者,他的各种技能可以击败敌人的战略: 他可以消除敌人的特性,施加放...
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->半兽人接受了一项任务,要尽量掠夺村庄,越多越好。 他们并不在乎财富,掠夺只是为了满足自己对鲜血和破坏的渴望。 这次掠夺之旅的首领非...
当战斗魔法师团队需要增援时,山田就是克里斯安德烈的王牌。 他就像是他们的秘密武器! 山田会盘旋在战场上空,躲避敌人的进攻并治愈队友,就像奇迹一般。 他的群体再生技能让整个团队能够持续前进! 但是,如果团队需要的是一剂立即注入能量的强心针,山田可以双倍治疗团队并为他们施加伤害强化效...
复活节时间。 又来啦。 又到了一年里大家都忙着挖洞、忙着把复活节彩蛋藏进兔子洞的时间,这也是拉布卡拿出巨型火箭筒的时间了! 对这只喜怒无常的兔子来说,他的复活节传统就是用自己的方法找到所有的彩蛋,然后用它们来射击敌人。 这个攻击者有着独一无二技能: 他能对自己施加双倍伤害和机械仇...
真正的野孩子。 她年轻时就离家出走,加入了以拉多尔为首的机车党。 她是一位野蛮的机车手,总在嘶鸣狂吼,不断卷入各种战斗。 当她听说只要在金属乐队中嘶鸣狂吼,就能获得报酬时,她毫不犹豫地立即加入了梅特尔海德乐队。 但她和梅特尔海德有时会发生冲突,因为两人都自尊心极强且表达方式十分狂...
安娜曾是一个脆弱而孤独的小女孩。 在童年的多数时光中,她都孤独一人,但之后她遇到了帕特里克,作为兴趣爱好,他们开始一起玩棋盘游戏。 他们被卷入一场游戏中后,帕特里克成了燃烧流氓,安娜则成了地牢主人。 她变成了一个可怕的怪物,想要其他的怪兽都追随她、服从她。她一路追求权力,来到了地...
Monster Legends岛屿帮派的新怪兽:埃尔恶犬!
埃尔恶犬是恶犬部落的老大以及走私货的控制人。 宝箱、金条、细胞,只要是你说得出来的东西,他就能在黑市上卖。 金钱对埃尔来说可不是游戏,他可以毫无底线地采取一切必要手段,消灭售价比他低的所有敌对帮派。 埃尔也能在战斗中占据先机: 他是具有快速控制力的怪兽,能够对敌人施加击晕和烈日烧...
当克里维亚散播孢子时,为了防止它繁殖,人们把孢子收集起来毁掉了。 毕竟谁都不想被植物杀手包围。 然而,人们遗漏了一个孢子...还是最强壮的那一个,之后它长成了阿尔法克里维亚斯特。 这个强大的攻击者可以在战斗中使用麻醉毒药和生命盗取技能摧毁任何对手。 它只需一招就可以同时施加中毒和...
这个生物总是不请自来,它曾经被错当成一颗流星,现被视作是幸运的象征。 但这种来自外太空的有毒寄生生物极其危险,它会吸取寄主的生命,然后成倍速生长。 这种外太空生物不仅是进攻者,还能使用强大的折磨和控制技能,如一招内使用流血和眩晕,或区域附体技能,以此增加自身力量。 依克斯非克斯还...
拉比西看起来有点像挂满护身符的温和祭司,但他随身携带的物品们其实更像是他在冒险中收集的纪念品。 因为他的外表,敌人往往低估他的战斗力,但这也成了他的优势! 拉比西是控制型怪兽,他能让敌人陷入大麻烦! 他可以使敌人完全失明,还拥有两次击晕的技能! 这种双倍击晕技能更有可能击晕处于加...
作为伊希斯的学徒,韦伯赫特普狡猾地得到了女神的信任。 临终时,女神把自己的力量给了韦伯赫特普,希望他能把力量用在正道上。 但他背叛了女神,反而用这股力量做恶并进行操纵。 他的操控之力在战场上很容易看得出来: 韦伯赫特普是一头可控制火的怪兽,他的技能可以向对手施加击晕、烧伤、体力衰...
有人支付给海盗摩根和他的船员们巨额黄金,让他们执行一个秘密任务:找到并除掉科波贝尔德船长。 这头怪兽不怎么出名,不过他是一名饱经风霜的海员,对大海和星系了如指掌。 身居二线的他在多年航海、战斗之后,决定往前一步,迈上前线。 海盗摩根是魔系攻击者,他拥有伤害力惊人的单人和群体攻击技...
这位隐形猎人住在湖边耐心等待猎物。 水面上的一丝波浪就足以让他知道水下有怎样的动物在游动,但他不只去袭击他看见的第一个可能受害者。 除了完美的一餐,他什么也不会吃。 普瑞德吉拉姆是速度很快的原系控制怪兽。 他实际上是首个具有冰冻技能的原系怪兽! 在他的特殊技能中,他可对所有敌人施...
这条蒸汽驱动的蛇生来就是为了对抗爱佩克斯捕食者。 斯塔克住在水里,它在水中恢复能量、冷却系统,离开水后就是一台马力全开的机器: 它能存活并战斗高达9天。 斯塔克是强大的水系攻击者,它有致命且罕见的水系技能,能让敌人进入流血状态! 它还能提升自己的力量,造成更高伤害! 它的特性是坚...
在兽人部落里,萨满是不可或缺的存在。 他可能大多数时间不会处于战斗的前线,但他的药剂能够让同阵营的战士更为强壮,在战场上时,他的咒语是对盟友的祝福,对敌人的诅咒。 战争施咒者是一头速度极快的辅助型怪兽。 比起造成伤害,他更倾向为队友提供辅助: 他可以为全体队友提供加成,即使这意味...
俊郎的任务是保护穿越太空的无辜生物。 太空环境恶劣,到处都是危险的生物,比如恨意或者霍尔特将军及他的手下,但是有了俊郎,就没有什么好害怕的了! 他忠于正义的价值观令他成为理想的太空防御者。 在战斗中,俊郎是雷系大师: 他首先施加雷系免疫,让敌人变得非常虚弱,难以抵御雷系攻击,从而...
斯汀·韦斯特克劳在抢劫了几十家银行和酒馆后被驱逐出了祖国。 他在后天启时代荒地的沙漠地区找到了新家。 那里没什么可偷的,但他已经靠抢劫赚的盆满钵满。他还有枪和令人羡慕的目标。 他会没事的。 斯汀·韦斯特克劳是一个快速的重度攻击者,还拥有一个超级酷的特点...
弗兰克·斯·坦最终找到了那个她。 弗朗辛·弗兰克身材健美,皮肤不是特别白,脾气有点暴躁,这一切都和弗兰克·斯·坦一模一样! 看来对他俩来说,怪兽配对软件很有用。 弗朗辛·弗兰克的生命值非常高,她拥...
培逊赛博感染了一种罕见疾病,这种病正慢慢将他变成一个机器人般的生物。 最开始,一群纳米机器人在他血管里流动,疾病因此扩散到他一半身体内。 虽然他逐渐失去情感,但却慢慢变成一架强大的战斗机器! 对战时,培逊赛博是一头速度极快的金属攻击者。 他带来了全新状态效果: 纳米病毒! 被施加...
NEW Monster in the Post-Apocalyptic Duchess Grand Prix: The Baroness!
The Post-Apocalyptic Wastelands were ruled by Roxen and Nexor Cox… until she arrived. They couldn’t confront her, so they accepted the terms...
当流星划过天空落到Monster Legends岛上时,大家通常都会目不转睛地欣赏...然而这次却完全不同。 这头流星怪兽巨大无比,轨迹上留下一条条烈焰,之后它甚至开始行走,四处破坏摧毁,带来一场浩劫。 伊格尼斯不仅是重度火系攻击者,他还拥有很高的生命值! 通过赋予自身烧伤仇恨者...
当大战结束,泽亚亚被迫投降后,他偷偷把一名战俘锁在了地堡里。 没有食物,他很快就饿死了,但他的身体经受了多年原子弹的辐射。最后,他又复活了…变成了僵尸! 欢迎回来,赫尔·海德中士。你跟原来判若两人了啊! 赫尔·海德中士是一个生命值非常高的肉盾,拥有超酷...
艾格伊特、戈兰、达格纳斯、德来克和德拉孔提姆组建了一个龙联盟,德拉克尔提出加入,却因为他只有一部分是龙而遭到拒绝。 德拉克尔备受打击,发誓要向联盟寻仇。 他打算将联盟成员一个一个打败。 德拉克尔是一名强大的攻击者,对手很难阻挡他! 他对击晕和冰冻免疫。 他能造成重度火系伤害,在施...
敏捷耀眼的纳奥布琪在宇宙中穿行时,一个黑洞将她吸了进去。 她没能躲过,也一直没找到逃脱的方法,但在被困期间,她成功将自己发射到了战场上! 纳奥布琪是一头超级多方位的支援型怪兽,她拥有诸多的出色技能,因此既可作为攻击者,也可担任肉盾。 凭借她的特性,可对敌人一切企图移除其有益状态的...
这种传奇动物是动物展览中心的明星。 凭借独一无二的特征,她成为了访客和调查人员眼中的奇迹。 不过,贝尔布瑞斯还是天生的战士,战士不可能长时间用来展览。 她属于战场! 贝尔布瑞斯是最快的火系支持怪兽。 她拥有出色的控制保护技能,借助额外的回合,她可以消除队友的不良状态效果并施加只会...
众所周知,蒙特祖玛是一位傲慢又不信任人的皇帝。 平心而论,他有权这样: 每个人都讨厌他滥用权力,除了伊邪那美,她为了守护自己的皇帝可以跟帝国里的每一个人战斗。 而且,她能够成功抵御进攻,因为,虽然有些讽刺,她其实比蒙特祖玛要强大太多! 伊邪那美是速度迅捷的支持型怪兽,能够禁用敌人...
灵魂拥抱者以恶灵为食,但这种食物很难找到。 不过,这头怪兽在地狱里有他自己的门路,他收买了一头苏尔法基,让其在押送恶灵前往惩罚之地时,偶尔“遗失”一两个恶灵。 这样,苏尔法基有了额外收入,灵魂拥抱者也有了食物!灵魂拥抱者是一名暗系肉盾,他拥有非常特殊的特性:恨意+复活格挡。 他的...
在忒提斯担任水域女王时,弗洛西卡曾是皇家护卫队的队长。 弗洛西卡比忒提斯更强大,但对她忠心耿耿,工作表现也十分优异,当塔拉萨归来时,她因无法忍受效忠另一位女王而离职。 现在,她致力于帮助忒提斯夺回其母亲留给她的权力。 弗洛西卡是一头独特的支持型怪兽,她能保护团队免受控制技能的影响...
NEW monster in the Galactic Expedition Maze: Grumpex!
Grumpex is the head of the Chameliens, a civilization of space warriors! Until the Chameliens arrived, the Skeel army ruled the area, but ev...
太阳冲击曾是烈焰风暴的门徒,但是有一天他与自己的师傅在某些方面产生了分歧。 这样的分歧在两人之间逐渐演化成仇恨,让他们最终在战场上操戈相向,烈焰风暴海扁了太阳冲击,把他踢离了战场,落到太阳之上。 烈焰风暴以为太阳冲击就此湮灭,但他错了! 现在,太阳冲击已经回归,变得更加强大,他想...
当塔丽卡发现迷失在森林中的小音伯博时,她觉得自己有责任抚养他,让他和自己一样也成为森林顾问。 她把小音伯博送到博泰那里,以便他能向最优秀的人学习,而她自己尽了一切努力。 但是,尽管她费尽心力想让音伯博成为支援型怪兽,却未能如愿。 如果他永远只会说“音伯博”,又如何能成为顾问呢? ...
没人会想到兵马俑军队中能出现一位金属系怪兽,因此敌人很容易在王周的攻击之下放下防备。 他的塑像立在战场前排,在对手接触到剩余的兵马俑士兵之前耗尽他们的资源。 王周是金属系控制型怪兽,可向对手的体力施加极大压力。 他的招式包括可令敌人体力流失的所有折磨技能(噩梦、溺亡和诅咒),同时...
当秦岭在帝王的坟墓旁醒来时,看到了自己的战友秦已经放弃了自己永久守卫帝王的责任,他认为是时候让整个队伍也这么做,因此他便利用自己的魔法将全部兵马俑士兵一个个唤醒! 秦岭是具备冷却保护技能的魔系支持型怪兽。 他的招式包括对盟友禁用所有冷却,以及避免盟友的冷却技能被激活。 他可以清除...
班德赛斯与阿肯纳特普之间展开的残酷战争看起来并不乐观,特别是对阿肯纳特普来说。 一天,他的军师韦伯赫特普告诉他,“如果现在我们无法扭转局面,就会输掉这场战争。 你知道我们该去召唤谁。” “我不知道这是不是个好主意”,阿肯纳特普回答道,“邓恩拉不仅会帮助召唤她的人,还会挑选保护的对...
瓦鲁纳和卡文费什之间的海盗战争对海洋产生了很大的负面影响,特别是对海床及其珊瑚礁,这些珊瑚礁正被船舰遗落的炸弹摧毁。 科拉尔·布鲁塔利斯厌倦了这种情况,不仅准备保护珊瑚礁,也准备反击! 科拉尔·布鲁塔利斯是具有高生命值的肉盾,能够释放你最爱的全新技能来...
萨伊卡曾经是迷失旅客的光系向导。 退休后,孙女卡希雅接手了这份工作,无论需要帮助的人,还是不知道该走哪个方向的旅人,她都在那里。 你会认为这份工作不可能让她树敌,但那不是真的: 她总是会做的一件事就是建议旅客不要去蒙斯特尔维亚旅游,因为他们一到达那里,就会被税淹没,而这些税就是故...
Monster Legends的多元宇宙中心,有一座只能穿越彩虹桥才能进入的古城。 任何人都可以沿着这座桥走下去,但只有少数被选中的怪兽可以通过桥尽头的大门,进入古城。 决定谁能通过的职责就落在奥尔尼尔身上! 奥尔尼尔是一头雷系重度攻击者,具有低冷却的技能,可以在敌人身上施加震击...
赫尔古丁一直想进入多元宇宙中心的古城,但当她穿过彩虹桥时,她被奥尔尼尔拒绝在城外,因为他从远处就感觉到她邪恶的意图。 然而,〝不行〞绝非赫尔古丁愿意接受的答案,因为奥尔尼尔对她的感觉正确无误: 她确实有邪恶的意图,而且她的计划不仅仅是进入古城: 她想要占领城市并加以统治! 赫尔古...
这只火蟾蜍曾经和黑马王子一起住在光明王国的花园里,但贝拉·保尔公主很怕他,所以他就去了珍视他的价值而不是怕他的地方:就是在菲丽娜的身边! 菲丽娜出生的时候, 她被巴巴托斯用体内的火诅咒。 然而,她最后拥有了一颗高尚的心,但巴巴托斯还在外面等机会,想再次逮到菲丽娜,把...
НОВОЕ чудище задания: Clipeum!
В преисподней и в Легионах зла ведется бурная деятельность, и Легионы добра стремятся пополнить свои ряды. Именно поэтому они придумали то, ...
入侵者沃撒克掌权期间没有独自统治采矿矮人部落,而是得到内阁的帮助。 部落中的人其实并非真心想帮忙,他们只是害怕拒绝帮助沃撒克会造成的后果。 不管沃撒克内阁成立的背后有着什么样的原因,巴布里仍然不信任其前成员。 他们之中一些人整天都在为没有勇敢抵御入侵者而感到愧疚,但有一位矮人已经...
霍布金是纳布莱恩打造的一件强大神器,可确保她在旅途中的安全。 当纳布莱恩行走在危险道路时,霍布金会在她头顶盘旋,提醒她敌人即将到来! 霍布金是出色的金属系支持怪兽,可以对其盟友施加区域闪避效果。 除了效果清除和保护等支持技能外,他还有攻击技能,可以非常方便地对抗高生命值的怪兽,比...
忒提斯、科尔佐格和弗洛西卡很小的时候便常常一起玩,这也许是因为他们有一些共同之处。 忒提斯的母亲塔拉萨已离家多年,她身为战争大师一直在战斗; 科尔佐格和弗洛西卡的父亲戈耳也离开了家,但不是因为有使命在身,只是因为他并非喜欢家庭生活的怪兽:他是孤独的猎手。 戈耳的捕猎生涯从小海蛇和...
继承人筹谋夺取地狱王座已有很长的时间,即使他在战斗中比巴巴托斯更强大,但他的支持者却远不及他的敌人那么多。 继承人的决心不可阻挡,他走向炼狱最黑暗的角落,在那里他找到了皮埃赛德! 从来没有人敢看皮埃赛德一眼,更不用说靠近她的巢穴了,所以继承人希望能够获得她的支持,这样地狱中的所有...
这只魔法虫子多年来一直躲着克里维亚,而克里维亚却一直痴迷于它,想要一口把它吃掉。 然而,现在维斯派已经从他的庇护所中出来,展开翅膀,带来一系列重度攻击和全新的诡计: 禁用特性! 现在谁来负责追捕呢? 维斯派是一头魔系攻击者和特性消除者。 他的主要技能包括区域和单一的目标的特性禁用...
随着这些天战场的难度越来越大,所有怪兽都力争完美,但是,特别有两位创造者把这个设成自己的目标,主宰所有战斗! 英杰尼卡和哈克斯特已经联手,他们在秘密研究实验室里经过长期的研究,创造出不可阻挡的人工智能: 米拉科! 米拉科是一头金属系控制怪兽,具备灵活的技能组合,你可以根据自己的需...
吾尔塔是高智能机器,可以轻松骗过敌人。 因为它的长相,敌人们都以为它会使出大招,或者对自己的盟友进行强有力的保护,但它的招式是趁敌人还没意识到攻击开始,就通过电击对他们进行控制和附体! 吾尔塔是雷系怪兽,有出色的附体技能。 他可以电击敌人、格挡敌人的额外回合,甚至还能在一招之内移...
胡库艾是克里欧坦的老朋友。 他们都非常热衷于搞大规模破坏,因此总是配合得很好。 但是,克里欧坦被捕并关押到混乱堡垒迷宫之后,胡库艾感到非常失落。 他从没想到自己的朋友居然如此弱小,最后落到那样的境地。 现在,胡库艾要来解救克里欧坦了,但他有一个条件: 为了换回自由,克里欧坦要听胡...
地狱里人人都讨厌撒罗特,但不是因为他的残酷或粗鲁,毕竟地狱的居民们完全能接受这部分。 他们讨厌他只是因为他那条烦人的宠物狗:墨菲斯托。 他是一头懒惰的重量级野兽,在这里四处吠叫,见人就咬,口里嘀嗒流着液体火。 但是,虽然他们都讨厌这条蠢狗,但没有人敢和他正面对抗,因为他非常凶恶又...
马利海尔森博士多年前离开了他的家,在世界水之战被废弃的危险地带停留了一段时间。 作为核武器专家,他想要研究水系怪兽不同派别之间的正常冲突为何会演变成核爆大屠杀。他之前计划在这个区域待上数个月的时间,但他获得的惊人发现导致研究持续了多年。 现在,他带着大量珍贵的信息回来了,然而,他...
曾经有很多年,纳罗克是马木斯王及其部落的奴隶。 他不停地狩猎,只是为了将食物送到马木斯王的宴会桌上,于是他说服受到这个部落奴役的其他所有怪兽奋起反抗马木斯王。 反抗成功了,现在纳罗克自由自在地独自住在没有人烟的荒地,在那里,他可以只为自己狩猎。杀死猎物前,纳罗克喜欢把它们弄得精疲...
银叶是森林中最年轻但最聪明的精灵之一。 当他首次在自己权杖的石头中看到未来时,还只是年轻的精灵。 他完成了几个预测,成功帮助了森林动物准备和保护自己免受兹赞尼亚等怪兽的危险入侵。 银叶是原系控制型怪兽,可以通过施加掌控来阻止他的敌人。 他还能施加一些折磨和减益效果,以及消除体力。...
自从这种来自外星的野兽出现在地球上以后,不同的怪兽队伍一直试图遏制他的致命攻击。 每当有人找到控制兹赞尼亚的方法时,他就会改变自己的行为,甚至变得更加可怕。 兹赞尼亚是第一头具有穿刺状态效果的怪兽。 通过穿刺,可以让攻击穿透所有防御效果,例如入侵、反射、护盾、嘲讽、范围闪避、金属...
多年来,哈克斯特一直使用加密系统来保护多元宇宙中有关每只怪兽优缺点的宝贵信息。 他的工作确保了战斗达到平衡状态,但现在他已监测到系统中出现入侵者! 这是危险的入侵者: 左贡! 左贡已进入了怪兽数据库...…所以现在会怎样? 他会如何利用这些信息? 自己使用还是可能…...卖掉它们...
玛莱尔一直希望等女儿长大后能够一起打造完美的魔系恶棍团队。 他没能预料到的是,女儿长大后比他还强大得多,也没有兴趣和他并肩作战。 曼德姆熔融是有着雄心壮志的怪兽。她开始拜访各大竞技场,展现自己的技能,很快她就找到了理想的搭档: 伏泰克! 他的技能与她配合完美,但最令她满意的还是,...
霍尔特将军的任务是征服他发现的一颗冰冻星球,但现在星球上的居民和星球本身一样危险。 因此,他留在防线内,让其他人替他做这些脏活: 奈乔布拉斯特就是一台杀戮机器,令人难以阻挡! 奈乔布拉斯特是精英火系攻击者。 他具备高伤害招式,以及折磨、火系弱点和额外回合等技能。 他具备不断进化的...
埃苏尔是最强大的成员,因此他成为了苏利文文明的司令。 苏利文怪兽的一部分由其他生物构成,这些生物冰冻在一块东西里,由生活在怪兽体内的寄生虫控制。 这一罕见的构造让苏利文的举动非常难以预测。 埃苏尔是具备超级嘲讽技能的水系肉盾。 他在0级时具备嘲讽特性,1级时获取对冰冻免疫特性,最...
Global Mech Ltd.,M-2威文的缔造者,此次回归推出全新设计,该设计将是任何怪兽团队的最佳辅助。 正电子是志向远大的攻击者的完美搭档: 它的存在就是为了阻挡敌人,让盟友发光。 客户有这样的评论: “为泰姆伦的继任者腾出空间!” 正电子是金属系控制型怪兽,带掌控和冷却...
魔扑和肥皂山姆曾经是一个强大的团队,消灭了他们所有的敌人,但有一天,他们陷入了争斗,最终魔扑击败了肥皂萨姆,偷走了他的所有力量! 现在,肥皂山姆既虚弱又可怜,但魔扑却强大到几乎没有对手。魔扑是无法控制的攻击者。 他的技能组合包括高伤害值招式,以及一些折磨效果(流沙和电击)。 他还...
有些怪兽永不知足。 达米斯和歼灭者凯因就是如此。 他们拥有广袤的土地和不计其数的财富,但他们的欲望总是得不到满足。在低调一段时间之后,他们卷土重来,做了一件人人都会谈论的大事:他们烧毁了森林的中心区域。 摧毁如此神秘又宝贵的资源,的确是无比邪恶的举动,但这就是这两头怪兽想要展现的...
祖诺比亚像其他许多怪兽一样是宝藏猎手,但她很快就意识到,如果真正想要变得富有,她必须得去其他怪兽不愿意去的地方,做其他怪兽不愿做的事。 她就是这样找到了自己的理想工作: 盗墓者! 大多数怪兽都会害怕闯入墓地和陵墓,但祖诺比亚在进入墓地时心里只想着一件事: 那些随同墓地主人一同埋在...
很久以前,这里曾经有过一个充满荣耀的怪兽王朝,人人称之为“蜥蜴王朝”。 蜥蜴们因拥有强大的能力和惊人的财富而闻名。 但是,蜥蜴们对财富的理解很奇怪。 他们不相信财富应该转移,相反,他们认为自己要努力获取财富,所以每个人都非常努力地工作,积累尽可能多的珠宝和黄金;当他们去世时,这些...
长期以来,战争施咒者对半兽人部落的发展方向都不甚满意。 他怀念过去的时光,以及已经去世的首领古尔里可,他被自己的继任者博尔约克出卖,被扔进沼泽之中。 战争施咒者非常怀旧,他决定为此做点事情。 他收集了自己的所有魔咒和药水,终于找到一种混合剂,可以召唤古尔里可,使他死而复生。 但是...
乌里亚将军创造法拉第的唯一目的是羞辱伏泰克,但法拉第几乎是一从蛋内孵化出来就背叛了他的创造者。 法拉第追求刺激和力量,所有他开始寻找盟友,最终也找到了理想的盟友! 他的名字是大黄蜂,冷血的雷系反派,具备超常技能,既令敌人意外,又令他们害怕。 极度危险的联盟已经诞生! 大黄蜂是超快...
德瓦斯塔特终生知道的一切就只有超级大坏蛋的藏身处。 玛莱尔带他去那里的时候,他不过是一个巨大、笨重又异常强壮的幼兽,而在那次事件发生之前,他没有任何记忆。 玛莱尔从未告诉过他自己的来历或家庭。 所以…...想象一下,当他在竞技场上与玛莱尔对战,发现对面是一个看上去很像自己的女性对...
多年以前,克朗克斯护卫是多元宇宙中最快乐的怪兽之一。 他是戴伦国王身边非常出色的护卫。 他拥有幸福的家庭和一个可爱的女儿。 然而有一天,悲剧发生了。 他的女儿和妻子在公园玩耍时,旁边有两头强大的怪兽不经意的打斗引发了一场战斗。 其中一头怪兽发起攻击时,正好另一头怪兽启动了盾牌,这...
克朗克斯是一名年轻的猎魔师,数个世纪以前,她发现自己能够在时间中穿梭。 她可以轻松打开时间之门,迷惑周围的所有怪兽。这种能力吓到了一些怪兽,他们认为,如果克朗克斯过度使用这种能力,她可能会破坏历史法则。 克朗克斯于是开始研究如何去控制使用能力的时长,在她的时间旅行中,她亲眼目睹了...
万圣节前夕,死灵法师正在康特佛拉德尘土飞扬的图书馆里翻阅那些锁起来的旧经书。 厌倦了假装按规则行事,他开始搜寻咒语,想要一劳永逸地结束康特佛拉德的统治。 他在偶然间发现了这个咒语。 这个咒语用一种几乎难以理解的书法写成,说明了复活一头特别强大的怪兽的步骤,如果能够正确地控制这头怪...
陨石风暴来袭时,宇宙之咒正在银河系中航行。 全体船员被迫在荒地沙漠中心降落并停靠。 尽管遇到挫折,但为了尽量使旅程变得有意义,科波贝尔德船长命令他的船员出发去远征。 他们刚一出发,科波贝尔德船长的得力助手鲁姆娜便突然停了下来。“船长,有点不对劲。我的眼睛起雾了——古艾尔谷伊!你在...
尼卡西亚是年轻的魔系学徒,因为她想追随自己的祖母萨伊卡和她的姊姊卡希雅。 虽然她只知道一些魔法咒语,但她充满热情、聪敏又强大,也非常有天赋,所以,很快,她就能充分发挥自己的遗传天赋! 尼卡西亚是光系支持型怪兽和削弱效果实施者,拥有区域躲闪特性。 1级时,她将增加对冰冻免疫的特性,...
野鸟的任务是保护金苹果花园,里面有非常宝贵的金色种子,可以用来在各个维度之间建立门户。 门户主人选定了野鸟,不仅是因为他的力量,还因为他的忠诚。 多年来,野鸟日夜守护着这个花园。 他从未和任何人有过多交流,也没有见过任何人,他有一点孤独,但在责任感的驱使之下,他一如既往地努力工作...
红色森林近期受到了太多磨难。 入侵、攻击等等……不胜枚举,但其居民能够团结一致来克服一切,至少看起来是这样。 当所有生命形式的代表聚在一起讨论重要议题时,他们似乎总是忘记了森林的一个区域:沼泽。 也许是因为沼泽和其余区域非常不一样,又也许是因为沼泽不是那么美丽和富有生机,也没有各...
蟹匠机器人原本是快乐的寄居蟹,和他的家人在海底过着简单的生活。 那时他还不知道,在他称作家的海的一边是工业地产,一家名叫Global Mech Ltd.的公司把总部建在这里。 一点一点地,他家栖息地四周的水开始变成绿色,很快,很多垃圾开始覆盖住海床。 在一次非常成功的黑色星期五活...
耶得哈和孺子曲奇是多年好友,但是孺子曲奇很久很久以前就希望他们“不止是朋友”了。 她性格开朗、活泼可爱,并且十分擅长战斗。 她张口闭口不离作战谋略。 孺子曲奇最喜欢她这一点,他也情不自禁地深深爱上了她。但是,他过于胆怯,不敢向她表白,所以去年圣诞节,他送给耶得哈一束槲寄生,满心希...
了解气迫的徒弟——罗西欧科。 多年来,罗西欧科一直是个乖巧听话、积极响应的学生,但她并不想仅仅是个学生。 她有很大的潜力,经常向气迫请教自己最爱的暗系法术,但每当她提出问题,都只能得到一个冷冰冰的回答:“你为什么一直问这些?你不是女巫,是光系学徒”。 此刻,她觉得自己受够了。 她...
桑德尔在很小的时候就喜欢把自己森林家乡的很多礼物带给附近村庄的小怪兽。 无论是野生浆果还是魔石,桑德尔总是会为每个人准备贴心又简洁的礼物。 但是之后,发生了一些事情,一切也随之改变。 桑德尔被闪电击中了! 在让他变得异常强大的同时,他的外表对于小怪兽来说却过于有压迫感。 即使他带...
桑德尔喜欢给怪兽宝宝带礼物,但在他被闪电击中后,外表变得非常吓人,所以他想了一个办法:他一路远行,过了好几周才找到了著名的创造者:英杰尼卡。 他遇到了英杰尼卡,并向她说明了自己的处境:希望能获得她的帮助,让她帮忙制造一台看上去又酷又结实的机器,同时也要很友好,使怪兽宝宝们不会感到...
乌尔苏斯和他的哥哥佛伊泰克在成长过程中缺少了父母的陪伴,但是他们因为拥有彼此,一切都没问题。 当他们还是小孩时,他们会扮演超级英雄,佛伊泰克甚至在乌尔苏斯七岁生日时送给了他一张红色斗篷。 他们俩喜欢相互对战,梦想着未来能够组成一支强大的战斗团队,一起去探索外面的世界。 但是有一天...
自从尼尚特将军杀死萨麦尔的兄弟伊斯麦尔,并把他碾碎成细胞后,萨麦尔活着的唯一使命就是找到将军并击败他,然后拿回他兄弟的细胞让他复活。 他用正义联盟的秘密作为筹码,交换了关于尼尚特行踪的信息,之后正义联盟的领主发现了这一情况,就把萨麦尔驱逐出联盟,于是萨麦尔转变成暗系怪兽,开始寻找...
莫尔特·迈克布拉德不是康特斯·法莉最喜欢的怪兽。 她认为范彼拉不常回家的部分原因是莫尔特·迈克布拉德,所以,只要莫尔特·迈克布拉德必须留在蒙斯特尔维亚,他总是会尽可能远离他女朋友的家,住在城堡外。有一天,莫尔特在城堡的地上四...
很久以前有一项协议:森林怪兽为地狱首领们提供急需的治疗药膏。 作为交换,地狱怪兽做出了不入侵的承诺,有效期为5年。 为达成这项协议,原系怪兽在远征地狱时带了一批药膏,但在他们离开时,意外遗忘了一个名叫曾菲拉的小半人马,这个小家伙跟着一帮大人一起来到地狱,但在那里走丢了。 她等着原...
拉弥亚出生在龙城,很小的时候就展现出战斗天赋。 她是一名早熟的战士,很早就登上竞技舞台,但很快也对这样的生活感到厌倦。 只是进攻和施加伤害对她来说毫无乐趣,所以她开始研究一些更精巧的技能。 但是,其他龙却嫉妒拉弥亚的自我提升之旅,他们拒绝接受她已达到更高的专业水平。 于是,拉弥亚...
血色牛肝菌曾是蘑菇王国的国王。 蘑菇们都生活在洞穴里,他之所以能夺得王冠,是因为他是迄今为止最大、最强的蘑菇。 因此,他从未想过有人敢挑战他的权威,直到有一天,他发现自己的一个臣民正在计划对他发动政变。 他决定以没人会忘记的方式来惩罚这位臣民:一口气吃掉他。 在这个过程中,他吸收...
在一颗冰冻的星球上,生活着以埃苏尔为首领的苏利文文明,而一颗被遗弃的大脑在宇宙的混乱之中获得了生命,拥有了自我意识和智慧。 由于苏利文怪兽以大脑为食,会用大脑补充自己的身体,所以这颗大脑感受到了威胁和不安全感。 这颗新生的大脑生物没有太多存活的机会,所以它给自己打造了一套机械套装...
德来克,也称作“治愈者龙”,最近有大量严重受伤的怪兽造访他的巢穴。 只要轻轻抚摸他的树叶,即便最丑陋的伤口也能被治愈。 但是,他的兄弟格拉康却对每天都很多陌生人闯进家中这件事感到烦透了,所以他会把这些访客吓跑。 他以治愈者龙爱惹麻烦的兄弟而闻名,德来克最终不得不让他离开巢穴。 现...
PZ罗宁,之前也叫作PZ26:Monster Legends的专家,但曾经犯下一个严重的错误: 他试图质疑首领关于入侵怪兽数据库的决策,数据库里储存着所有怪兽的优势和弱点信息。 左贡和他的团队过去总是喜欢去戏弄其他怪兽。 之后这种戏弄演变成霸凌,接着又变成信息贩卖。 此时,PZ2...
加兰特最近几个月很容易伤感,并注意到他那非比寻常的培育能力处于有史以来的最低水平。 他一度假装一切都很好,但最后终于决定着手寻求解决方案。 有人介绍他去找格雷琴,据说这位巫师制作的药水能够解决任何问题。 她告诉他,她确实可以帮他,但需要花费一些时间。几个月之后,他回到她的小屋来取...
出事了。 加勒兹没有回家过圣诞节,这可是她最喜欢的节日,她从来不会故意错过。 她的父亲弗拉泽尔特是北部地区著名的魔法师,他像往年一样,早早把冰霜城堡装扮好,给心爱的女儿买了一大堆礼物,等着她来拆,但是她没有出现。 “她一定是在专心战斗,毕竟,我的孩子现在是一名伟大的战士了!” —...
在战争大师的年度峰会上,一切井然有序: 他们会对各自面临的战争展开严肃讨论,同时也会留出一点时间娱乐一下。 在峰会上,他们最喜欢的活动就是生存游戏锦标赛,比赛时,每位战争大师要选择一头与自己同元素的怪兽放到岛上——谁在岛上坚持到最后,谁就是冠军。 埃尔维拉连续3年都是锦标赛的冠军...
科鲁图斯是普利索拉的国王,这是一个虽然小但特别富有的国度。 这里的子民安居乐业,对统治者科鲁图斯也很崇敬,而科鲁图斯则用自己的智慧和公正之光照亮着他们的生活。 但是,这个国度的周边地区曾出现了黄金紧缺的情况,邻国的怪兽们变得绝望,于是他们开始攻打普利索拉,想要盗取他们的财富。 科...
瑞卡曾经是达麦斯将军火系军队的旗手,但是当路西怀亚开始叛乱时,他选择与她一同对抗将军。 他以为,当路西怀亚获胜后,她就会领导火系军团参加能够垂名青史的史诗战斗。 然后,过了一段时间后,瑞卡清楚地认识到,达米斯和路西怀亚只会互斗,所以他离开了火系军队,开始新的生活。 当火系战争大师...
每年,曼德姆熔融都想为伏泰克找到最完美的生日礼物。 去年,她给了伏泰克一块奇怪的石头,石头的核心看起来像是闪闪发亮的琥珀。 伏泰克很喜欢这块石头,把这块石头当成了宝贝。 所以,今年,曼德姆熔融想要超越自己就变得更加艰难,不过最后她还是做到了。 她找到了最完美的礼物——伏泰克最爱的...
罗西根还小的时候,他没有很多真实的朋友。 他有一个想象中的朋友;一位总是能帮他摆脱邪恶敌人的龙战士。 这位龙战士叫做利爪盔甲。 他可能并非真实存在的人物,但肯定有强大的影响力。 利爪盔甲会把自己知道的一切现有战斗知识都传授给罗西根,并总是能给出不错的建议: “在进入战斗之前好好分...
当天国联盟经历一番磨难,成功帮助了采矿矮人之后,战争大师巴布里给他的伙伴埃尔维拉带回了一颗非常特殊的珠宝,以示感谢。 这是一个镶有琥珀色宝石的珍贵纪念盒吊坠。 他们一起朝矿井出口走去,巴布里说:“你的天使部队非常出色,埃尔维拉,你一定非常自豪。” “当然”,埃尔维拉回答道,“但是...
英杰尼卡曾是Monster Legends最伟大的工程师,但是她遇到了一个麻烦: 她一直梦想着打造出战斗技能绝佳但灵魂善良的神器。 但是,在工作室里可没办法设计或打造灵魂。 多年以前她就放弃了自己的这个梦想,但是,她有一天拿到了一块神话琥珀,她突然明白实现自己梦想的时候来了。 她...
恶棍也有良心。 玛莱尔有时也会对自己给无辜怪兽造成的各种麻烦而感到愧疚。 比如,不断试图摧毁怪兽的世界,想要盗取他们最珍贵的物品等等,都是一些让他感到内疚的小事。有一天,当他看着柜子里那些偷来的宝贝,他想到:“如果我的妈妈还活着,她肯定会为我感到骄傲”。 他叹了一口气,就离开了。...
莫格兹是那种每天都特别厌恶读新闻的怪兽。 “这些天外面太疯狂了。 有这么多犯罪,有这么多怪兽在屠龙……太可怕了,最主要的是,没有人在这么做时,还能保持有型!” 他有自己的屠龙理念。 他有远见,但缺乏力量和工具。早在多年以前,他就已经组装好屠龙者套装,一直梦想着穿上它。 这套服装如...
范德肯船长是一名残暴的海盗,1720年至1799年之间,他统治着几大海域。 他的附体技能不但名声在外,还令人恐惧。 在他最著名的一场战斗中,他击沉了安东·阿昆的船。 范德肯有个女儿,也是著名的海盗,叫做阿尔维德司令。 阿尔维德和她父亲一样残暴,即便是在1815年去世...
纳奥布琪在怪兽传奇中是以力量而著称的,但她自己却已被困在一个黑洞中多年了。 如今,她成功控制住了自己的处境并在全息投影仪的帮助下参与战斗。然而,现在这台全息投影仪居然被偷走了! 邪恶的魔爪偷走了这台机器并将投影出了一头新的纳奥布琪,即她那扭曲的双胞胎,阿库诺布琪。 阿库诺布琪是一...
一段时间以来,死灵法师一直想建立自己的暗黑魔法学校,摆脱严格的道德束缚,开展他渴望已久的史诗级试验。 他已经有了周密的考量。 他甚至找到了建造学校的合适地点:一座古老城堡的废墟,位于海边陡峭的悬崖之上。 他在检查废墟的时候,在灌木丛后面发现一盏旧灯。 显而易见,这是一盏非常宝贵的...
加迪戈神话是关于一个贪婪恶魔的故事,几个世纪前,他通过一条通往地球表面的隧道逃离了地狱,在地面上他可以肆意吞食活物的灵魂。 但是,在他即将抵达地面之时,却被困住并因此死去,就这样埋在了一层砂石之下。 并没有多少怪兽相信加迪戈的存在,但是维克多博士怀疑加迪戈确实曾经存在过一段时间。...
克里维亚一直统治着光系王国的植物园,但在维斯派出现之后,这位具有重度攻击技能和特性禁用能力的怪兽令克里维亚相形见绌,感到被冷落。 他整日闷闷不乐——甚至不想成为最强的怪兽,他只是想统治植物园! 只有比维斯派更强大的虫子来到植物园才能把他比下去……然后,有一天,一颗宝石从光系城堡中...
复活节就要到了,瓦兹博士认为现在是时候启动自己的邪恶计划了。 他想要打造一支听命于自己的怪兽大军,然后将它们派往世界的各个角落。 但它们到底会不会服从他? 而博士又将如何使用这些怪兽? 好吧,他已经找到了这两个问题的答案。他发现,通过使用神话琥珀的力量,他就能创造并控制邪恶的怪兽...
在野鸟被祖诺比亚抛弃之后,他开始了新的生活 - 为正义而战,帮助那些最弱小的人。 唯一还折磨着他的就只有孤独了。 每个被他帮助并拯救的人都非常感激,但到最后,他还是继续着自己那孤独的生活。 一天,在他帮助萨伊卡扑灭小屋的火之后,萨伊卡感谢了他,并说:“我能看到你最为深切的渴望,让...
普利索拉的人们将他们的疯王科鲁图斯罢免并关了起来,但最后疯王还是逃跑了,人们自此便失去了统治者并遭到了大麻烦。 他们的临近城邦知道普利索拉是个非常富有的王国,所以便利用了这次危机并发起了攻击。普利索拉的人们向战争大师埃尔维拉,也就是天使的首领发去了紧急信号。 她承认这些人民的公正...
芭芭雅嘎当时正安静地在小屋里料理她的药剂,然后就听到了外面两只怪兽相互间的吼叫声。 她前往查看,但却只看到了范比拉,在她的前院里哭泣。 芭芭雅嘎轻声问她到底发生了什么事,范比拉回答说“叫莫尔特去死吧。 我绝对不想再看到他了”,说着她就把手指上的一枚漂亮戒指拿了下来。 在她冷静下来...
蒙特祖玛帝王已陷入困境多年。 多亏了他忠实的仆人伊邪那美,他才能保住自己的王位,但是,他的时日已经不多了。 有一位谦卑的农民叫奎亚尔克罗克,他听说蒙特祖玛在自己的宝藏室内藏了一种非常特殊的饰品——一块巨大而且闪闪发亮的神话琥珀宝石。 在反叛的萨满们帮助下,他设法潜入了宝藏室,偷走...
战争大师埃尔维拉和她的天使军团派遣了厄尔德前往帮助普利索拉的市民们,他们正在遭到临近城市的围攻。 在那之后,普利索拉便开始扭转战局并击退他们的敌人。 然而,埃尔维拉的这一行为引起了一些地狱存在的不满 - 恶魔们认为天堂不应该牵涉到凡间的争端之中。 他们亲自夺取了厄尔德并决定平衡战...
武者之道,是一条孤独的路。 香里比任何人都了解这一点,因为在她为了追求梦想离开家和家人时,她还只是一个小女孩。 尽管她已经离家多时,她依然把对家的记忆深埋在心里。 所以,当她在一次旅行中看到犰狳朝着她走来时,想起了父亲给她讲过的一个故事:有个叫做铠的犰狳欺骗了很多孤独的旅行者,她...
布莱兹是沃兹博士所创造的忠心仆从。 他不仅帮忙处理实验室的事务,还是博士最为疯狂和残酷实验的小白鼠。 这样的遭遇使得布莱兹韧性非常,尽管他外表看上去非常的脆弱。 布莱兹还负责将博士的创造物交给奎力克,后者将这些东西伪装成龙蛋,散播到了全世界。 沃兹的大军将很快形成规模且不可阻挡!...
维克多博士是独生子。 正因如此,他把所有的时间都花在了研究科技包上面。 在10岁的时候,他问父母要了一个新的显微镜,不过,他的父母却给了他一块琥珀。他们告诉他:“你最想要的东西是什么? 拿好它然后仔细看。 然后梦想就会成真。” 这份礼物使小维克多改变了主意。 他有比显微镜更加想要...
三大冒险家之一的阿莫里,已经病了好几个月的时间了。 德鲁伊告诉他说,他们能用一种药剂来治好他的病,但为了准备这种药剂,他们需要一种只能在森林那黑暗的隐藏角落才能找到的药草。 阿莫里的朋友们,拉比西和福瑞斯·罗宾立即决定前往寻找并带回那种药草。正当两位朋友不断朝森林前...
在沃兹博士小时候,他的父母曾带着他和他的兄弟维克多去看了一场魔术表演。 维克多当时看得非常开心,但沃兹却非常讨厌这些表演。 这些戏法根本没有任何逻辑和科学依据可言,那些愚蠢的高帽魔术师所穿的衣服里甚至还藏着更加愚蠢的东西。 沃兹完全没法忍受这些东西,长大之后,他就希望能把这些记忆...
南丁格尔一直都想成为一名超级英雄 - 为反派们带来恐惧并受到其他英雄们的肯定。 她非常有才能同时也很坚定,但却缺少一样东西,那就是其标志性的超能力! 于是她想:“我只是需要一个契机,只要来一点点魔法力量我就能迈出那一步。 为了能成为超级英雄,我可以不惜一切。” 超级反派的大头目玛...
在奎亚尔克罗克夺取阿兹特克的王座之后,每个人都以为老君主会永远离开他们,但蒙特祖玛的王权已经持续了数个世纪,他是不可能轻易放手的。 他在袖中还藏了一手。 他正是把这唯一一颗宝石藏在了袖中并带去了流放之地 — 虽然只有这一颗宝石,但这却是他唯一需要的那颗。 他前往了帝国的边陲。 那...
在他的学生罗西欧科离开自己之后,气迫决定要好好盯住他的下个弟子,但他并没有招新学生,而是用了一块旧圣骨并将其打碎,取出了其核心中的一块琥珀。 他使用这块琥珀创造出了他专属的完美弟子。 诺亚就这么诞生了,她具有爬虫类动物的敏捷和天性。 然而再一次,气迫还是觉得她是一件失败的作品,因...
卡洛曾是一只生活在光之王国植物园的小小萤火虫。 在吸收了月光之后,他成长为了一只聪明的小虫子。总是希望能看看植物园之外的世界。 他也想参与王庭的事务。 在一个满月的夜晚,他信心满满地进入了城堡并试图与戴伦国王的顾问进行交流。 但根本没人拿他当一回事。 大部分怪兽甚至都没能看见他。...
在皇后塔拉萨重掌王权之后,她将自己的女儿忒提斯和她的朋友们置于严密的监视之下,严防他们发起新的叛乱。 她知道这并不是什么长久之计,但她也不希望他们逃离自己的掌控。 所以,当忒提斯和她的人消失之后,塔拉萨意识到她不该小看自己的女儿,而且,自己也不能抛弃水域的王权去亲自寻找他们。于是...
这只怪兽曾是尼尚特军队中的一名掘墓者。 他受命在掩埋尸体前取走所有死者身上的财物,并将其交给他的将军。 然而有一天,他看见了一件琥珀挂件,这件饰品深深吸引住了他,于是他给就自己留了下来。 尼尚特将军发现后便以极端的方式质问并羞辱这名掘墓者,这使得他拒绝交还这件挂饰。 由此,他便失...
金属纽带,这支由梅特尔丽莎、凯托儿以及金属头颅所组成的乐队,在所有成员都卷入一场舞台混战后便中断了演出,他们最后还烧毁了原本用来演出的场地。 多年来,凯托儿用了各种方法来撮合梅特尔丽莎和金属头颅,但他们的矛盾却已到了不可调和的地步。 由于自己和梅特尔丽莎走得较近,凯托儿尝试用一份...
辐射能以神秘的方式发挥作用。 当赫尔·海德中士那被埋藏在核废料中数年的尸体被唤醒成为丧尸之后,马利海尔森博士便决定对辐射进行深入的研究。 他取来了一片神话琥珀并将其埋在高放射性的废料中,认为它会立即生成一种可供自己使用的超自然物质,然而什么都没有发生。 他非常失望,...
风暴彼尔德总是不停地做非常奇怪的噩梦。 在梦里,他的船员们把他抛弃在了一座沙漠岛屿之上,让他独自面对一只叫做厄坎的恐怖生物,这只生物总是不停地跟在自己身后。 这只生物愿意提供帮助,但每次风暴彼尔德回头,他就会看见它那可怕的模样,恐惧使他不敢靠近,反而开始逃跑起来。 每到那个时候他...
斯瓦特曾是一名法师,一名比赛中的专家。 他曾和自己的家人拥有一段快乐的生活。 他经常用滑稽的动作把自己的女儿逗得大笑,但在一天晚上,他带着一张被烧焦的脸回了家。 一场战斗出了可怕的问题,永远地毁了他。 斯瓦特堕入了无尽的痛苦之中,但真正毁掉他一生的,却是自己的女儿再也没法和他一起...
代达罗斯曾是Monster Legends世界中最好的艺术家之一。 他非常享受这种无比的认同感,而且浮岛周围一些最棒的雕像也显然都出自他的手笔。 正因为如此,当龙联盟开放其总部的时候,他们便要求代达罗斯,用一件被他们击败的敌人骨架来打造一个雕像,作为总部的入口落成装饰。 艺术家非...
金属乐队在格拉姆海德加入之后再次震撼复出了。 他们开始了世界巡演,在一个激动人心的夜晚,他们的表演到达了顶点。 格拉姆海德被自己的绝佳表现冲昏了头,在一首歌结束后,居然把自己的吉他砸进了舞台地面……然后事情就发生了。 他砸出了一个洞,然后一只神话生物就出现了,就像是一位从摇滚地狱...
你还记得那只名叫阿瓦里提亚的恐怖小怪兽吗? 阿瓦里提亚对于一切的贪婪皆始于黄金。 他开始收集黄金且不愿和任何人分享,但接着,他就演变成了要囤积所有闪闪发光的东西 - 不仅仅是黄金,而且还有宝石和神话琥珀。 他几乎不知道,累积如此多的琥珀反而会砸了自己的脚。 一天夜里,正当阿瓦里提...
在战争大师扎赫拉粉碎其革命之后,纳迪埃尔在红色森林里就没有多少朋友或盟友了。 随着时间的推移,他便开始感到孤独且变得偏执。 他没有任何人可以交谈,所以他就杜撰出了一个虚幻之友,名叫特莱莫。 纳迪埃尔和特莱莫对森林的未来展开了激烈的讨论,叫纳迪埃尔失望的是,特莱莫总能在那些辩论中赢...
怪物马戏团的明星,赫拉克勒斯似乎正在慢慢式微。 大家都知道他的单人表演,比如举重还有那充满感情的歌剧演唱,而他现在却苦于寻找新的方式来满足自己的观众们。 他尝试用茶花女来换掉塞维利亚的理发师,但那之后,他就有点江郎才尽了。 显然,他不得不承认自己已经没法单独扛起整场表演了,所以他...
格鲁布曾是一名专门研究外太空生物的博士。 他为自己最有野心的研究项目抓捕了一只苏利文,意图研究这头迷人生物的行为。 然而,他不该这么不小心,因为他最终居然被自己的实验体给算计了。 苏利文抓住了格鲁布,吃掉了他的脑子并用另一个在博士实验室所发现的大脑替换了上去。他却不知道,这个大脑...
格罗布拉什是宇宙之咒的军械工人,也最为著名的宇宙海盗之一。 他的家人也都从事海盗生涯,不过是真正的“海”盗。 格罗布拉什的父亲库勒斯蒂同样也是一名海盗。 他在多年前就消失在了海上,但最近却发生了一些事情。 科波贝尔德船长和他的船员们在登上一艘敌方飞船的时候,看到格罗布拉什被从上面...
布莱兹是沃兹博士最疯狂也最残酷实验的小白鼠。 然而,在最近的一次研究中,沃兹却做了一件有点不同的事情。 他并没有在自己的仆从身上做试验,反而是决定对其进行克隆和进化,使其成为一只全新的生物。 了解布雷辛格 - 这是一件可使他不必亲手折磨敌人的神器。 博士的那个创造一支邪恶军团的计...
隆纳德,外号“太空收集者”,是外太空博物馆的负责人,那里存放着最为迷人的太空生物以供大众进行参观。 隆纳德的收藏来之不易,因为这些生物可能隐藏在宇宙的各个角落,而且他们也不可能甘愿待在这个如同监牢的博物馆里。 隆纳德都是亲自寻找并抓捕这些博物馆里的外星生物的,因此你可以想象,他在...
齐利达尔和她的朋友们多年来一直都处在威胁之下且情况还在不断恶化,因此她便动用了自己的秘密手段。 她召唤了原始守卫瓦斯塔斯,从而带领他们安全通过这段太空之旅。然而,这可能是一步臭棋,因为瓦斯塔斯的出现大大吸引了一名生物收藏家,隆纳德的注意,他觉得自己要是能抓住瓦斯塔斯,那么后者就会...
伊格尼斯的工作是为巴巴托斯的犯人们打造锁链。 一天,正当他在工作的时候,他不小心听到了从工场墙壁另一边传来的对话。 巴巴托斯正要求副官将一批星屑货物,藏匿在他所掌控的一座传送门内。 伊格尼斯立即意识到这个消息可是其获得力量的最好机会。 数天之后,他趁着巴巴托斯毫无准备,告诉了他自...
卡文费什曾是一只被抛弃的年轻怪兽,直到它被哈迪船长收为麾下,成为了一名船员。船长教给了它所有在海上生存所需要的知识 - 甚至是一些哈迪不该外传的手段,因为卡文费什居然用这些手段反过来对付船长自己!卡文费什组织了一场叛乱,并将哈迪从他自己的船上给扔了下去,让他在海里自生自灭。 之后...
出生在地下世界是非常罕见的事情,因为这种地方是生命最后的归宿而非家乡。可一旦和魔法元素扯上关系,那么一切就都有可能了。 当遥远的星球爆炸时,其产生的星屑填满了怪兽传奇宇宙的各个角落并打开了数千个传送门。 在一些地区,天上落下的星屑实在太多了,以至于都渗透进了大地的缝隙之中,进入了...
千年之前,这只外星巨虫从一个星球穿梭到另一个星球,以星球上居民的能量为食。但在它到达Monster Legends世界的时候,它居然坠毁在了最为寒冷的地区,只有克里欧坦欧鲁斯才能忍受那里的低温。 就这样,斯拉格佐伊德被冻住了,而这也是他得以幸存直到星屑之雨落在Monster Le...
瓦诺斯和他的伙伴们被敌人包围在了一座地堡之内。 他们寡不敌众且完全不是敌人的对手。正在他们一筹莫展之时,瓦诺斯想到了一个最为疯狂的办法。 他使用在地堡内发现的零碎材料制造了一个机器人,然后把自己的一些细胞也放进了机器人的身体中。 在一张纸上,他写上了当天的日期,然后将它藏在了机器...
当古艾尔谷伊看到那场宇宙之雨的时候,她竟然将闪耀的星屑当成了流星雨。 在这场雨落下的前几天,她获得了一次神启,她在里面预知到了黑暗的时代,因此她看着明亮的天空并许下了愿望: 她祈求能迎来一位守护者,认为那些落下的群星能为她带来一个比任何掠食者都更强大更恐怖的灵魂。 然而,星屑的功...
迭戈曾是一位小天使,作为一名天国生物,其预想的唯一任务便是散播爱情和欢乐。 然而,在很小的时候他便看到了战争大师埃尔维拉和天使军团以正义之名所展开的战斗。而他所希望的便是成为一名天国圣骑士。 不论埃尔维拉和巴别尔告诉他多少次,这并非他的任务,而且他这么想也是在白日做梦,迭戈还是把...
外号“宇宙医生”的阿特洛克斯穿过传送门来到了Monster Legends的宇宙并带来了无数未知疾病的治疗方法,但他同时也带来了警告: 神话星屑一旦使用失当,便会造成新的疾病,甚至是死亡。 幸好,阿特洛克斯已经来到了这里开始帮助怪兽们! 阿特洛克斯是一只魔系控制型怪兽,可对敌人施...
去见见太阳冲击的小兄弟吧!他更小,也更年轻。 太阳冲击和火焰风暴之前曾是朋友,而太阳耀斑也经常都看他们进行训练。 他非常希望能打败自己的兄弟并成为火焰风暴的首席弟子。 然而,在火焰风暴和太阳冲击闹掰之后,太阳耀斑便忘记了和自己兄弟竞争以获得火焰风暴肯定的事情,而是发誓要击败这名耀...
塔博拉在宇宙之雨不久后便来到了沼泽。 她告诉威卡说自己是受群星的指引而来,且自己可以帮助森林区域的居民们。 他们接受了她的提议,让她作为玛德弗洛的德鲁伊助手并开始了其持续好几个月的工作,但她却有一些事情并未言明。 她问了大量有关森林首领的事情,而且似乎还隐藏了自己真正的力量。 为...
克里维亚和阿尔法克里维亚斯特明白,成为杀手植物是不足以在这个宇宙时代中生存下去的。 正是因为这个原因,他们释放了自己的孢子并将其与星屑之雨进行混合。 如今,一个全新的生物已经诞生在了花园之中。 他的名字就是克拉斯特,同时也是一株带有防卫器官的杀手植物! 他已成为了宇宙植物的引领者...
传奇恶棍们一直都在寻找一名宇宙盟友从而帮助他们再次扭转战局。而似乎他们终于找到了一个。 鳞虫是一条可操弄时间,空间和传送门的神秘之龙。而恶棍们也逐渐意识到,其实传送门才是一切的关键。 也许鳞虫能帮助他们解决这个问题并终结宇宙时代? 鳞虫是一名快速支援型怪兽,可为盟友提供额外回合,...
亨里奇曾是一只友好的传奇怪兽,他周围的人都很喜欢他。 直到有一天,一个恶棍袭击了他的家并摧毁了他。 居住在附近的格鲁布在听到奇怪的噪声之后赶到了亨里奇的家,却只发现满地都是被打碎的亨里奇碎片。 他对邻居的遭遇感到非常伤心,决定将亨里奇的残骸带去自己的实验室。 在哪里,他将数据和残...
建造这台机器人是用来在战时运送情报与和平协定的。 一切都运作得非常完美,直到宇宙之雨落下,使这台机器人拥有了自己的灵智。 这头全新的生物意识到,他现在已拥有大量潜能,而且很快便厌倦了信使的工作。 于是,为了给自己的工作添加乐趣,他便开始篡改和平协定并向第三方售卖情报。在没有任何人...
加久矢正在执行一项军事刺探任务。 他伪装成了一名武士,从而混入了他们的社区。 如今,他的目的是要学习武士们所有的战术和秘法,然后将这些智慧全部带回自己位于宇宙传送门另一端的外星文明,并以此训练手下的士兵,粉碎来自相邻银河的敌对文明。加久矢是一名暗系攻击者,拥有额外回合技能。 他还...
塔拉萨皇后发现舍里偷走了自己的珍珠,而且后者多年来一直都在囤积各种从女妖和其他生物手上所获得的珠宝。于是皇后便将舍里装满了怪从她的水域中给放逐了出去。 从那时起,他便开始每天在海滩上徘徊,通过拾取闪耀的贝壳来排解自己对偷窃的渴望。 一天,他发现沙子中有什么东西,而且它不像是什么贝...
在还是婴儿的时候,依瓜纳泽便深深着迷于他的父亲海得娜提拉,但最让他着迷的还是那把闪电投手之锤。 成年之后,他要求父亲将自己训练成一名士兵,但在当时,水域却被笼罩在一片不确定的阴影之下。 作为战争大师以及皇后的塔拉萨已经失踪了多年,而她的女儿,忒提斯将军则成了一名糟糕的统治者。 海...
这只精灵通过宇宙传送门来到了这里,为所有怪兽带来恩赐与保护。 在怪兽幼崽掉落乳牙的时候,轻笑穆克尔便会趁它们睡着的时候收集那些牙齿。 她用这些牙齿来研究怪兽们的DNA,试图找到在怪兽们成长以及进入战斗期间保护它们的办法。 她甚至还会保护那些坏怪兽,因为她是在那些怪兽还在幼崽的时候...
精灵轻笑穆克尔和水泽仙女是一对青梅竹马的表姐妹,且都拥有一个光明的未来。 他们对水下的生物非常着迷,想在附近的湖旁进行观察,希望能监视一条鱼,那可是一条水生怪兽中的美人鱼! 在一个下午,一片奇怪且闪耀的海藻突然出现在了湖面上。 为了捅戳并对其进行观察,水泽仙女拿起了一根被放在地上...
每个夜晚,都来自于白天。 而每个善良的灵魂之中,也都蛰伏着邪恶的一面。 那便是Monster Legends宇宙的平衡法则。 而这也是那位野兽先生最终遇到自己那不凡一面的原因。 但还是有几个贪婪的怪兽还没遇到野兽先生,以及他那正义的怒火。 你知道他们会说什么; “不要太过贪婪,否...
这只宇宙之虫曾只是一只蟋蟀,虽然身体很小,但其好奇心却不是一般的大。 在厌倦了居住在其他怪兽后院的生活之后,他便开始了前往北域的冒险之旅。 在到达那里之后,他看到了位于遥远星空之中的宇宙星球,并决定追寻而去。 他迫使自己不断追寻那颗星球,远远超过了自己的极限,一度还曾冷得无法再继...
在梅特尔丽莎把金属头颅踢出后者自己所创立的乐队之后,他发誓要用自己唯一擅长的手段来惩罚她:那就是做出比她更好的音乐。但格拉姆海德的重复段确实是个麻烦。 乐队声音的质量是非常难以达到完美的 - 而金属头颅则对此深有体会。 因此,他选择了一条尽管狡猾,但却能创造出最好曲调的道路。 他...
死灵法师和巴巴托斯是一对宿敌。 由于死灵法师拥有复活技能,许多原本应该属于巴巴托斯领域的灵魂都一直与活人待在一起,于是巴巴托斯便以最恶毒的方式展开了报复: 他从生者的世界偷走了死灵法师的兄弟,死灵之光。 死灵法师想尽了各种办法要把死灵之光给找回来,但后者却被藏在了地狱的一处看守严...
里纳塔是一个位于遥远位面的犀牛战士部落的成员。 有一天她正在寻找宝石、水晶和陨石碎片。直到遇到了一座山丘。 山丘上的岩石表面似乎有点奇怪 - 里面似乎有一个洞,但却被一堵墙给围了起来,而墙上的岩石纹理也和山丘的其他地方有所不同。 里纳塔股足了劲道,冲向了那堵墙。 墙被撞碎了一点。...
在很长一段时间里,阿燃都是正义联盟的忠诚战士。 他全力以赴与邪恶军团的战斗,但这么多年后,他感到筋疲力尽。 他向他在天堂的好友寻求帮助,战争大师埃尔维拉给他一个神秘的信息。 “在宇宙之门的另一边遇见迭戈。” 他不明白她为什么要派他去那里,但他全心全意地相信她,并按指示去做。 他穿...
在经过了多年充满着冒险和聚会的自由时光之后,范比拉终于要回家了。 她准备成为蒙斯特尔维亚的领主并遵照其父母康特斯·法莉和康特·佛拉德的意愿,不过她要按照自己的方式来接受这项使命。 毕竟,她可还是个野孩子嘛! 她将居住在自己的城堡里,在那里她每周都会举办...
年轻的诺亚利安非常想要成为一名英雄。 他和莉里亚的格雷戈兹来自于同一个村庄,且他的最大愿望就是要成为下一个大冒险家从而让自己的邻居们都刮目相看。 他整天埋头苦读传说和神话,同时还照着镜子练习英雄的姿势。 在一个黑暗的夜晚,就像是无数个夜晚一样,正当他在挥舞自己木剑的时候,一束蓝色...
塔博拉在宇宙之雨落下不久后便来到了沼泽,提出想成为玛德弗洛的助手德鲁伊。 威卡和其他沼泽的居民感到非常奇怪,为什么一只宇宙怪兽会不远万里而来,只是为了得到这么一个卑微的职位。 在接纳她之后,塔博拉每天都非常努力工作,为玛德弗洛带来制作药剂所需要的材料,并最终获得了大家了信任。 但...
凯伊消除器在一段时间里一直都非常低调。 在他和达麦斯将军尝试点燃海佩瑞亚失败之后,他们便被关在了森林里好一段时间。 被释放之后,他意识到自己的实力不足,无法面对任何到达这个怪兽传奇宇宙角落的新神话怪兽。 所以,他放弃了自取其辱的想法,而是成为了地狱的一名守卫,确保每个人都能记住他...
由于实在是太幽深了,由远方星辰爆炸所产生的星屑并没有多少能到达海洋的底部。 大部分星屑都随风而去或直接漂浮在水面之上。 然而,有一块来自远方星辰爆炸的较重星屑却成功到达了海床,直接砸到了一只叫做斯帕尼的海星身上,而它当时则正安心地吃着海草。 他被这块星屑石头砸了个正着,他还以为是...
遥远星辰的爆炸所产生的星屑几乎覆盖了怪兽传奇世界的每个角落,当然也包括其最高的山峰! 这种魔法粉尘在欧鲁斯的岩石表面上堆积了厚厚的一层。 正因为如此,全新的宇宙欧鲁斯,也就是如今的奥斯米克便诞生了,且变得比以前更加的坚不可摧。 奥斯米克是一名土系肉盾,带有嘲讽和护盾技能,同时也拥...
瓦鲁纳在用灵魂交换其人生之后,便成了一个没有灵魂的海盗。 在那之后,他经历了无数战斗,但却从没获得一丝享受,他弄沉了卡文费什的船,但却一点也开心不起来。 他身边的每个人都在称颂他的光辉,除了他自己。 于是有一天,他正想在一夜的休息之后把船锚给收上来,但却发现船锚似乎是卡在了珊瑚礁...
光噩曾经居住在噩梦的位面。他会进入怪物们的潜意识中并释放出混乱,将他们的梦变成噩梦。 他创造出的紧张和恐惧,能让他享受到无比的存在感。 但一天,他进入了一只怪物宝宝的梦里并在其潜意识中搜寻所有能让她感到恐惧的东西,但却什么都没找到。 她反倒是很高兴能看到他这么一个访客来到自己的梦...
万圣节之夜对格雷琴来讲总是那么的忙碌。 她的一些最为致命药剂的配方明显标明了,只有在每年这个时候进行烹制,其魔法才能有效。 所以在万圣节,格雷琴便只能同时搅拌4个大锅,这时她便无暇关心自己的那只非常贪玩的猫了。 这只小猫试图在她的双脚间乱窜以吸引到她的注意,但格雷琴却不断地赶它离...
龙之殿堂里面摆满了雕像,皆为称颂在怪兽传奇宇宙千年历史中声名最为显赫之巨龙。 宇宙能量波为其中的一座雕像注入了生命之力:专为塔尔贡所树立的那座。 塔尔贡在几百年前曾是一头凶猛的巨龙。他经历过无数次战斗并摧毁了数不清了远古城市。 但说句实话,现在他并不乐意从自己的永恒长眠中重新回来...
萨麦尔曾是正义联盟的士兵。 他不但骁勇善战,而且判决公正。 但有一天一切都变了,尼尚特将军抓住了萨麦尔的弟弟伊斯麦尔,将他压得粉碎并转变为受诅咒的源质,然后从中汲取力量。 自那时起,萨麦尔开始执着于生死。 他沉迷于黑色魔法,并开始想方设法惩罚尼尚特将军,为他死去的弟弟复仇。 他与...
许多怪兽都穿过了宇宙传送门,但像火车这么大的机器却从来都没有过! 你可能会觉得这不是很酷的一件事吗,但你这么想就错了。 驱动这列火车的是蒸汽之怒,她和巴巴托斯做了笔交易。 她的这列火车,即幽灵快递的乘客,都是一些来自传送门另一边的失落灵魂,她将直接把他们带去地狱,然后这些灵魂就会...
多年来,礼物都会通过齐曼尼的身体,但其中却没有一份是送给他的。 每到圣诞节,他都会看到各种各样的小怪兽圣骨和符文。 要是能收到一包香煤或者一些高级柴火就好了,对吧? 那就是齐曼尼会开始在每年给自己偷一两份礼物的原因了。这是属于他自己的小小保留节目。 不过今年,他似乎是中了大奖。他...
全新任务怪兽:Ophiuchus the Zodiac
星座怪兽们对宇宙能量拥有一种非常特别的联系。 维特尔、生辉、蜜思特丽和帕西昂一直都在努力指引星屑之潮散布到怪兽传奇世界的各个区域。 然而奥夫捷斯,却选择将这些星屑潮引向他自己。 千年之前,他试图颠覆自己的命运,从而被众神惩罚,降级成了一只二等星座怪兽。 那么,他会不会因此以一种新...
全新传说怪兽:Krampus the Killjoy
世界狂欢?即使是坎卜斯都忍耐不住。这只恶魔喜欢圣诞是因为,一年当中折磨怪兽宝宝们的最好时候到了。 当他们正期待熊猫克劳斯或圣塔里恩到来的时候,从栖息地烟囱里钻下来的居然是他……噢,他们的表情可太好看了。 更别提他还享用了一小袋星屑了,坎卜斯已经等不及看他们的反应了。Krampus...
罗迪从小便生活在一个充满暴风的无树平原,那里被当做坦佩斯特和乌里亚将军的运动场,他们曾在那里举行小型的比赛,互相投掷雷霆。于是,被胡乱飞舞的雷霆之矛击中便成了她的家常便饭。 一天,她正因为坦佩斯特和乌里亚的比赛余波而焦头烂额,突然就被从天而降的一个东西砸中了 - 那是一大块星屑石...
那是一个美好的冬季早晨,大雪覆盖了怪兽传奇的自由大地,每个人都堆起了雪人并装饰了圣诞树。 一头怪兽宝宝正在寻找树枝来当作她雪人的手臂,这时她看到了一个蓝色的发光物体。 “爸爸,那是什么?”,她问道,带着他的父亲走向了那个东西。 “我不知道,宝贝,但维克多医生就住在附近,这可能是他...
这个可怜的家伙总是因为外表而遭到嘲笑,但他在很小的时候就意识到,他因为被嘲笑而感到的挫折感反而能使他对电流拥有极端的敏锐感觉,因此他能非常容易地感知猎物并进行猎杀。 后来在一次狩猎中,他感觉到了某种不同的存在,这显然不是什么可以狩猎的怪兽,反而更像是一种吸引人的力量。 在接近之后...
在一段时间前,由齐利达尔和瓦斯塔斯所带领的地球守护者们,揭露了邪恶的危险博士针对大自然的犯罪行为。 之后,博士实验室便失去了所有客户 - 没有任何人想要和他产生任何的瓜葛。 他一心只想羞辱那些守护者们,但在瓦斯塔斯的威严之下,他必需在行动前仔细谋划才行。 当一块星屑掉在博士手里的...
在一个满月之夜,一支由三条狼所组成的狼群跨过了宇宙传送门进入了怪兽传奇的世界。 最为年长也最具智慧的捣碎大师,是另外两头狼的父亲,它们是年幼的野孩子鲁破奴多,以及长的姐姐尤里卡,她同时也是三条狼当中最为嗜血的那头。 她几乎负责了所有的杀戮工作,但她也并没有别的选择。 尤里卡是一名...
在一个满月之夜,一支由三条狼所组成的狼群跨过了宇宙传送门进入了怪兽传奇的世界。 最为年长也最具智慧的捣碎大师,是另外两头狼:尤里卡和鲁破奴多的父亲。 鲁破奴多在绝大多数时候都非常顽皮。他虽然让父亲和姐姐非常头疼,但在残酷的战斗时刻,他都能成为全家人团结一致的纽带,使大家能在下一场...
拉泽尔比姆曾是一名天生的赢家,但他意识到宇宙怪兽们已经成为了自己的劲敌。 为了维持自己作为战争大师谢瑞萨尔头号大逃杀选手的地位,他跨过宇宙传送门前往了未知世界。 任何人面对这些无尽的子传送门和隧道都会发疯,但拉泽尔比姆却并未受到影响。 他成功找到了前往2099年的通道,他看见了大...
月明是一位贤明的先知,她预言到了宇宙传送门的开启,并在指引诸如轻笑穆克尔和柯达这样的生物进入怪兽传奇世界方面扮演了重要角色。 最初,她并不打算亲自跨过宇宙传送门,但她最终还是为了传达一个警告而进入了传送门:那就是来自过去的黑暗势力将很快利用传送门的力量。 月明是一名支援型怪兽,可...
气迫在战斗凭空召唤出了一头巨大的龙并以此击败了自己最大的敌人。 被击败的一方就是并克森,他是一名火系战士,想要用火焰净化怪兽们的灵魂。 在失败之后,他便只能离开气迫的领地,没人知道他去了哪里,但他可不会轻易接受这份耻辱。 并克森的回归并不出人意料,那时候,他的老对手也会做好迎战的...
胜子曾一度在相扑学院中处于最弱的位置。 他一直都以富含油脂的鱼肉和牛奶作为日常饮食,但却根本没有任何效果。 他的身体很强壮,但却没有鹤立鸡群,这是因为他的老师及川,每天都在折磨着他,还在全班面前嘲笑他。 胜子终于坚持不住了,他决定逃出学院。 他试图从一个位于围墙下方的小洞里出去,...
雷塔利斯曾是一名先知,但他却被陷害,国王不喜欢他的预言,因此就杀死了他。 然而,由于死亡的命运并不属于他,雷塔利斯在另一个世界向死灵法师和死灵之光发出了信息。 这些无处不在的信号不断折磨着死灵之光,他只能使用自己血液内的星屑将雷塔利斯从亡者世界给带了回来。 先知回到了现实世界病准...
当宇宙爆炸发生之时,它所造成的潮汐对海洋引起了前所未有的震动。 无数的船只沉没,但大漩涡同时也将那些被遗忘在海底海藻、生物以及碎片之间的失落船骸拉了出来。 卡拉美迪克,拥有一颗仁慈的心且一直都在附近忙着协助老肥皂山姆的差事,用他的治疗之力来帮助那些受伤的水下怪兽,但他却被一场水龙...
全新怪兽:The Hacksmith
当The Hacksmith穿过宇宙传送门的时候,他的惊人护甲和才能引起了战争大师瑞门塔尔关注。 瑞门塔尔正在寻找能为他的锻炉带来全新武器风格的人,而亥克史密斯则是一位异域武器专家,而且他也正好在寻找导师,这可真是太巧了! 现在瑞门塔尔的锻造可以说是已经完全具备了宇宙之力。 Th...
圣塔里恩和桑德尔在一年的这个时候都非常忙碌,甚至都已经要应付不过来了。 在宇宙大爆炸发生之后,许多怪兽都来到或者诞生在了怪兽传奇的世界,导致这两只怪兽都来不及为这么多的怪兽准备礼物。 正因为如此,桑德尔联系了英杰尼卡,正是她在之前为前者打造了圣塔里恩,所以他知道英杰尼卡一定能想到...
光噩曾经居住在噩梦的位面。他会进入怪物们的潜意识中并释放出混乱,将他们的梦变成噩梦。 他创造出的紧张和恐惧,能让他享受到无比的存在感。 但一天,他进入了一只怪物宝宝的梦里并在其潜意识中搜寻所有能让她感到恐惧的东西,但却什么都没找到。 她反倒是很高兴能看到他这么一个访客来到自己的梦...
在一个满月之夜,一支由三条狼所组成的狼群跨过了宇宙传送门进入了怪兽传奇的世界。 其中最年长也是最具智慧的捣碎大师,发现了宇宙传送门并指引他的女儿和儿子穿越了过去,以满足他们对鲜血的渴望。 当时,他们所居住的宇宙森林已被废弃,而他们则是其中唯一的幸存者。 所有其它怪兽不是已经被他们...
当克里欧坦沐浴在星屑之雨中的时候,其结晶化的效果引发了山崩。 山崩随后又引发了地震,这让克里欧坦失去了很大一部分的岩石表面。作为交换,它获得了全新的闪亮星屑层并成了他身体的一部分。这同时还为它提供了全新的形态。 来见见克里欧利爪,克里欧坦的全新宇宙形态。 克里欧利爪是一名水系超级...
鲁斯特维恩花费了半生的时间来逃离尤里卡,后者一直都想把他当作早饭吃掉。不过现在事情可就不同了。 他得到了一件很棒的盔甲,还穿过了宇宙传送门来直面他的三个敌人!昔日的猎物莫非要变成猎人了吗? 鲁斯特维恩是一名区域闪避土系支援型怪兽。 他能恢复其盟友的冷却时间并为他们提供体力再生,或...
沃兹博士的实验室坐落在一座山的洞穴中,大部分时间这里都没人打扰,所以成了他最棒的实验场所,但这个冬天的情况却一直很糟。 他感觉自己根本没办法控制自己实验室的环境,所以,为了解决这个问题,他便创造了破碎机器人,这是一台装有宇宙核心,被设计用来当作卫星使用同时还能进行防御的神器。 只...
当怪兽们谈及Ordo Drakkonis的时候,他们指的通常都是微莎马和纳罕,还总会遗忘组织的第三位成员:德拉缇斯。 这头特别的巨龙曾是个法师,但却是个糟糕的法师。他曾经非常弱小,事实上,他有一次还被自己所施展的法术给击中了,结果被变成了一只螳螂。 他没能恢复自己原来的形态。相反...
范德肯和阿尔维德司令之间存在着一种奇怪的父女关系。 当她的父亲死后,阿尔维德便对其表示哀悼并表达了敬意,可当他作为神话一头神话怪兽回归时,她却并不怎么想要见到他。 他偷走了她的雷霆,使后者没办法再像以前那样行动,因此她便决定证明自己并给这老头看看,现在家里到底谁说了算。 在范德肯...
荒地总是处于纷争之中。 这次,男爵夫人和碎片战士正在争夺一块星屑岩石,碎片战士首先发现了这块星屑,但根据男爵夫人的说法,在荒地中的任何东西都是属于她的。 双方的争夺逐渐升温,他们都没能获得这块星屑岩石,反而让这块石头飞走并落在了一个垃圾场里,同时还造成了一场地震。 垃圾场管理员成...
当维克多博士创造出邦贝塔之后,他并没考虑到操纵后的星屑在被送回传送门之后所带来的影响。 结果,这只生物产生了某些意料之外的邪恶特性。 此时,维克多博士便进行了更多的复杂计算,而L1ght,作为邦贝塔的重制品,变得更加纯粹有用,并对需要光明的怪兽们变得更加忠诚。 L1ght是一名光...
海盗给大家的感觉一般都不怎么聪明,他们通常都非常冲动且易怒,可安东•阿昆却不是这么回事! 在宇宙传送门出现之后,他便决定下锚并在一个小岛上退休。在这里,他将弄明白该如何重获为大海奋战的精髓。 而他最后做到了:他意识到自己能用触手来吸收漂浮在海上的残余星屑。 这件事情可不简单,但在...
巨龙联盟的成员决定创建他们自己的最高机构,即Ordo Drakkonis。 如果纳罕是Ordo Drakkonis的大脑,那么微莎马便是肌肉,他负责监管巨龙联盟并促使他们不断创造历史。 微莎马是一头暗系支援型怪兽,可对盟友施加多种伤害强化效果,并对敌人施展多种弱点效果。 他具备不...
全新怪兽:The Dooo
战争大师巴别尔需要有人来提升其部队的士气,所以他便派出了一支探险队穿过宇宙传送门,这样他们便能为自己带来他正在寻找的怪兽:The Dooo。 这位吟游诗人拥有一种能力,只要弹弹吉他就可强化所有前线士兵的力量和凶猛程度,不凡的怪兽还真有不凡的能力啊! The Dooo是一名不可控制...
当伏泰克还在怪兽学校的时候,曾有个高年级的家伙拥有他心目中的一切特质:聪明、强壮而且比任何人都要快。他的名字就是泰沙地。 这个雷系小子便开始跟在他身边,很快两人就熟络起来。 泰沙地教了他大量技能并为其制定了目标,一点一点地把伏泰克变成了一名在战斗中可靠的伙伴。 然而,伏泰克的耐心...
Ordo Drakkonis马拉松的全新怪兽:纳罕
巨龙联盟的成员决定创建他们自己的最高机构,Ordo Drakkonis,并开放他们自己的图书馆。 他们觉得怪兽图书馆的那一本书还不足以体现数千年来的光荣与历史。 他们还从宇宙传送门另一边招募了一名非常特别的图书管理员。她的名字叫做纳罕,而她很愿意成为一名图书管理员大师以及一名Or...
就在黏土被挖出来并覆盖整个森林区域的那天晚上,一件不同寻常的事情发生了。 黏土恰好接触到了一块被埋在后花园的神话琥珀。 “那块琥珀为什么会被埋在那里?”,你也许会这么想。 曾经在冒险者村庄里有一个年轻的怪兽,他的母亲在他窗前埋了一点琥珀石,为的是保护他。 神话琥珀一直保护着他,但...
当腐化之潮堵住宇宙传送门的时候,Igoribuki便被困在了两个维度之间的区域。 他在各种比赛中都非常强大,因此他一直往返于各个竞技场。 有关他事故的消息吓住了所有认识他的人,但他们却一点也害怕: Igoribuki是个聪明的家伙,而且还会书里的所有把戏。 他还记得纳奥布琪也在多...
在一切都变得漆黑一片后,Dream曾穿越多个维度追踪口袋妖怪。 然而那时他们并不知道,在Monster Legends宇宙的某处,有人刚刚关闭了宇宙传送门,这一举动改变了游戏中每个人的命运。 而在那一刻,Dream被困在了两个维度之间的区域。 能量波腐化了他的DNA,使他进入了B...
非叶美林娜以及那个即将成神的存在一直都是很好的朋友。 然而,他总是渴望力量并拥抱邪恶,而她却总能展示出自己光明的一面并具有正义感,心存善良。 当那个存在终结宇宙时代的时候,他失去了自己的圣物,这可是组成其整个身躯的东西。 他以“主人”自居,但他却需要有一个自己信任的人来取回圣物,...
全新的黄金通行证怪兽:Sensei Pandaken
费马里斯曾试图使用“主人”所赐予的腐化之根来腐化熊达肯、Master Rat以及Wing-Su并把他们转化为邪恶化身,但结果却产生了意料之外的效果。 这三个朋友的内心是善良的,因此当她转化他们的时候,她反而是剥离了每只怪兽内心所残留的邪恶并让他们变成了纯净的存在。 现在,这只熊猫...
全新的智慧圣域马拉松怪兽:Master Rat
一直以来,Master Rat身上都有点书呆子气。 他并没有很多朋友,但他却曾有两位密友:熊达肯和Wing-Su。 拜“主人”所赐得,费马里斯到了腐化之根,她想将熊达肯、Wing-Su以及Master Rat三人腐化,但最终却失败了。 这些朋友的内心是善良的,因此当她转化他们的时...
米诺斯居住在代达罗斯那不可思议的迷宫当中。 传言说他被困在此处,但事实上,米诺斯是完全知道该怎么出入这个迷宫的。 他很享受击败那些想要拿他的首级当作战利品的自大骑士。 然而,其中的一名骑士最终还是杀死了米诺斯,并将他的尸体埋葬在了红色森林之中。 多年之后,这头巨兽早已被人遗忘,但...
黏土爆发后,森林中心一团乱。到处都是泥土,很多树木都倒了,很多怪物也失去了栖息地。 战争大师扎赫拉觉得自己对这场灾难负有责任,因为自己没能阻止入侵者。但在和他一番打斗过后,她也受了重伤,没有心情去领导所有要完成的工作。 幸运的是,上古森林精灵一直在守护着这里的居民。 内核皮普就是...
波利诺特的工作就是要确保没有任何人能阻挡腐化的脚步。 任何纯粹怪兽在他面前都只是凡人而已。 他可能是不太聪明,但他那直接动手绝不多问的风格倒是让他成了主人的完美盟友。 波利诺特是一名魔系肉盾,可同时对自身进行治疗并恢复50%的体力,并加倍其最大生命值,或在对单名敌人造成伤害的同时...
云苏一直都是一只勇敢的小鸟,但当费马里斯对他进行腐化之后,她便成为了一只勇敢的大鸟! 她曾计划将云苏收入其主人的黑暗灵魂大军之中,但她却没意识到,云苏心里已经不存在任何黑暗之力了! 他现在已经成为了一只纯粹怪兽,将为阻止费马里斯和其主人而战斗。 云苏是一名水系攻击者,带有额外回合...
在黏土爆发之后,森林的中心便陷入一团混乱。 在内核皮普开始带领重建的同时,还需要有人来照料森林中的数千居民。大量居民已经无家可归,同时也有大量的居民被这场灾难给吓坏了。 内瑞伊达尽全力为每个人提供帮助,但她已经快要累坏了,所以最后,她只能前往寻求一位森林长老的帮助:丽费林。 在内...
在幼年时,这只怪兽还称不上是一名战士。 他阅读了大量书籍并知晓了各种文化,他还很喜欢研究历史。 因此当他的部落和河对岸的部落围绕着这条河的归属权,从而爆发战争的时候,他便成了一名调停者。 他非常聪明而又善辩,而且他很快便获得了敌对部落首领的尊敬。 不知为何,他竟成为了他们的朋友。...
喵女士在光之王国中的生活非常惬意。 她的母亲是戴伦国王和露西安王后的军师,且其家族的社会地位也曾属于最高阶级。 她有最好的衣着,接受最好的教育,但每天,当太阳落山的时候,她都会偷偷潜入军械库练习剑、盾以及长矛。 就算她还没真正打过一架,但她的确武艺高强。 一天晚上,她正前往军械库...
喵女士在光之王国中的生活非常惬意。 她的母亲是戴伦国王和露西安王后的军师,且其家族的社会地位也曾属于最高阶级。 她有最好的衣着,接受最好的教育,但每天,当太阳落山的时候,她都会偷偷潜入军械库练习剑、盾以及长矛。 就算她还没真正打过一架,但她的确武艺高强。 一天晚上,她正前往军械库...
多年前,巴塞特曾是一名国际超级巨星,每个人都很看中她的超强护盾技能,想让她加入到自己的队伍中来。 她的工作负担实在太过沉重,最终导致她非常疲惫,因此虽然还很年轻,她还是决定要退休。 她回到了自己的家乡,为自己盖了一座宫殿,而且她的乡亲们也非常高兴看到她回来,甚至还推举她成为了一名...
这不是什么披着羊皮的狼,甚至还恰恰相反! 这位超级英雄扮成了鲨鱼的样子,会在任何无辜的海怪需要营救的时候伸出援手。 多年来,斯菲尔努以海洋超级英雄身份自居,但他却对那些原本需要其援助的怪兽进行偷盗之事,丽费林将斯菲尔努的伪装面具拆穿,而这也成为了他生命中的重大转折。 自那时起,马...
毛瑟隆总是觉得自己与其它邻居们不一样,在冒险者之村里,每个人都曾是一位英雄,但他却总是想:“我真的想要和他们一样吗?” 小时候,他总是和诺亚利安一起玩英雄和恶棍的游戏。 毛瑟隆总是扮演恶棍,而且他还很喜欢如此,当诺亚利安成为诺亚格纳洛克,也就是他一直想成为的英雄之后,毛瑟隆却在心...
光之王国里有许多守卫,但他们都无法与依瓜利亚西相提并论。 她生来纯净,但那种纯净在当下的腐化时代环境下已变得更加的纯粹。 她似乎无处不在 - 前一分钟她还在进行换防,下一分钟她便开始向戴伦国王进行汇报,更不要说现在,她已经产生出了一种危险感知能力,就好像是体内装了一部雷达一样……...
就在当初那个在后来自称主人的家伙在红色森林中寻找星屑时,他发现了一头与众不同的真菌怪兽。 那是一只活着的生物,名叫神经疯克,它的智力高于大部分怪兽,但却天生缺失感情 - 好吧,“天生缺失”只是对森林精灵而言的,但对主人来说,正是这种没有任何感情的智慧体结合物吸引了他的注意。 在发...
据说当你看到朦胧的水气从佳托克斯这头怪兽体内奔涌出来的时,你就会本能地体会到恐惧。 曾几何时,沼泽和其它的一些浴场别无二致。 怪兽们会奔向水岸,腋窝下面夹着充气玩具,然后满面笑容地打闹嬉戏。 那些欢乐的怪兽们一直如此,但当佳托克斯被腐化之后,连沼泽相关的事物也都永远遭到了腐化。 ...
狂牙曾是一只愤怒的小生物,总是想咬点什么东西,以平息自己的愤怒。 一天,就像平时一样,他正愤怒地走在路边,寻找着什么东西,看看能否撕咬。不出意外,费马里斯成为了他的目标。 他一下子便扑了上去,但费马里斯巧妙地轻易推开了他。他被后者的力量吓到了,可就在他准备逃跑的时候,费马里斯叫住...
作为一名弓术冠军,史毕克莎拥有非常多的拥趸,但同时也引来了不少的憎恨。其中就包括玛莱尔,后者多次想要进行招揽但都失败而归。 他一度觉得这种拒绝简直就是一种羞辱,于是决定既然不能招揽,那她就只能成为自己的敌人了。 他派出了自己的整个恶棍小队前往她的训练中心,绑架了她的学员和家人,并...
弗雷米拉出生在红色森林核心位置的废墟中,她的主要任务是清理腐化爆发所遗留下来的荒凉残景。 她的火焰非但不会伤害到树木,反而能治愈它们。 独特且纯净的弗雷米拉已作为一股灵魂获得了重生,她将燃尽所有的痛苦和苦难。 生命和美丽必将再次盛放! 弗雷米拉是一名火系控制者,带有冷却激活技能...
ZHC曾是博尔约克麾下的一名狱卒。 在他的闲暇时间里,他还取材于损坏的武器并创造出了新的武器。 博尔约克曾非常中意ZHC的工作,但他却希望后者能对自己管辖下的囚犯们更加残酷一些,因此他便试图用黏土把后者变得更加残酷。 博尔约克的实验出了差错,ZHC反而成为了一头待人热情的怪兽,虽...
王周总是与其它的兵马俑战士格格不入。 在这个长相一致步调也一致的军队中,他总想要变得与众不同。 相比于职责和忠诚,他所看重的却是荣耀。 在访问东方国度期间,费马里斯注意到了王周对力量的渴望。 她也意识到,不管他们有何种不同,王周和兵马俑部队是绑定在一起的,所以如果她要招募王周,那...
这只青蛙一生都生活在戴伦国王的花园和露西安王后的城堡里。 他长大后,偷偷溜进了他们的图书馆,阅读了他们的所有藏书,研究了他们的战斗技能,还模仿他们的言行举止。 他一心想成为白马王子。 一天,他说服贝拉·保尔亲吻自己并帮助他实现梦想,然而当她照做之后……他却并没有变成白马王子,而是...
作为一个年幼的孩子,斯登格姆非常喜欢口香糖球,他能就这么嚼上一整天。 其它的年幼怪兽都取笑他,但斯登格姆却并不在乎。 然而,这帮坏家伙们却还是不肯罢休:他们并不喜欢被人忽视,于是决定不断嘲弄斯登格姆直到他感到反感不悦为止。 一天,斯登格姆正在他最喜欢的机器上购买口香糖球,但这台机...
据说忍者的忍道即自律。 那就是为什么库来凯奇大半辈子都漂泊在外的原因了。 他只要动手就会下死手。 情况越是混乱,他就越是享受。 他曾在数个大军中服役,但却都没待久。 血腥战斗一旦结束,他便会感到无聊并前往投靠新的主人。 他最近服从的主公便是王周,也就是那位自封的东方国度帝王。 妖...
贾库纳亥已经在东方国度活了数个世纪,并见到了许多当地的领袖人物。 多年来,这片大地一直都由长老议会统治,但贾库纳却很看不上这种民主体系。 他很怀念旧日的时光,那时候是由一名帝王进行着铁拳统治。 正因如此,当他遇到王周并获悉后者想要成为一名和上古时一样的黑暗帝王时,贾库纳亥便立即为...
戴伦国王和战争大师瑞门塔尔是两位杰出的怪兽,但事实上,以前他们也发生过小小的争端。 虽然是小事,但战争大师瑞门塔尔总是非常忙碌且四处游历,而戴伦国王的要求却很高,总是不断需要大师的协助。 他觉得,既然他已经处于好意为瑞门塔尔在王国内提供了一个工场和家,那么后者就应该时常把王室的事...
这只致命的森林寄生虫会从内部攻击他的宿主并一点一点地杀死他们。 在遭到意外腐化之后,虫洞便获得了一项新的能力: 现在他没法只是杀死他的宿主并转移到另一头怪兽身上了。 如果他愿意,他能在杀死宿主后,保留并控制其前者的身躯。 他从内部吞噬的最后一头怪兽拥有一项非常特别的力量: 他能变...
NEW monster: Climbert
Climbert used to have little climbing competitions against his cousin Thunderkong, but the latter was so lazy that Climbert quickly got tire...
NEW monster in the Multiplayer Mode: Royal Magus
King Daeron's kingdom has always been very stable, probably because of the variety of counselors he surrounds himself with. They come from a...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Cruelectrek
Ingenica designed Electrek to have him as a sidekick in battle. She had placed Lutum inside him thinking it would boost the artifact’s power...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Mojadrak
This dragon came from the other side of the Cosmic Portal. He was happily flying over the oceans of the Monster Legends universe when a wave...
NEW Legends Pass monster: Anwrikah
Wickah was used to not getting anything for free. Her whole life, as the protector of all swamp creatures, she’d had to fight for every litt...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Fungheratops
Fungheratops was born from microorganisms floating in the swamp’s pond and, as a baby, he was so small you could barely see him. However, as...
NEW Golden Legends Pass monster: Junsuina Kaori
Kaori was born into a family of admired samurai warriors, but her fate was marriage and homemaking. Only by concealing her gender was she ab...
NEW monster: The Boys
One entity, five personalities. The interactions inside The Boys' head get a little crazy and you can spot him yelling at strangers around t...
NEW monster: Frozynaut
This alien witch had traveled across the entire Monster Legends Universe looking for remedies to cure several illnesses wiping out her speci...
NEW monster in the Tokei Dai Marathon: Clocksuko
A master of time, but also time's eternal apprentice. Clocksuko has learned everything he knows through meditation, by listening to his inne...
NEW Quest monster: Swamzoad
Swamzoad is one of the swamp's oldest inhabitants. He was there even before Wickah was assigned to protect the area! At first, Swamzoad was ...
NEW Tales monster: Blumeria
Blumeria used to live in the meadow side of the Cardinal Forest but, one day, her roots absorbed some toxins in the soil and her colors dimm...
NEW monster in the Lantern House Maze: Kenrei
Kenrei was a noble samurai killed on a tragic night by a bandit called Kurai Kage. Back then, he was not as well-known, but every bit as blo...
NEW monster: Burnex
The layers on the planet of Petra are there to keep monsters from escaping from Hell out onto the surface. However, Burnex has taken advanta...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Marlinaut
Most victims of this bad-tempered sea critter end up skewered just for getting in his way, but his ease to catch distracted prey doesn't mak...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Gobzlayer
Gobzlayer was raised by Borjork and his tribe. Being a goblin surrounded by big and bulky orcs wasn't easy for him. In the beginning, he fel...
NEW monster: Mad-Triark!
What makes this alien bug extremely dangerous is her innate need to control every being around her by transforming them into babies, more sp...
NEW Quest monster: Pangoliath
Panion and Pangoliath met at the institution they lived in. Both of them had been orphans from such a young age that they couldn't even reme...
NEW Tales monster: Algata!
Algata is the first creature born after the restoration of the swamp. In the eyes of Anwrikah, Algata represents the hope of a new prosperou...
NEW monster in the Darumountain Maze: Dark-uma
When Wangzhou was a child, he was given a daruma figurine as a present. His mother gave it to him and told him it would make all his wishes ...
NEW monster: TomSka's Mine Turtle
WARNING: Toy Master has lost his science class project and it is dangerous. If you see an innocent-looking turtle with a red button on its s...
NEW monster: Monstera
This strange-looking plant appeared in the Cardinal Forest after the Lutum explosion, but nobody has really paid any attention to it. After ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Pure Pandalf
Once upon a time, there was a wizard called Pandalf. He was one of the most beloved monsters in Petra and beyond because, whenever someone w...
NEW monster in the House of Thunders Marathon: Raijin
Not far from the capital of the Eastern Regions, there's a place known as the House of Thunders. It is said that, when dark clouds gather ov...
NEW monster in the Multiplayer mode: Panion
Panion and Pangoliath met at the institution they lived in. Both of them had been orphans from such a young age that they couldn't even reme...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Chi Ao Loong
As the Great Protector of the Eastern Regions, this millenary spirit has lived through many incarnations: He's been a parade dragon and the ...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Melteus
Melteus unblocks volcano craters for a living. He's there to melt or break all the nasty, big chunks of rocks that plug up the volcanoes. Wi...
NEW monster: Megalobot
Queen and Warmaster Thalassa doesn’t yet know if Lord Nebotus will eventually claim the deep sea as his, but if he ever tries to, he’ll have...
NEW monster in the Bounty Hunt: Viatrix
Viatrix's magical mud was famous in the Cardinal Forest so, when she ran out of ingredients to create them, she abandoned the Cardinal Fores...
NEW monster in the Bonisimo Maze: Skelektron
The awakening of Lord Nebotus' powers was too exciting for this dead monster to stay dead. In his previous life, Skelektron had been one of ...
NEW Tales monster: Waldorf
When Nebotus fought against Zahra in the Cardinal Forest, a little snail jumped into his pocket without him realizing. He only found out aft...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Sir Valgar
After his lineage extinguished, Valgar the Pure spent his days wandering around Petra, aiding every monster or tribe in need of help. Most o...
NEW Quest monster: Turtlellion
Turtlellion was the son of a successful merchant in the Light Kingdom. He had always lived a privileged life, away from hunger and poverty. ...
NEW monster: Matt Stonie
Matt Stonie was kidnapped by General Nishant’s Dark troops and sent to work at the kitchens of his war camp at a very young age. There he wa...
NEW monster in the Can Elfriede Marathon: Elfriede
While The Lord was waiting for his servants to collect and bring him his relics, he spent a lot of time alone in his hideout, with the only ...
NEW Golden Legends Pass monster: Lord Nebotus
There was a time when Nebotus' evil energy scared everyone in Petra. His electric blue aura made monsters shiver and look away, hoping not t...
NEW monster: Boomshakalaka
A fire for hire! Monsters who have no enemies have nothing to worry about, but those with unfinished business should probably keep an exting...
NEW monster: Khamelia
Ever since she was a child, Khamelia searched for answers in the stars. As soon as King Daeron noticed her talent, he let her use the highes...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Stalkiller
This monster comes from the jungle, she represents a tribe of Amazons. These Amazons have a traditional organization in which daughters inhe...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Ingwe
Known by many, seen in action by very few, Ingwe is Mythic elegance at its best. She moves and hunts swiftly — legend has it that some of he...
英福勒克斯曾是维克多博士实验室中的电工,他的脾气很坏,每次移动电线或打开提取舱时,他都会顶撞维克多博士。 “维克多,你让光都照进制作室了!”,“维克多,我告诉过你不要用那个插头了!”,“维克多,那个客人居然给我脸色看,下次他要是再敢来回来,我就把他锁进提取舱……” 英福勒克斯每天...
NEW monster in the Era Shop: Malfeitor
Malfeitor was one of the first villains to become famous in Elektra. He started out as a very incendiary agent, but as years passed, he acqu...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Kill Drill
Kill Drill isn't Don Canine's smartest or most faithful henchmonster, but while Carlo Canbino "takes care" of Canine's many debtors and Bonn...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Malairion
When Malair was a child, his mother, Froma, taught him everything she knew hoping that, one day, he'd become a sorcerer with enough power to...
NEW monster: Scintherus
The Scintherus is a non-predatory creature from the “electriliae” family. It is covered in very thick scales to protect itself, even though ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Don Canine
There was a time when there were several gang bosses in Monstown, but that time was long ago. For years, Al Canine has been the top dog, wit...
NEW monster in the Frutastor's Lair Marathon: The Frutastor
When Malairion started his project of building The Shelter and expanding his Supervillains' Hideout, he realized that he needed a bigger tea...
NEW Dream Team monster: Super Dream
Dream, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound were at Sapnap’s house, getting ready to try out a new game together. “At the count of 3, we all press pla...
NEW Dream Team monster: Mr. NotFound
Dream, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound were at Sapnap’s house, getting ready to try out a new game together. “At the count of 3, we all press pla...
NEW monster in the Hidden Lighthouse Maze: Aquafiend
Dr. Fiend and Dr. Wattz used to work together. They were about to make a big discovery on hydraulic energy. However, they didn't have the sa...
NEW Dream Team monster: Sapman
Dream, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound were at Sapnap’s house, getting ready to try out a new game together. “At the count of 3, we all press pla...
NEW Quest monster: Geckone
During one of his many visits to prison, Al Canine met this very particular burglar. Geckone loved money and Italian suits, just like him, b...
NEW Tales monster: Hydraka
This sea critter used to feed on mussels and seaweed, but when he was feeling exotic, he crawled out of the water onto dry land, looking for...
NEW monster in Breeding Event: Decobrah
If you’ve been around the Monster Legends universe for a while, you’ve probably met a few druids. However, none of them are like this one. D...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Ryclops
The miner dwarves were working inside a cave at the heart of a mountain, trying to separate a gemstone from the rock, when a voice coming fr...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Sigrid & Fort
Sigrid is the youngest member of a dynasty of knights. On the night that she was born, her grandfather Fort had an epiphany. It was revealed...
NEW monster: Jacksepticeye
Jacksepticeye used to work with his older cousin O'Reilly, helping him organize battles in the Dungeons. However, this leprechaun was young ...
NEW Golden Legends Pass Monster: Emerald Nathura
Cyan Nathura was worried about the news lately. She kept reading and hearing that a toxic essence had infused with the sun, which was now ir...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Aloe Death
When Don Canine started using the Wastelands as a rubbish dump, he made it very clear to his crew that no one from that area should be allow...
NEW Legends Pass Monster: The BaroneX
The Baroness is the longest-standing ruler the Wastelands have ever known, but that doesn't mean she's been an accepted one. In fact, ever s...
NEW monster in the Bus 2 School Marathon: Jakpack
Jakpack's life is quite complex for a monster of his age, but his talent is also quite outstanding. His parents started suspecting that he w...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Grakshak
It's easier to see Grakshak’s weapon than it is to see Grakshak. This tiny warrior fairy has a privileged mind for strategy and fierceness t...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Thermagorn
When Malairion started his project for The Shelter and the Nebula Multiplier, he was counting on many enemies trying to destroy his plans, b...
NEW Breeding Event monster: Gahy Zuhl
Gahy Zuhl was sentenced to Hell for committing unspeakable crimes. Now, for the rest of her existence, not only will she live in the Underwo...
NEW monster in the Q-Bicle Maze: Q-3R1ON
Q-3R1ON is a complex emotional AI inside a robotic shell made of living modular cubes. A few months ago, its system ran a periodic check and...
NEW Tales monster: Nautick
Malairion's project is going according to plan. His latest idea was to install a device under Nautick's shell to gather the rays of sunlight...
NEW Quest monster: Fossarius
It has been many years since Fossarius lost control of his flying saucer and crashed it onto the Wastelands Desert. Asking for help wasn't a...
影月无拘无束,他是一名四海为家的战士。 每个新月之夜,这个从不露面的怪兽都会前往一个新的城市,他会悄悄完成一个秘密任务,然后离开。 没人知道他的最终目标。 影月是具有超酷特性的魔系攻击者: 他对点燃免疫并可以闪避所有区域攻击! 他的技能组合包括重击招数以及一些击晕和诅咒。 他还可...
地狱领袖们发现拉戈奈尔离他们而去,加入了正义联盟,于是他们组建了一个搜寻队,意图毁灭拉戈奈尔。 幸运的是,最善于在善恶之间斡旋的菲丽娜助了他一臂之力。 他们一起制定了一个计划: 混合他们俩的细胞,创造出一种专门保卫拉戈奈尔的怪兽: 菲拉艾尔! 在战斗中,菲拉艾尔可以出色地支援共同...
当塔罗斯出现在Monster Legends的世界中时,每个人都被其惊人的外观震撼住了。 霍尔特将军很紧张,因为看起来塔罗斯像是他不了解的金属神器怪兽。 怎么可能呢? 他立刻要求英杰尼卡交出一份报告,因为她是神器的创造者。 在英杰尼卡的报告中,她说得很清楚自己与这台机器完全没有关...
该隐是蒙斯特尔维亚最令人恐惧的生物。 他就是咬了康特佛拉德之后,才让康特佛拉德成了现在这样的怪兽。 该隐在时,其他吸血鬼都不敢在他地盘上咬人,不然就像从该隐的碗里夺食一样,是他无法容忍的。 然而有一天,他消失了。 没人知道他去了哪里。 康特佛拉德散播谣言,称自己解决了该隐,因此大...
当帕特里翁被困于让他成为大怪物的黑盔甲之中时,提金打破了这一诅咒,解救了他,帮助他成为今天的光系英雄。 现在,帕特里翁和提金已密不可分,并与他们亲密的朋友克劳德一起同生共死,共同战斗。 在战斗中,提金的进攻流畅高效。 她是光系额外回合盗取者,因此很适合对抗额外回合使用者和额外回合...
依米博从儿时起就一直是伏泰克的忠实粉丝。 他开始观看有关伏泰克的视频,之后又自己制作关于伏泰克战斗的视频,他一直梦想见到伏泰克,并成为他的伙伴。 他日夜训练,以成为伏泰克最完美的辅助者为目标,有一天,机会来了。 伏泰克当时在依米博家附近的竞技场战斗,依米博前去观战...当他到达时...
当英提克从一场大规模的雷电爆炸中诞生时,每个人都期待他是打带跑型的怪兽,不过他宁愿在魔法学校里学习,并成为伟大又独特的雷系巫师! 英提克是快速的控制型怪兽,这只体力大师能吸取所有敌人的能量,也是第一只具有双倍机率施加击晕技能的雷系怪兽!
NEW monster: Acheron
The Inheritor and Kaih the Sunmelter have only started their new roles as co-rulers of Hell, but they're already feeling the pains of power....
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Tuska
Unlike other wolves, Tuska doesn't belong in any pack. He prefers to be on his own. He had a hunting partner once. His name was Thentsar, an...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Butcherang
"No one knows Butcherang's birth name. No one had even given him a name until he started playing around with his giant steel boomerang. Befo...
NEW monster: FaZe Rug
FaZe Rug was driving his sports car around Monstown when he skipped a traffic light. Unluckily for him, Malfeitor was there trying to cross ...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Lucky Clint
"Lucky Clint likes people to think he's nothing but a lone wanderer who's good with his guns, but in reality, he's a caring monster with lot...
NEW monster in the Orca Villa Marathon: Orcatti
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That's what Don Canine must have thought when he was running for the Mayor's office. Orcat...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: OG Bone
Gangs have always been very hierarchical organizations. Maybe that's the reason why Alex Bone never fit well into any of them in spite of be...
NEW monster: Dro-Bonaut
Dro-Bonaut is a submersible robotic drone developed to assist the Navy. Its main function is to emit an ultra-frequency attack-signal that d...
NEW monster in the Shantytown Maze: Slumster
Meet Don Canine's most secret collaborator. No one in the Mayor's crew knows about his existence, and that's what Don values the most. Slums...
NEW Tales monster: Posidonia
Posidonia used to live in Queen Thalassa's sea realm until she was caught leaking information to coastal kingdoms in exchange for gold. Quee...
NEW Quest monster: Qwaste
Qwaste is a trash can hermit. He traveled from Monstown to the Wastelands on one of Don Canine's trucks and found himself in paradise at his...
NEW monster in the Breeding Event: Garnyxel
Garnyxel used to be the guardian angel of a northern tribe. When he started, he was a tiny little cherub doing his best to take care of the ...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Dork
This barbarian was killed by orks of his own tribe when they discovered he was plotting against their leader. However, after his death, his ...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Tetsuman
With Malairion controlling all of the Nebula in Elektra, how can the superheroes stop him? Well... They have their own secret weapon, and hi...
NEW monster in the Nestrock Marathon: Wormanoid
Wormanoid used to work as a truck driver for Malfeitor. He transported goods from Elektra into other galaxies and vice versa, until one day,...
NEW monster: Werevolt
After his transformation into a werewolf, this monster decided to leave Monstown and move to a forest on the outskirts of the city, where ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: UV Fusion
VoltaiK's corruption shook the gang of superheroes to its core, but if there was someone especially disappointed by him, it was his partner ...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Dark VoltaiK
VoltaiK had had a very happy and quiet couple of years. Everything was great with his partner Madam Fusion and he got to see his other super...
NEW Quest monster: Tallulight
This is a tough time for the citizens of Monstown. They have been deprived of the sunlight and lied to by Don Canine and Malairion. But the ...
NEW Tales monster: Maremotus
When the Wastelands stopped being an option for Don Canine's waste management collaboration with Malairion, he found a quick alternative — t...
NEW monster in the Fire Lab Maze: Firecatcher
Malairion trained this blazing supervillain personally years ago. He knew she was special from the very beginning, and her talent for crime ...
NEW monster in the Breeding Event: Vilina
Fampira and Vilina were best friends back in the day, way before Fampira transformed into Fampirastral. They did everything together, so whe...
有这样一个预言,有两兄弟注定成为史上最强大的两个恶魔,他们将在某一年的第三个月出生。 有人向地狱领主报告了这一预言,但他们不知道的是,一位告密者也把预言内容告诉了天堂领主。 在两兄弟出生的当晚,地狱邪恶军团的一位恶魔密使来到两个婴儿的身旁,想把他们带到地狱,希望把这两兄弟训练成为...
当谢瑞萨尔被死灵法师复活之后,他就不再是自己了……有时他觉得自己是僵尸,内心有一点空虚。 实际上,由于害怕自己成为危害,他躲了起来,但多年以后,又因孤独而变得无聊,开始再次作战。 遗憾的是,有人发现了他的小破绽,并找到了利用这一破绽的方式:拉格纳洛克。 这头超级邪恶的怪兽无法忍受...
埃尔维拉曾是一名守护天使,直到她失去了一名门徒,这名门徒是一头反对将其他生物当做奴隶的善良怪兽。 在这件事之后,埃尔维拉受到了审判,最终她失去翅膀,被驱逐出天堂。 没有翅膀、没有工作,埃尔维拉感到非常绝望,于是她决定做一些善事: 完成那位门徒的使命。 她日夜训练,让自己变得更强大...
红色森林里所有的动物都知道,扎赫拉是最接近自然母亲的怪兽。 早在塔丽卡和其他怪兽出现前,她就来到了红色森林,但她看起来依然和过去一样年轻。 许多年前,扎赫拉必须和其他战争大师一同离开故乡,为至善而战,临行前,她将森林托付给了一位好帮手: 阿尔西斯将军! 然而,在阿尔西斯将军的治理...
死灵法师曾经是高级魔法学院一名备受尊敬的教授。 战争大师的身份、学问和实验让他成为所在领域的领军人物。 然而,也正是他的实验引起了同事的质疑。 在他开始进行生与死的实验后,他的发现让他不仅能够复活别人,还能够操纵复活,同事们认为这一发现对学院来说太过阴暗。 理事会对死灵法师进行了...
很久很久以前,有一个叫雷霆战士的流浪部落,部落族人打算找个地方定居下来,告别游牧生活。 经过数月的寻找,他们终于找到了最佳地点,那是一座高耸入云、布满岩石的山。他们能在山顶上触摸到云朵,还能召唤巨大的雷暴! 然而问题是,这座山并非无人居住。 一群以弗罗斯特拜特和白鬼为首的水系怪兽...
哥塔克曾是采矿矮人的冠军和英雄。 但是,当他和其他所有战争大师一同离开后,这些矮人顿失可敬仰的领袖。 沃撒克抓住了这次机会,折磨并奴役这些矮人,直到他们从地下挖出了亚图姆,并让他担任整个部落的新领袖。 亚图姆从沃撒克手中解救了矮人,把他赶到离矮人很远的地方。 多年后当一切都归于和...
对Monster Legends多元宇宙而言,战争大师对战泰坦的最后一役将起着决定性作用。 战争大师最终赢得胜利,拯救了所有怪兽,但这次战役非常艰难: 战争大师中必须有一人牺牲自己,以保证光明的未来,而那位英雄就是谢瑞萨尔。 是的,在对抗泰坦的最后一战中,这个魔系战争大师牺牲了自...
多年来,塔拉萨统治的水域一派和平安宁的景象,直到有一天,她受到其他战争大师的召唤: 她不得不和他们一起去对抗泰坦。 但是,她不在时,将由谁来统治水域呢? 塔拉萨的女儿忒提斯是王位继承人,但她只是一位年仅13岁的女孩,她该如何面对所有困难,成为受人尊重的领袖呢? 塔拉萨最终决定让她...
瑞门塔尔出生时是一头极小的光系精灵。 他只有一团蓝色火焰那么大,但是他觉得自己有能量,想要做点事,而不仅仅只是在光系王国里游荡,他想要加入大型战争! 戴伦国王和露西安王后批准了他的听证会。 他们无法招募他做自己军队的士兵,因为他太小了,没法发挥功用。 但是,国王和王后在村子里给了...
有一阵子,乌里亚将军发现,虽然他拥有雷系军队司令的头衔,但不是真正主持大局的人。 毕竟,真正受万人敬仰的是伏泰克。 到了紧要关头,整个军队的士兵都会向伏泰克征求采取战略行动的许可。 也正是如此,乌里亚觉得自己受够了,他召唤出唯一一头比自己还恨伏泰克的怪兽:泰萨苔。 乌里亚将军和泰...
尽管他做了很多努力,愿望还是落空,沃撒克面对亚图姆的一刻仍来临了。 依靠所有追随者的支持和保镖的一些帮助,亚图姆在这场史诗战斗的最后时刻击败了沃撒克。 尽管满腔愤怒,倍感羞辱,混乱矮人的首领最后还是被迫离开。 被击败之后,沃撒克曾一度加入其他怪兽叛军。 他们突袭了藏书楼,沃撒克偷走了所有记录亚图姆将军打败自己的宝典。 之后他和其他怪兽一道被放逐。 一转眼很多年过去了,如今沃撒克决定改写故事的结局。 现在的他更加强壮,更加精明,摸透了亚图姆的每一个弱点。 复仇的时机已经成熟,因为重出江湖的沃撒克有了一个新策略: 他有一项专属技能,能让他对击晕和附体免疫。 他能对单个目标造成极高伤害,还能施加持续伤害效果。 他靠着这项技能活到了今天,他需要一个团队,所以他掌握了一项可赋予所有盟友盾牌、精度、伤害加成,并使他们对击晕免疫的技能。
很久以前沃撒克曾是一个势力强大的军阀。 他统领着一支由混乱矮人组成的军队,接连征服了很多地方。 他们的武器精良,但没有道德观念,每到一处,便征服一处。 沃撒克的大名令很多地方的人闻风丧胆,他也被公认为当前最危险、实力最强的土系怪兽。 不过这一切后来有一天全都变了,一切皆因在被他征...
沙娜拉将军曾经参加过一场对抗金属系军队的艰苦战斗。 她释放了自己举世闻名的咒语:奇戎,最终赢得了这场战斗。但这个咒语过于强大,在打败敌人后,它变成了魔法球,从战场上飘走并最终从人们的视野中消失。 魔法球在多元宇宙中游荡了数年,不停吸收能量、信息及力量。 收集大量信息后,它逐渐拥有...
纳迪埃尔在红色森林出生并成长,是相亲相爱的支持怪兽家族一份子。 虽然纳迪埃尔深深敬爱着他的家人,但他在战斗策略方面并不想走他们的老路。 他不喜欢他在森林中司空见惯的那些事情: 外部的怪兽会进入森林并砍伐树木,按照他们自身的品味改变森林的样貌: 他们建造了小屋,开辟了道路,这样就不...
蓝姆和她的兄长英格瓦一直都是一对好搭档,他们一路走上顶峰,成为了最难以击败的光系元素团队。 虽然蓝姆一直都更聪明、更强壮也更强大,但当光系军队委任首领时,英格瓦当选,她却落败。仅仅因为强壮的男性在战场前线会显得更令人生畏,她就被忽视了,这让蓝姆十分愤怒。 这令她的尊严遭到重创,光...
火系军队过去是一盘散沙,不断有新首领产生,但很快就又被叛变的士兵给推翻。 但随着时间推移,两头怪兽脱颖而出,开始争夺火系军队将军的位置。 达麦斯和路西怀亚都各有一批追随者,但达麦斯的追随者更多,所以路西怀亚只能认输。 由于她宁死也不愿意屈服于头号对手,所以便决定退隐地狱一段时间,...
Nemesis - Hydratila the first Rebel!
第一大师之战进行到中间时,水系和火系之间的对抗达到了顶峰。 忒提斯将军决定攻击一座火山,这座火山是法达马格马宝宝们的育儿所。 这时将军队伍里一名士兵海得纳提拉站了出来,他告诉将军攻击幼儿实在是太过分了。 向来对以下犯上的人零容忍的忒提斯将军立马将海得纳提拉逐出了水系军队。 戎马一...
英缇安德尔的整个童年都在海下度过,但他总是想知道外面的世界会是什么样子。 他的父亲埃尼皮亚斯特对他保护有加,不让他出去探索。 但有一天英缇安德尔梦见伊力特给了他魔法双眼,不仅能看见大海以外的远处发生什么事,也可以看见未来与过去。 当英缇安德尔醒来之后,他发觉全身都长满了眼睛,而且...
火魔一直千方百计劝他的儿子格拉努伊不要踏上危险重重的战斗魔法之路。 他甚至把孩子送到沃迪亚诺伊的池塘为其效力,希望他能学习支援魔法。 格拉努伊从新师傅那里学到了许多东西,但是他无法放弃自己真正的天职,于是过了一段时间后,他离开沃迪亚诺伊去追寻自己的道路,开始寻找和学习最危险的招数...
当儿子阿尔弗雷多萨路斯说不想继续打理家族企业时,冈斯特罗沙乌拉斯震怒了。 相反,他想像自己的偶像普利茅斯一样成为一名摔跤手。 这简直令人难以置信: 相比意大利西装,他亲爱的儿子怎么更喜欢紧身衣? 他怎么会喜欢肮脏的地下室,而不是许许多多的钱和一堆枪? 很遗憾,冈斯特罗沙...
无名怪兽给巴尔塔沙送来数百万金币,请他刺杀桑巴卡达布拉。 作为职业杀手的巴尔塔沙一句话没说就收下了金币。 巴尔塔沙找到了女巫,开始信心满满地发动攻击,但没想到桑巴卡达布拉突然施了一道曼波詹布眩晕咒。 趁刺客分心,她很快便逃走了,走时还顺便从对方身上取了一些细胞样本。她知...
Famperium - Special breeding event
女儿范彼拉离开城堡令康特佛拉德伤透了心,很快不知从何得知此事的蜜思特丽前来登门拜访。 她带来了一个礼物: 一个可填补康特佛拉德因女儿离开而留下内心空白的宠物。 这个宠物之所以如此奇特,是因为它含有一些范彼拉的细胞,这些细胞是蜜思特丽为了做实验从年幼时的范彼拉身上所提取的。&nbs...
在交战中公正高尚,姿态优雅。 观看雷米埃尔战斗时,每位主人都感到赏心悦目,而每位对手则感到头疼不已: 他是一位勇猛的攻击者,能够施加高伤害技能,并利用双倍伤害和治愈技能增强自身威力。 雷米埃尔能令敌人无力抵抗他的火系和特殊伤害,最终制服敌人! 最后,天堂大门的守护者绝非泛泛之辈:...
弗雷姆里昂静静地坐在布满灰尘的机库角落,一架沉睡中的大型破坏性战争机甲等待着被唤醒。这架神器的内核是装在特殊金属舱中的滚烫熔岩,它会自我冷却,以免被身体内部散发的热量融化。 只要掌控内核之焰,就能通过机制和武器系统展开杀戮。 弗雷姆里昂是纯粹破坏性技术凝练而成的终极神器: 作为神...
当芭芭雅嘎还是只小怪兽时,她在森林里迷了路。 她找妈妈找了好几个月,但最终放弃了,接受了孤自一人。 由于可以支配自己所有的时间,她建了一个小屋,并开始试验各种药水和魔法。 很快她就意识到森林生活的艰难,她需要变得强大起来。 她为小屋变出两个巨大的鸡腿,这样一来她就不仅可...
克里斯安德烈曾是个奴隶,在烈日炎炎的荒漠中劳作了很多年。 克里斯安德烈每天睡觉前都会对自己发誓,一定要挣脱锁链,获得自由。 后来有一天,在她因未服从命令而遭惩罚后,梦想成真了: 她的愤怒爆发了,愤怒使她获得了魔力,她手持召唤来的传奇宝剑依米尔击败了40名负责看管她的守卫及其主人。...
海容德乐尔没有任何尚存的天敌,因为他把他们杀得片甲不留。 没人确切地知道什么让这种生物危害如此大,但他是海洋生物面临的危险。 他现在变得贪得无厌,他想毁掉能对他构成威胁的唯一生物:埃尼皮亚斯特。 战斗时,海容德乐尔是个非常冷静的攻击者,拥有强大的技能,能让敌人流血并陷入...
莫尔特·迈克布拉德曾经只是一名普通少年,直到范彼拉爱上他的那一天。 她对他无比着迷,甚至不惜向他施加混乱状态,以得到他的爱。 当他们第一次亲吻时,她用自己吸血鬼的牙齿咬破了他的皮肤,受到感染的他变成了食尸鬼,对血肉充满了无尽欲望,哪怕在千里之外,他也能嗅到血的气味。...
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->自从在一场大型战斗中,气迫大师使一条巨龙从虚无中涌现,摧毁了他所有的敌人,之后没有人敢质疑他的力量。 但气迫大师不仅仅是一位传奇战...
加撒斯图尔过去只栖身于梦境这一个维度之中,让其他怪兽深受噩梦之苦。 后来有一次在他进入巴巴·雅卡的梦里,在一片黑暗丛林里疯狂追逐后者时,噩梦开始变得极为逼真,并且可怕至极,以至于巴巴·雅卡竟无意识地运用她的意念将加撒斯图尔从梦中带入她现实生活中的小屋里...
NEW Monster in Space raiders maze: Captain Copperbeard!
In one of his many treasure hunts, Captain Edwin “Fearless” Bane fell into a booby trap. The fall destroyed the Captain’s entire body but, l...
泽亚亚出生在一个小村庄,曾是农民。他在那里有很多追随者,自称为王。 他通过操控、背叛、政治宣传一路往上爬。他暗杀过对手,也暗杀过他的追随者。 他唯一的野心就是权力。 准备好给你的比赛带来紧张感吧,游戏中速度最快的控制者来了。 泽亚亚的速度是4.508(130级无速度符文的情况下)...
勇敢、高贵...像疯帽子一样疯狂。 这位全能骑士已下定决心,要骑着他的骏马罗西根,一起步入史书。 在他的侍从潘惹斯的帮助下,他将保证正义得到伸张。 这名攻击者不会退缩。 他在所有战斗中都倾尽全力! 他拥有惊人的高伤害技能,其中包括一种无需冷却的技能,以及一种有25%的机会立即杀死...
这个怪兽自称是地狱统治者的继承人,在炼狱里引起不少争议。 巴巴托斯清楚表明自己不会在短时间里退位,不过继承人似乎并没有听进去,他决定留在这里,挑战巴巴托斯的一举一动。 他这样狂妄是因为他拥有这样的实力! 继承人攻击力极强,有强大的力量和生命力。 他拥有可施加烧伤、点燃和流血等折磨...
柯比凯的超能力是挑衅他的对手攻击,然后复制他们的怪兽技能。 玛莱尔喜欢柯比凯加入他的团队,因为他能造成敌人的挫败感。 在战场上看到柯比凯是他最喜欢的爱好之一。他不是原创之王,但没有谁能像他这样模仿怪物的攻击: 他可以像法达马格马一样烧伤多个目标,像伏泰克获得额外回合,像气迫施展冻...
了解佛拉德城堡的真正主宰者。 康特斯·法莉是康特佛拉德的妻子,也是范彼拉的母亲,她已经367岁了,但看起来却不超过42岁! 她不常在大型活动上露面,但人人都知道,蒙斯特尔瓦尼亚的一切都需要经过她的同意。 康特斯·法莉是目前速度最快的暗系控制型怪兽! 她...
索拉里斯夫人同时拥有信念和愤怒。 这位至善使者会用尽一切方法达成目的。 她并不介意牺牲自己,如果这样能名留青史,那就更好了。 索拉里斯夫人速度快,是能为自己加成的攻击者! 她可以施加伤害强化和带翼仇恨者效果,能使用正确的技能组合造成大量伤害! 她还能使用烈日烧伤和流血折磨敌人。 ...
半兽人摧毁它们发现的一切,占领许许多多的村庄,不过,有人已经准备好迎战半兽人,将它们一网打尽了。 她只需一把木鱼叉、一系列高超技能即可赢得这场战斗。 贝乐蒂速度极快,拥有额外回合。 她的特性是坚强,因此敌人难以对其施加不良状态效果。她还能利用额外回合,在3回合内解决拥有预测效果的...
很久以前,,有头天真的小舍鲁克生活在沼泽中。 有一天,邪恶的危险博士开始把这片沼泽用作他的垃圾场,污染了这片沼泽。 由于常年吃着腐烂垃圾,接触到各种污染、腐败的东西,小舍鲁克变成了这头携带着瘟疫的怪兽: 法蒂德! 然而,常年接触腐烂垃圾不仅让法蒂德变得非常致命,还让他拥有了极高的...
这只青蛙一生都生活在戴伦国王的花园和露西安王后的城堡里。 他长大后,偷偷溜进了他们的图书馆,阅读了他们的所有藏书,研究了他们的战斗技能,还模仿他们的言行举止。 他一心想成为白马王子。 一天,他说服贝拉·保尔亲吻自己,终于实现了梦想,然而…他没有变成白马王子,却成了黑...
NEW Monster in Apocalypse in the Mall team Race: Scrap Warrior!
The post-apocalyptic Wastelands are ruled ruthlessly by the brothers Roxen and Nexor Cox with the assistance of their squad. Lately, their g...
墓地又一日。 挖另一个洞,埋下另一具尸体…这份工作真的很枯燥无聊,因此当送葬者不想继续往下挖时,他想到了一个妙招: 如果没有人死去,就不需要工作! 是的,你没看错。 为了逃避工作,送葬者能令盟友复生。 但为了确保他在必要时能执行职责,这只怪兽会确保自身强大,难以杀死。 毕竟,如果...
为了成为兽人部落的首领,布罗特格尔就必须以最凶残的方式证明他嗜血成性: 他不得不独自劫掠了4座村落,在肉搏战中杀死了自己的4名兄弟,并从铸造厂窃取了4件武器。 4这个数字对兽人十分重要,理由有二: 兽人都有4只手臂,原始兽人部落有4名成员。 如今成员人数已超过60名,但成员更新换...
蒙特祖玛是阿兹特克文明中爬行动物帝国的神圣领袖、萨满兼守护者。 他不可一世,一人身兼三职,因为他觉得自己高于众人,库尔干纵然才能出众、成就辉煌,也只能担任他的守卫。蒙特祖玛无论在战场外还是战场上都是控制狂: 他的附体技能令对手恐惧不安,会让对手用多达两个回合攻击自己的团队。 这位...
亚力克斯·博恩是冈斯特罗沙乌拉斯黑手党家族中的核心成员,不过当老板开始染指他的佣金时,博恩决定自己单干。 当然冈斯特罗沙乌拉斯对此很不高兴,于是他暗中勾结怪兽警察,这让亚力克斯的日子很不好过,还设计陷害他,使其麻烦不断,反复被捕。 不过,亚力克斯进监狱次数越多,就变...
一座山脉一分为二,幻化出了欧鲁斯和伊戈瑟斯。但意料之外的是,克里欧坦这个危险怪物也因此而出现。 在山脉原来的位置上诞生了这个巨大的怪物。他所经之处都被毁得寸草不留。 欧鲁斯和伊戈瑟斯曾合力击败他,并将他冰封起来。 但不幸的是,现在他打破冰牢,逃了出去。 千万小心! 克里欧坦能承受...
在召集自己的半兽人部族袭击邻近村庄后,休尔克开始感到无聊,他下定决心要去闯荡世界、征服海洋,开启全新冒险。他很快便发现海盗的生活,立刻明白自己有了新目标。 休尔克对猎捕鲨鱼产生了特别的兴趣。潜入水中,用强壮的下颌和锋利碎骨的牙齿与凶猛的野兽赤身搏斗,是休尔克喜爱的娱乐方式,非常刺...
这头庞大的猛兽曾是一群巨人的头领。 当他开始滥用权力时,巨人们配制了一种毒液加到了他的食物里。 但毒液太过猛烈,让他的眼睛变得充满毒性。 他在狂怒之下,把试图毒害他的叛徒一个一个杀死了。 现在,不仅他的族人害怕他,整个国家的怪兽都感到恐惧,想要他走得越远越好: 因为食物里的药水使...
塔丽卡对森林里所有动物而言就像是祖母一般。对阿尔西斯将军来说更是如此,他经常去塔丽卡那儿寻求建议和慰藉。 她一般不会干涉战斗的事情,不过如果有弱小动物遭遇危险,她会抛下宁静的生活赶去保护他们。 塔丽卡是一头速度极快的原系控制型怪兽,她能够通过提升盟友的力量、移除不良效果或进行治愈...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Clach
When Lord Inheritor stole the Ambrosia from the Peak of Conciliation, he released a wave of energy so strong that a part of the mountain det...
Legends Pass: Darmith Khan
There was a time, long ago, when General Darmith commanded almost every Fire monster there was in Petra. However, as years went by, his ar...
Ominous Tower Marathon: Izabeth
It's a new day with a new ruler in the Underworld. Lord Inheritor is hungry for grandeur and is determined to build a court of thousands of ...
Golden Legends Pass: Lord Inheritor
Centuries ago, Angels and Demons signed a Treaty at the Peak of Conciliation in which they both agreed not to meddle with the balance betwee...
Exclusive Era Shop Offer: Mandarka
Mandarka arrived in the Underworld at a very young age. He was practically dragged there when no one could stand him anymore on the Land of ...
Creator Event: McCreamy
McCreamy would eat ice cream by day, by night... anytime was a good time, until he crossed a line: He ate the only ice cream he was not supp...
Multiplayer Mode: Thundorc
Thundorc has been a friend of Darmith Khan for years. This ferocious barbarian vouched for the alliance between orcs and Darmith's army when...
Quest: Goathram
Darmith Khan is a brutal warrior, but he’s been around for long enough to know that if everyone around him is just as savage and short-tempe...
Doom Mountain Maze: Killarok
Lord Inheritor may have won the first battle against the Angels, but he knows that the war has just begun, and he can’t rely only on unruly ...
Tales: Plantomination
This mutant plant may not come from the Underworld, but it's as scary as any demon. The bigger it gets, the more heads it spawns. The more h...
Breeding Event: Thundercane Jelly
Thundercane Jelly is Varupapu's crew's latest addition. He's not your usual pirate and identifies more as an ocean wizard. He has great orie...
Bounty Hunt: Hidrorion
Thalassa is worried about her fellow Warmaster Elvira. There's not much she can do to support the Angels from the bottom of the ocean, but e...
Bounty Hunt: Pipershock
Pipershock is a hunter for hire, trained to fight both on dry land or in deep, cold waters. Thanks to her unique body, she's always armed an...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: P3R3
P3R3 is a self-conscious robot. He moves fast and swiftly with his unicycle-style wheel and, thanks to his advanced AI, he's able to work as...
Creator Event: SSundee
SSundee was working deep in the Elektra mines and looking for a pen and paper when his foot hit something unexpected: a pair of stylish sung...
Golden Legends Pass: Xiron the Great
The first Xiron was an anagram cast by Shannara, but it turned into a ball of Magic and it floated away from her, traveling through the univ...
Legends Pass: Arch Duke
Arch Knight has always been one of the most elusive angels. He's known for being dormant through the centuries until a critical moment arriv...
Quest: Juggernael
The angels are determined to win the Celestial Paradise back and they're not playing games anymore. If you have any doubts, just look at Jug...
Whaleberg Marathon: Sealkara
A wild seal was swimming in the ocean when she saw a shining, beautiful fish. But this was no ordinary fish — the Magic Council had enchante...
Multiplayer Mode: Visiel
Visiel came into being when Demons took possession of the Celestial Paradise. A pool of dark Underworld magic collided with the native divin...
Redrock Maze: Earthog
This former Miner Dwarf is also one of the oldest members in the Magic Council. His relationship with wizardry started many years ago when h...
Bounty Hunt: Snowgross
Do you remember Freeza? This snowman used to pick on young monsters but, unfortunately for him, this year he hasn't chosen his victims well....
Tales: Teddybomb
Santerion and Thundeer were told not to hire a goblin as a helper a thousand times, but they didn't listen... and maybe they should have, be...
Legends Pass: Barbatos Rex
Barbatos was the King of Hell for centuries. The Inheritor and other contenders had constantly challenged him, but they had all failed in th...
Multiplayer Mode: Monk Flamorg
The twisted Monk Flamorg belongs to an ancient order of energy-manipulating demon cultists. A master invoker of flame, he was trained in the...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Brainlien
Originally created as a pet for Eisul, Brainlien soon proved itself to be so much more. It was sitting in Eisul’s lap when an assassin sudde...
Weirdika's Lair Marathon: Weirdika
One night, a clan of orc magicians violated the graves of three long-dead Barbarian heroes and stole their skulls to use in a dark summoning...
Breeding Event: Khalidan
This orc was repudiated by his tribe when he was very young. His family could already tell that he wasn't going to grow very tall or very st...
Golden Legends Pass: Chieftain Alarorc
The orc tribe always follows the strongest as their leader. That means that leaders rarely last long. It's usually down to one single battle...
Quest: Gwalirn
Gwalirn loves to turn up where he isn’t welcome. This is partly because he delights in annoying others, and partly because this half-imp is ...
Oger Cave Maze: Ogeronk
Ogeronk is too brutal even for Barbarian standards. Darmith Khan keeps him in chains and inside a cage for extra protection from him. He doe...
Tales: Raris
This abomination was trapped inside a space void for centuries. As it came out, it had completely mutated into what it is today. During its ...
Bounty Hunt: Shivarakah
Shivarakah is a hunter witch (not to be confused with a witch hunter!). She used to be part of a trio, but she lost her sister witches in a ...
Bounty Hunt: Galvanus
This alchemist used to experiment with Thunder currents. "Used to", because one day, an experiment went horribly wrong and his entire body w...
Creator Event: Fundy
Fundy is a well-known architect and constructor in Elektra. He's moved from his home city into Monstown to help reconstruct all of the areas...
Legends Pass: Master Goldfield
Goldfield is one of the oldest members of the Magic Council. Actually, he was one of the first Magic monsters ever in Monster Legends. His e...
Creator Event: Mr. Beast Eco
Mr. Beast has a new mission: To save the planet of Elektra after Malairion’s debacle! Emerald Nathura and the rest of the Superheroes have e...
Era Shop Offer: Nereida de Danann
Nereida has always been one of the Forest's key ambassadors. She can speak the language of monsters, fairies, plants, and spirits easily and...
Golden Legends Pass: Queen Zahra
Warmaster Zahra was the initiator of the Blossom Era, not only because she conducted a magic ritual along with other Forest monsters and cha...
Legends Pass: Rock Archdruid
After many years away from home, Rock Druid was ready to go back to the mountains and reunite with his tribe of miner dwarfs. However, befor...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Torvax
Abominations fear almost nothing…except for the soft scrape of Torvax’s boots on their floor.Lots of Space monsters look up to the Curse of ...
Tales: Ahma Niah
Ahma Niah has arrived from another dimension to join the Magic Council, an organization that can be a bit arcane sometimes. All of its membe...
Bucelyn's Shelter Maze: Bucelyn
Bucelyn was a woodcutter at the Cardinal Forest who was challenged to a game of chess by an elf who was traveling by his cottage. The elf wo...
Quest: Strolem
Strolem was born centuries ago when lightning struck a mountain in the Rocky Peaks region. He left his home and started traveling across Pet...
Ant Lair Marathon: Antlerian
Antlerian has lived in the Cardinal Forest for so long, no one remembers when he arrived. For centuries, he has acted as advisor and confida...
Multiplayer Mode: Silex
When Queen Zahra performed the ritual to banish Barbarians from the Forest, it shook all of Petra, even far in the mountainous North. The gr...
Breeding Event: Hardnut Gorilla
This albino ape was abandoned in the streets of Monstown as a baby. Luckily, he was found by Al Canine, who raised him as one of his own; no...
Bounty Hunt: Slimok
Unlike most aliens, Slimok isn't native to space. It was a bug in the Cardinal Forest, but got sucked in by the Portal of Abominations by Ba...
Creator Event: TommyInnit
Some people are born into greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them… and some achieve greatness through the power of a homemade cost...
Legends Pass: Vadamelter
Nishant has found a way to convince the monsters of the Fiery Forces into thinking that their powers are in danger because of Nature’s new p...
Golden Legends Pass: Nishant the Great
Nishant has been key in several moments of the History of Monster Legends. On his last big feat, Samael tried to go against him to avenge hi...
Murky Mansion Marathon: Murk
In ancient times, Murk lost a battle against Frazerot, the powerful Ice Magician, and was frozen to the side of an ice mountain as punishmen...
Multiplayer Mode: Magmor
Magmor was honored to be selected as one of the guardians at the gates of Hell, because that meant he got to work closely with Kaih the Sunm...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Seashell Guard
Members of the elite Seashell Guard are carefully chosen as eggs and raised in the Marine War College, which is hidden in Petra’s deepest oc...
Quest: Obsidiantes
Obsidiantes is a strong ally to the Fiery Forces... or so he says. He may just be benefiting from their immense power to increase the effect...
The Dark Spine Maze: Shadowyna
This witch used to live at the darkest corner of Monstelvania. She was an old friend of Count Vlad and General Nishant, who were both fans o...
Tales: Roborabbit
Roborabbit and her thousands of identical siblings were created specifically for finding Easter Eggs in the darkness of space. However, Robo...
Breeding Event: Teddywave
Almost as cute as she is powerful, Teddywave was originally part of a line of toys designed for “extremely active baby monsters.” She was on...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Serpentex
If two heads are better than one, then two heads plus a gun that shoots venemous lasers are definitely better than two!Serpentex is only int...
Bounty Hunt: Steelgoroth
Steelgoroth’s “helmet” is actually a tough, but flexible cranial exoskeleton, which grows harder and stronger as he ages. However, the rest ...
Multiplayer Mode: Tuberkhan
It could seem like everything touched by Nectar is beautiful, but this might not be the case. Tuberkhan had lived underground his entire lif...
Creator Event: Forge Labs
Dr. Wattz has a lot of failed experiments, as every good scientist does. But none failed quite as spectacularly as the monster known as “For...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Brainlodon
The ultradimensional Abomination called Brainlodon isn’t just a monster—they’re a floating databank that contains all the knowledge in the u...
Golden Legends Pass: King Atum
After years of division and conflict, the monsters of the Rocky Peaks have decided to summon the only leader all of them trust: General Atum...
Legends Pass: Mother Talika
Talika is probably the most beloved Forest Elder Spirit. Everyone thinks of her as their grandmother and her presence always brings peace an...
Ancient Mine Marathon: Slab
The battle between General Atum and Warthak was legendary, as every monster knows. But what many of them don’t realize is that the earthquak...
Tales: Oswald
Oswald used to run with the Barbarians, where his terrifying tusks and heavy axe blade made him a very effective raider. One night, the Barb...
Quest: La Mamma
When she was young, Leonora had to work moving crates at the docks in Monstown. It was a tough life and days were long in an always cold and...
The Boulding Maze: Boulderar
The Miners are fierce fighters, but when King Atum broke off a piece of himself to shape Boulderar, he had something specific in mind: He wa...
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Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Emmerice
The Cardinal Forest was in the earliest flush of spring when a malicious ice demon whispered a freezing spell into the wind. The wind carrie...
Breeding Event: Golemnoid
Barbarians used to live north of the mountain region, but after Darmith Khan's rise, they're everywhere — North, South,... everywhere. They ...
Multiplayer Mode: Phyreas
Although he looks like a gentle giant, Phyreas’ passions burn as brightly as the fire he controls, and it’s led him into some bad situations...
Golden Legends Pass: Elvira Demonslayer
Losing the Celestial Paradise to a demon was the worst blow Warmaster Elvira had ever taken. And ever since she’d landed on the headquarters...
Uriel's Throne Marathon: Uriel the Divine
Uriel was already there in the dawn of time, before Paradise and the Underworld were two separate places. We could say he's an Angel, for la...
Creator Event: Bionic
Bionic used to work as a master crafter at Global Mech Ltd., but after building robots and weapons for others for many years, he's decided t...
Quest: Sparkus
Just like his brother Ukuduma, Sparkus had problems controlling the electricity inside his body as a child. However, while Ukuduma learned t...
Tales: Cherub Cupid
Cupid played a crucial role at the end of the war between the Celestial Paradise and the Underworld, reuniting Angels and guiding them back ...
House of Dogs Maze: Jack Russael
Jack Russael was once the loyal protector of a young and defenseless monster. He vowed to do anything to keep his master safe and kept his w...
Tales: Georgelato
Meet Georgelato! He's the sweetest citizen of Monstown, or so he likes to think. He's also the coolest, and that may be true... Almost too c...
Quest: Biowormbot
This lab-made worm and robot hybrid, this biological creature that looks like a giant virus, this disgusting creation is a deadly biological...
Battlestar Birdhouse: Parrobot
Global Tech Ltd. rarely takes requests from individuals, especially from outlaws like Admiral Copperbeard, but he asked the scientists in th...
Exotic Lands: Gleamhild
Gleamhild was a prisoner at Count Vlad's castle. There, she died forgotten in a dungeon cell. You'd think that after death granted her a new...
Bounty Hunt: Calamitabyss
While Dr. Wattz was working on his research on hydraulic energy, he made tests on a little crustacean which he then immediately discarded, t...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Harpiker
The seas of Elektra are wild. Lots of genetically modified creatures, lots of monsters who've coexisted with pollution for so long that th...
Golden Legends Pass: Commander Morgan
Privateer Morgan loved power. That's the main reason he stopped being a mercenary corsair and joined the Space Defenders, because he wanted ...
Legends Pass: Clawgore
Clawgore was nothing more than a microorganism, a small seed of an Abomination unlikely to thrive and evolve in the harsh conditions of the ...
Creators' Island: FaZe Rug Pro
FaZe Rug enjoyed his time as a giant robot, but he missed driving around and playing pranks with his old clan. He found a scientist who figu...
Multiplayer Mode: Gafuhlz
A revolting beast with eyes everywhere except its face, Gafuhlz is a misshapen hulk from every monster’s nightmares. Its horrible body is co...
Space K9 Maze: K911
Not all Space Defenders are heartless and thirsty for power like Commander Morgan. There are galactic servants like K911 who are well-liked,...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Brother Tiberius
Despite having a history of collaboration and trust, relationships between the Celestial Paradise and the Light Kingdom haven't been the bes...
Time-Limited Book: Kenecro
Kenecro betrayed Yaoguai Wangzhou, selling his secrets to mercenaries, and when the Dark Emperor found out, he cursed him to burn for eterni...
Stunwoofer Marathon: Ambisonic
Need to get the attention of a large, unruly mob? Monster School students too talkative? Is your monster-in-law nagging again? You’ve tried ...
Tales: Fropsi
Back when Georgelato was trying to prove that he was the coolest guy in Monstown, he accidentally left part of his gooey body in a freezer. ...
Bounty Hunt: Goliathess ⛰
Goliathess isn't a Barbarian, or at least she wasn't originally. However, one day, she descended from the Rocky Peaks and camped amongst the...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Dracbite 🐲
The Barbarians aren't exactly going through their most peaceful period. Darmith Khan's leadership is constantly under question, and the law ...
Thunder Bark Maze: Slothunder 🦥
The other members of the Adventurer’s Guild found it frustrating to work with Slothunder at first because he insisted on taking his time and...
Multiplayer Mode: Darko 🐉
Darko used to live in the Light Kingdom's castle's dungeons, but he was bored to death there. He tried to earn some attention by kidnapping ...
Creators' Island: Dhar Mann 🧞
When his lamp was found in the Eastern Regions a couple of years ago, Dhar Mann started serving his masters by granting wishes. However, lit...
Golden Legends Pass: Ra'Zhul Doom 💀
Ra'Zhul's transformation came to him unexpectedly. One minute he was summoned by Fayemalice, who said she had a mission for him, and the nex...
Legends Pass: Empress Luthien ✨
Queen Luthien was always a fervent servant of destiny. She reads its signs well, too. She knew it was her destiny to be the Elf Queen along ...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Kronobite 🕰
Kronobite isn’t just famous for his sunny smile. His long, dagger-sharp teeth can pierce the fabric of time itself, allowing Kronobite to li...
Koi Bubble Marathon: The Koi Boy 🐟
Koi was born inside a fish tank at Kihaku's house. He was so fascinated by the master's skills that, one day, he jumped out of his tank to j...
Tales: Robo Tito 🤖
When Malairion started wiping out every green surface in Elektra, Emerald Nathura teamed up with Ingenica to create a sensible robot who cou...
Quest: Heliom ☀️
Heliom was a guard at the Greek temple in the Free Reigns. This area of Petra has been peaceful for many years, so he had little or nothing ...
Bounty Hunt: Mikenetic 🔗
Mikenetic is a cutting-edge example of golem technology. Its magnets are strong enough to damage anything metal, even something as heavy-dut...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Matarragon 🗡
Matarragon is a highly skilled dragonslayer who has brought down hundreds of these scaly foes. As meticulous as he is deadly, Matarragon pri...
The Walking Dead: Rick 🦊
Rick woke from a coma to lead an army of survivors against the dead. He didn’t ask to become the leader, but he knows what needs to be done,...
The Walking Dead: Michonne 🗡️
Michonne wields her signature katana like a scalpel, slicing through Abominations and infected monsters alike with surgical precision. A kee...
Multiplayer Mode: Aderlass
When Ra’Zhul Doom and Fayemalice tried to open a portal and free Lord Nebotus, they were almost buried in Abominations. But while they dispa...
The Walking Dead: Negan 😈
Negan's not dying until he’s good and ready. All swagger, he's here to crush skulls and have a good time doing it. He’s even dipped his sign...
The Walking Dead: Daryl 🐺
The ultimate survivalist, Daryl is a lone wolf, most comfortable facing the wilderness alone. But no matter where he is, he always shows up ...
The Walking Dead: Maggie 🐿️
A pragmatic and shrewd leader, Maggie values life deeply... even when others might insist all hope is lost. She’s said goodbye to loved ones...
The Walking Dead: Carol 🏹
There was a time when Carol didn't fight back, but those days are long gone. Now she’s a deadly survivor who understands better than anyone ...
Power Tower Maze: ZEO 😈
Who or what is ZEO, exactly? No one knows where he came from, although his enemies (and victims) swear he must have come straight out of Hel...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Prospero the Great ✨
Anyone who visits Monstown simply must visit ZEO’s casino, and Prospero the Great was no exception. But while most monsters play a few round...
Legends Pass: Boss DaRex 🦖
MC Boss had held all types of artistic jobs — DJ, rapper, breakdancer,... until he found his true passion as a radio host. In his radio show...
Golden Legends Pass: Nuke Aura
Malairion, or, back then, Malair, kidnapped Dusk Aura and took her under his wing when she was very young, with the sole goal of hurting her...
Invasive Colony Marathon: Khrilz 🪲
Khrilz isn't an Abomination, but a species of Abomination. These creatures reproduce at untraceable speed and move even faster to surround a...
Tales: Captain Elektra 🛡
The Superheroes in the Elektra Patrol have recruited a new member! Captain Elektra's record speaks for itself: She's helped countless Citize...
Quest: Bo Frost ❄️
Malairion's Supervillains are an unstructured organization at the moment. With their leader gone, most of his employees are trying to keep a...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Grynde 🌱
If you want to hire the mysterious bounty hunter known as Grynde, you’ll have to hunt him first. Anyone seeking his services must go into th...
Bounty Hunt: Zarkane ✨
Zarkane was a disgraced sorcerer back in Petra. He had a bad reputation and nobody wanted to work with him, so he made an escape to Elektra ...
Golden Legends Pass: Tyrant Skeel 🧠
The leader of the Skeels hasn't lost a shred of malice with his transformation. He's learned how to play the long game in order to get what'...
Legends Pass: Kiridar Pilgrim 🌱
Kiridar once championed every initiative she could to try and save her planet from destruction, but her efforts weren't enough. When it was ...
Multiplayer Mode: Rage-To-O ❄️
Rage-To-O grew up in captivity in an aquarium. He had dreamed of living in open waters his entire life but, when he finally moved to escape ...
Gravilla Maze: Gravatron ⛰
In the darkness of space, a massive burst of gamma radiation hit a floating patch of debris. The rays were so strong that they created a whi...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Velvet Tom 🔥⛰
Elegant. Delicate. Dignified. While most monsters could never be described using these words, Velvet Tom is a rare exception. A refugee on K...
Space Treecraft Marathon: Rootborg
Rootborg is the end result of a doomsday escape mounted by a dying world. Scientists worked tirelessly to reverse the environmental destruct...
Tales: Trickytrickier 🧟♂️ 🎃
“Trick or treat!” Who’s that standing at your front doorstep? Aww, it’s just a cute little monster in a funny costume! Halloween is such a s...
Quest: Lord Hayman 🎃🔥
Hayman has always been one of the biggest protectors of Halloween traditions. He even saved Halloween last year, when the monsters of Monste...
Bounty Hunt: Dreadrock
Count Vlad was relaxing in his castle one moonless night when he heard strange footsteps. But the Count didn’t need his sharp senses to spot...
Bounty Hunt Offer: The Nefilslayer
When the universe was very young, it was a violent place. Random explosions, sudden black holes, and unexpected supernovas all caused chaos....
Multiplayer Mode: Inmunoid
Spacefaring warlords are nothing without their impressive security details, and it’s become a point of pride for many to have gigantic drone...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Obliterion 💥
Thank you for purchasing an Obliterion model from Global Mech, Ltd. The Obliterion is the latest in defensive technology, seamlessly blendin...
Uskagath Maze: Uksagon
Unique among the other Abominations, Uksagon isn’t just a ravenous fiend from another dimension—it’s a living torture device! It can actuall...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Dvice 22 📱
USER REVIEW: “I bought this because I wanted an upgrade on my old Dvice and I really liked how shiny the new one was. But all of a sudden, i...
Creators' Island: Preston 🔥
He frags, he playz, he’s hot ‘n spicy, and he’s cosmic. He’s Preston, the fire-slinging fighter! Sure, being on fire all the time can be a l...
Legends Pass: VoltaiK Redeemed 💫✨
VoltaiK has made a few mistakes in his life. Quite a few. And it's always been his ambition getting the best of him. The first time, he betr...
Golden Legends Pass: The Great Cthulhu 🐙
The original Abomination. For centuries, Cthulhu was so feared that most monsters in the galaxy preferred to believe he wasn't real for thei...
Grooklax Cluster Marathon: Grooklax 😈
There are lots of curses in this world, but none quite like Grooklax’s specialty: scorching the very souls of her enemies. There isn’t much ...
Tales: Grateful Ted 🦃
Everything was going great on Grateful Ted’s home planet…until one terrible autumn. That’s when deserters from the Skeel Army showed up for ...
Quest: Titanbolt ⚡️
'Titanbolt' is actually the dynamic duo of Bolt and Titan! Bolt is very physically weak, but very smart. He got tired of being picked on by ...
Bounty Hunt: Urchinion 🌊🦀
Urchinions come from the deepest, coldest oceans, where the water is as icy as the magic streaming from their claws. But they had a hard lif...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Klawax 🐀💥
Klawax comes from a long line of bounty hunters. That may sound impressive, but none of Klawax’s ancestors ever rose to the heights of galac...
The Conjuring: Clara Claus 🤶
Sugar and spice and everything nice—that’s what every monster thinks when they see Clara Claus decked out in all her holiday glory. In fact,...
Creators' Island: Dhar Mann Santa 🧞♂️🤶
Dhar Mann Santa isn’t your typical kindly Christmas spirit. Instead of judging whether monsters were naughty over the past year and only bri...
Multiplayer Mode: Azajinn 💫
Azajinn was trapped for ten thousand years in a tiny, tiny space. However, it wasn’t a lamp or a bottle—it was an empty can of Monster Snax!...
Pandalf's Conjuring: ✨ Griffania Ironwings (Light Court Ancestor) ✨
In Ancient times, young elf Yerex was playing on a field when he saw a group of Griffexes attacking a Griffin egg. Even at his age, he alrea...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Piranhiac 🐠
Piranhiac loves nothing more than laughing in the face of society. His greatest allies are Frosilka, Kozorg, and Gorg, and his ultimate neme...
Legends Pass: Pig-kin 🐗
Yaoguai Wangzhou could feel that his days as the Emperor of the Eastern Regions were counted. He knew that the rebels of the Honor Dojo were...
Golden Legends Pass: Mighty Thetys 🫧
General Thetys was done waiting. She'd done her waiting and her turn didn't seem to arrive. She wanted to rule, but her mother, Queen Thalas...
Era Shop Offer: Duke of Atlantis 🔱
Lord of Atlantis, one of Queen Thalassa's oldest, most faithful servants, was doing rounds by the coral reef when he noticed that something ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Raitosama 👺
Raitosama and Pig-kin go way back. You might say they’re… business associates. Maybe they saved each others’ backs a few times. Maybe some m...
Korol's Rock Marathon: Korol 🌿
Korol is a master of battlefield camouflage. He sneaks onto the enemy’s side and huddles up on the ground. His rough shell makes him look li...
Tales: Jingle Hells 🎄🔥
Slashing through the snowWith his candy cane in handIt’s Jingle Hells’ timeTo make a festive stand!Dhar Mann Santa’s kindAnd gives out many ...
Bounty Hunt: Lloronion 🧅😢
Many monsters feel moved to pity at the sight of Lloronion. The tears streaming from his many eyes are enough to soften the hardest heart, a...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Mouserk 🐭
Spacefaring mercenaries usually have their own transportation, but not Mouserk. He prefers traveling as a stowaway, especially on luxury ves...
Multiplayer Mode: Alchemystic ✨
No combination of mystic magical reagents is beyond Alchemystic’s grasp. Anything that can help him win a battle goes straight into a bottle...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Sir Weosule 🐭
Squire Weosule was taking a walk on the outskirts of the Light Kingdom with King Charmless one day when they heard a strange noise coming fr...
Legends Pass: Gaspagore 👑
Gaspagore was the king of an unimportant minor kingdom not far from the borders of the Light Kingdom. His realm was quiet, peaceful…and very...
Golden Legends Pass: Rebel Frosilka 🧚♀️
The second Mighty Thetys told Frosilka about her plan to rule as Empress of the Eastern Regions, Frosilka cheered. She couldn’t wait to get ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: King Daeron II ⚜️
Daeron II, son of Helmut IV, and grandson of Lieron III, carrier of royal blood from the lineage of Yerex, is the reigning King of the Light...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Theton Tideborn (Sea Old Guard Ancestor) 🔱
Centuries ago, when the city of Atlantis sank as a consequence of its corruption, it landed right on top of Theton's portion of the seabed. ...
Deep Abyss Marathon - Zerozone 🐠
Zerozone isn’t the smartest monster around. Rebel Frosilka basically recruited him into the Sea Rebels by promising him an endless supply of...
Tales - Skydkold 🛡️
Skydkold comes from a small village where people still follow their ancient traditions. One of these customs involves tying the arms and leg...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Blaster Kong 🐒💥
As the youngest sibling of Firekong, Blaster Kong has a lot to live up to. He’s definitely the runt of the family, but what he lacks in size...
Creators' Island: CoryxKenshin ⚔️
When CoryxKenshin hits the battlefield, Abominations had better run—he’s got a higher power on his side, and he’s not afraid to call upon it...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Robur Oldenshield (Pure Gaia Ancestor)
This ancient green spirit traveled with the wind at the beginning of time, until it found fertile land in western Petra. Robur seeded every ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Roothorn 🌱
One of Robur Oldenshield’s last acolytes, Roothorn embodies the forceful and destructive aspects of Nature. While not evil, he represents th...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Wolperdinger 🐰🦌
Wolperdinger represents the nurturing, constructive aspects of Nature. He may not be as physically intimidating as his darker counterpart Ro...
Multiplayer Mode: Turtle Murtle 🐢
For years, Turtle Murtle’s been complaining to Queen Thalassa about the state of things. But no matter how often Turtle Murtle details his t...
Legends Pass: Blackbarry 🫐
Monstown has been trying to replace the city’s green spaces ever since Malairion destroyed them to make room for his Nebula Multiplier, so t...
Golden Legends Pass: Deepdoom 🐠
It’s well known that Rebel Frosilka has a brother, Korzorg. But few are aware of her second brother, Dorzorg. Most monsters don’t know he ex...
Roaring Sands Marathon - Roareth 🦁⚔️
Queen Basthet and Roareth have a long history. While they’ve never publicly acknowledged each other as more than colleagues, it’s widely kno...
Tales: Lovestruck 💘
Lovestruck was once part of a high choir of powerful angelic beings who guarded the heavens and watched over living monsters. They spent the...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Surgenia 🏴☠️
Admiral Copperbeard was on a solo jaunt across the Tri-Cluster Region, an area of space riddled with pirates, when six enemy vessels suddenl...
Golden Legends Pass: Eternal Basthet 🐱
The Free Reigns are composed of small regions, each with their own ancient culture and tradition. They lived a bit isolated from the rest of...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Owlinia 🦉
Owlinia was always a bit of a bookworm. As a youngster, she spent hours reading through old scrolls and history books in her mother’s librar...
Legends Pass: Hellmut Hoyt 🔮
The Magic Council kept receiving disturbing reports that Alchemystic was up to no good. Despite their confidence that the talented, kind-hea...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Akithron 🐕
Akithron was sent as a gift from Elektra to be Bella Baal’s companion. Unfortunately, her transformations tended to trigger his attack respo...
Multiplayer Mode: Lyza 🦎🐲
Lyza is the leader of the roughest, toughest group of female Barbarians in all of Petra. Her warriors are legendary not only for their brute...
Tales: Pyrolektrica 🔥⚡️
When Elektra experienced its toxic sunlight event, most citizens stayed inside, afraid for their lives (and rightly so!). But what about Ele...
Tumulost Marathon: Fangoriak 💀🏁
Yaoguai Wangzhou was very interested in harnessing the powers of Soul’s Lair. He offered Fayemalice all sorts of dark, delightful things in ...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Hurtnivore 🔩
A talented hunter, Hurtnivore has been asked to join Admiral Copperbeard’s crew multiple times. But Hurtnivore isn’t much of a joiner. He th...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kongrus 🐡
A sworn knight of Theton Tideborn, Kongrus rose from humble origins to become a great leader in the Sea Old Guard. But unlike many monsters ...
Multiplayer Mode: Bolskudon ⚡️
Wilder and more erratic than most druids, Bolskudon’s magic is powerful and untamed. One day, he might be a chieftain’s most trusted advisor...
Legends Pass: Ghoulossus 🌀
When Fayemalice first met Ghoulossus, she couldn’t believe her luck. Right there, in the middle of his rotten-looking belly, was a glowing p...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Queen Thalassa 🔱👑
Thalassa’s parents died when she was young and she was raised by her grandfather Theton Tideborn, King of the Water Realm. Theton very soon ...
Golden Legends Pass: Princess Baal 👸🏻🦁
As the only daughter of Empress Luthien and King Daeron II, Bella Baal has lived a charmed life. That’s literal, since she’s under a protect...
Tales: Hysterikeaster 😈🐰
Hysterikeaster was born when an ordinary rabbit accidentally took a little dip into one of Warspellz’s potions instead of the stew pot. Afte...
Prulkadom Marathon: Prulka 🏁
Even the rudest, crudest Barbarian crews love music, and Prulka is the biggest goblin bard around. Whenever she plays, hundreds of Barbarian...
Bounty Hunt Offer: ION V2 🤖
ION V2 is a highly deadly bounty-hunting robot. A top-of-the-line product, ION V2 is incredibly advanced. In fact, it seems that this unit i...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Owu Wu 🌱
Owu Wu hatched from a strange wooden egg in a very tall tree. Wootr sprouted up from that same tree bough at the exact moment Owu Wu hatched...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Wootr 🌿
When Wootr first sprouted from his mother bough, he bumped into an odd wooden egg, which cracked to reveal Owu Wu. The two monsters immediat...
Multiplayer Mode: Powflow ⚡️
When Powflow was growing up, other monsters constantly told him how little and cute he was. While this might sound complimentary, it gave hi...
Legends Pass: Zparks
Zparks takes his role as a member of Elektra Patrol VERY seriously. Annoyingly so, in fact. That’s because Zparks thinks that what every sup...
Golden Legends Pass: Tenno Kihaku 💧🐉💧
Kihaku had been the democratic leader of the Eastern Regions until Yaoguai Wangzhou took the Throne Room and the rest of the Dojo by darknes...
Shroom Tower Marathon: Max Shroom 🍄
Slothunder was tracking down a rare book underground when he started to get hungry. Really hungry! The problem was, he’d already eaten all h...
Tales: Varumamu 🦞
Varupapu may be a grumpy monster, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the odd pang of paternal feelings. When he met Varumamu, he knew thi...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Meleenaut ✨
Almost from the moment he took his first steps, Meleenaut started fighting. In his family, that’s normal: Meleenaut comes from a long line o...
Era Special Offer: Erafaz ❄️
During one of her many travels, Helgudin was crossing a mountain range when she came across the frozen body of a female wolf. A tiny puppy c...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Sorcerice 🔮
A hermit even by Summitfolk standards, Sorcerice lives alone, far away from any settlement. While some monsters seek her out for potions and...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Drakkarhed 🛶
When the ancestors of the Summitfolk were adventurers, one group set out in search of a mystical island, which was rumored to hold a source ...
Legends Pass: Arachnoflam 🕷🔥
The mountains stretching between the Rocky Peaks and Fiery Pits are studded with thousands of fossils. While the locals have many legends ab...
Breeding Event: Rygolm 💫
Trapped inside a mountain, Ryclops longed for fresh air and the trails he used to climb. Every day was spent in a dreamlike state haunted by...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Tyr Stormbringer (Summitfolk Ancestor) ⚡️
Long ago, some of the founding members of the Adventurer’s Guild were exploring the most remote mountainous regions of Petra when they encou...
Multiplayer Mode: Evileye Joe 🐸
A dapper monster with a head for the law and an eye for the ladies, Evileye Joe is the smoothest talker in Monstown. After successfully gett...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Fatal Harald 🍃
Harald used to work bringing resources up the mountains for the Summitfolk villagers. Unfortunately this, a lot of the time, involved having...
Arkanite's Alcove Marathon: Arkanite 🔮
After spending many years away from his homeland as a member of the Magic Council, Arkanite has finally returned to the Rocky Peaks to act a...
Tales: Gloverd 🌏✨
Kiridar and the other Star Sailors were traveling through a quiet region of space when they came across the remains of a shattered world. Th...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Mad Country 🤠
If you see the silhouette of a lone gunman against the burning Wastelands sun, congratulations—you ran into Mad Country and lived to tell th...
Multiplayer Mode: Learnatta 🐲
Another fine example of what happens when Dr. Viktor and Nishant the Great collaborate, Learnatta was created by combining the Cells of Lear...
Breeding Event: Olan
Nishant the Great never saw what hit him—the Abomination attack was fast and furious, completely out of the blue. All he knew was that when ...
Legends Pass: Vosker ⚡️
Inside his protective armor, Vosker is safe from nearly anything. That’s why he makes such an excellent torturer—no matter how messy things ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Sygrid Spirit 🛡
Erafaz and Helgudin were hunting along the secret Summitfolk mountain trails when they came across the ancient funerary runestone of a femal...
Tales: Prismatic Pandatone 🌈🐼
The twin brother of Pandalf, Pandatone always felt different from the rest of his family growing up. Eventually, it led to quarrels and hurt...
Krowheim Marathon: Konrad von Krow 🖤
Konrad von Krow was one of Monstelvania's most relevant aristocrats, in fact, too relevant for Count Vlad's comfort. Konrad and the Count ha...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Bandolero 🤖
One-on-one robot fights are the hottest trend in the Wastelands right now, and The BaroneX was a massive fan at first. But after betting on ...
Multiplayer Mode: Mortal Ming ✨🔮
The defeat of the Fury Dojo sent many of its adherents into hiding alongside Yaoguai Wangzhou. Including Mortal Ming. Since Ming was better ...
Legends Pass: Calida 🔥
Calida was left outside Mjolnir’s forge as an egg. Considering it another experiment, Mjolnir gently placed the egg in his Forge to stay war...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Khalorc Rageskin (Barbarian Ancestor) ✨
Khalorc Rageskin was born centuries ago into a nomadic orcish tribe. They roamed Petra like a pack of rabid dogs, crushing every other group...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gobzerkir 💥
Gobzerkir is two things: very dumb, and very loyal. He doesn’t mind playing second fiddle to his fellow minion Bruzard, since Bruzard’s a bi...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Bruzard
A master of curses, this druid has lived as a hermit ever since Khalorc Rageskin disappeared. Despite being a goblin, which is a race Khalor...
Golden Legends Pass: Mosklin 🦟
Mosklin is a very unpopular fellow. His whining, irritating voice feels like an icepick in your brain, and he can really suck the fun out of...
Tales: Gremmie 🌊🐤
Despite his laid-back appearance, Gremmie’s actually a pretty good fighter. It’s just that he prefers the salty crash of the ocean waves to ...
Krakatrack Marathon: Mag Karra 💥
One day, Calida came to Mjolnir with an idea: Could he use a Northberry to boost volcanic power? If they caused massive earthquakes, the inv...
Golden Legends Pass: Albynassa 🔥🖤
A peculiar monster, Albynassa reeks of misery and discontent. If it slinks near the borders of a settlement, the monsters living there have ...
Legends Pass: Dolores 🕯
A mystical, intimidating beauty, Dolores lives a cloistered life of silence in a faraway tower on the periphery of the Light Kingdom. In her...
Golden Legends Pass: Sir Lancefloat 🐟
Lancefloat grew up in one of the Water Realms’ most isolated communities, a tiny collective of deep-sea monsters who eked out a meager livin...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Tinytrap 🦎
Did you know that there's a small jungle in the Wastelands? Exactly! It's not all desert, but it's all equally inhospitable, because this ju...
Golden Legends Pass: Goblarzd 🧙♀️ 🔮
Unlike Khalorc Rageskin’s other minions, Goblarzd is neither petty nor political. This dark druid is far from Khalorc’s equal, yet he doesn’...
Multiplayer Mode: Jellymer 💜
Most people who look at Jellymer think he’s a big ol’ softy. And he is, both in terms of personality and texture! Jellymer is head of the Ma...
Tales: Madprof 📚
The strictest teacher at Monstown High, Madprof has been known to punish students for the tiniest transgressions. Scuffed shoes? Detention. ...
Goatskull Marathon: Magoat 🐐
This clever little alchemist lives on the outskirts of the Light Kingdom, brewing artisanal potions and tonics for all the monsters in the n...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Kawborg 🤖
After learning about the Wastelands as a child, Kawborg became obsessed. He dreamed of traveling there; maybe even building his own dwelling...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Baba Basheer ✨ 🐒 ✨
Baba Basheer was once the ringmaster of a traveling circus. He was a restless monster, so his troupe traveled almost everywhere in Petra, pe...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gugul 💜
Gugul was a masked dancer in Baba Basheer’s circus. After the Sack of Lyria, they decided to join the other survivors on their quest to star...
Legends Pass: Onikapa 👹
According to a local legend, Onikapa is a twisted hulk who only leaves his boggy lair to devour lost children. Knowing this tale, four brave...
Multiplayer Mode: Yoshisama 🌊
Yoshisama is the last surviving monk of a long-dead religious movement named the Iron Crows, wiped out decades previously by the Fury Dojo. ...
Golden Legends Pass: Guildmaster Gregorz 🪓
He was born Gregorz of Lyria, although he’d never even been there. Still, tradition ran strong in his family: Gravorz, his grandfather, had ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Dumbane 🐘 💜
Dumbane was a performer in Baba Basheer’s circus. Every night, he draped himself in jewels and turned acrobatic tricks in the ring, dazzling...
Golden Legends Pass: Glacial Babari ❄️
Warmaster Babari had never expected to become the leader of the Summitfolk. He barely knew they existed before Sorcerice contacted him, seek...
Tales: Mekantor 🤖
Kiridar and her Pilgrims were traveling through space when they flew into a debris field. They knew the debris was from a Cosmo Civilization...
Shamish Hut Marathon: Shamish 🐱
Shamish prefers to keep her thoughts to herself and her eyes lowered with a kind of detached grace, as if the vulgar everyday world doesn’t ...
Bounty Hunt: Rusty Redtail 🧨🦊
Even the toughest, most grizzled denizens of the Wasteland get nervous when they hear Rusty Redtail coming. Not only is he louder than hell,...
Golden Legends Pass: Gonzo 🙉
As a child, Gonzo worshipped Baba Basheer, one of the legendary Adventurous Triad who founded the Adventurers’ Guild. He didn’t know of many...
Multiplayer Mode: Jocko 🃏
When Fayemalice said, "This court needs a jester,”Very few monsters felt safe to invest herWith any new “friends” who would want the positio...
Legends Pass: Killamancer 🎩
As a Magic Council apprentice, Killamancer had longed to explore the darker, more dangerous forms of magic. He loved demonology more than an...
Tales: Mudster ✨
When Konrad Von Krow asked him to help steal the “Capital of Halloween” title from Monstelvania, Mudster was ecstatic. He loved Halloween, b...
Golden Legends Pass: Hemer Litsok 💧
Almost supernaturally upbeat, Hemer Litsok absolutely loves being part of Elektra Patrol. There’s nothing that makes her happier than neutra...
Bounty Hunt: Junkjowl ✨
When Junkjowl was a young monster, his family was murdered by a roaming gang of Wasteland bandits. Although he survived, Junkjowl was alone ...
Bastion of Flame Marathon: Fleimgard 🔥
Fleimgard is a demonic construct, created by Killamancer at the behest of Konrad Von Krow. Using the discarded limbs and tissues of demons w...
Golden Legends Pass: Shieldbolt ⚡️
Built by the earliest members of Elektra Patrol, Shieldbolt is a super-powered security robot with a heart (or central processing core) of g...
Multiplayer Mode: Brankio 🏴☠️
Most monsters who live underwater have very little interest in the surface, but not Brankio. He ran away at a young age and took to a life o...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Jestin Justice (Elektra Patrol Ancestor) 💫
Jestin was an ordinary citizen of Monstown who, like many of his peers, was concerned about the rising rate of crime in their city. Once saf...
Era Special Offer: UV Forge 💜
When her version of Elektra Patrol was wiped out, UV Forge lost everyone she cared about, including her lover, VoltaiK. Her rage and grief w...
Golden Legends Pass: Spitizze 🐒
In his home universe, Spitizze performed in Baba Basheer’s circus. He was an ice sculptor, shaping frozen crystals into shapes for the delig...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Superfume 🌼
Superfume was not always a superhero. Like the other founding members of Elektra Patrol, her powers awakened after witnessing Jestin Justice...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Exothermic 🔥
Exo was just a regular citizen of Monstown going to work one day when he witnessed something extraordinary! A shining monster made of pierci...
Legends Pass: Swift Daga ✨
When Spitizze fell through his Glitcherine Gateway, he was too surprised to even think about closing it back up, so it stayed open. One of h...
Pantomimeland Marathon: Mimmense 🤡
Not only is Mimmense Elektra’s most popular street performer, but he’s roughly the size (and weight) of an elephant, giving him a formidable...
Tales: Toni DeTurkey 🦃
Just who the hell are you? You think you can just walk in here and start demanding to know all the intimate details about one of The Syndica...
Bounty Hunt: Little Eneas ⚔️
Small, yet powerful, Little Eneas is one of the best-known gladiators in the Free Reigns. His sword might be bigger than his entire body, bu...
Legends Pass: Joltlene 🎶
Her bloodthirst is beyond compareAnd in the Wastelands, if you dareTo try and mess with herShe gets real meanHer smile is like a scorpion’s ...
Golden Legends Pass: Waveblaze 🌊
This alternate-universe version of Superfume is from an aquatic iteration of Monstown. When the first Glitcherine Gateway appeared in her wo...
Multiplayer Mode: The Cometstorm ☄️
In an alternate universe, The Firestorm never became the superhero he was always meant to be, and that changed everything.During a pitched b...
Golden Legends Pass: Grokmax ⚙️
Grokmax was a comrade of Voytek’s for many years, but the two monsters never really got along. Voytek didn’t think Grokmax took the business...
Clockworkshop Marathon: Doc Clockshock 🕰
Doc Clockshock was just an ordinary Wastelands tinkerer when a traveling pack of bandits burned down his workshop, stole all his supplies, a...
Tales: Nadalotus 🎄
When Lord Nebotus dissipated into the universe, his consciousness split into millions of sparks, all of which drifted through the multiverse...
Bounty Hunt: Epamikrondas ⚔️
Epamikrondas was tired of fighting unworthy opponents. His daily performance in the arena had become boring, no matter how loudly the crowds...
Multiplayer Mode: Taubel 🕊⚔️
Very few pigeons are given the honor of joining the Celestial Paradise, but Taubel is no ordinary bird. His ancestors dwelled in the dovecot...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Mater Geneza (Cosmo Civilizations Ancestor) 👾
In some universes, she’s a goddess. In others, a demon. Monsters in some universes believe Mater Geneza is just a mythological figure, while...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Molgun 👁
Mater Geneza knew she couldn’t trust just any monsters to be her personal protectors, so she built some out of foul dark magics and disparat...
Legends Pass: Poweroot 🌳
ZEO asked Dr. Wattz to find a way to make crops grow faster so he could monetize agricultural production in Elektra. Wattz was lost in exper...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gorruptor 🪲
Half-machine and half-organic, Gorruptor is a sneaky little minion whom Mater Geneza looks upon as her special pet. Not in the cute, fluffy ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Staukrax 🐜🔥
Staukrax is another minion of Mater Geneza’s, but unlike Molgun or Gorruptor, he isn’t her direct creation. He was a member of a long-dead s...
Golden Legends Pass: Lord Flamster 🔥🐹
After years of exploring various dimensions in different investigation teams, gathering information about creatures, and improving his battl...
Doom Bloom Marathon: Dr. Bloom 🌸
The Revenge Squadron has been a shattered faction ever since Malairion vanished into space. However, one of the band's monstrous members ref...
Tales: Jarldoom 💧💀
It is common knowledge in Petra that the Righteous Court and the Summitfolk don't have the best relationship. Long ago, the former tried to ...
Bounty Hunt: Pugnus 🥊🔥
Pugnus grew up in the alleyways surrounding his local Faction Colosseum. He was never the biggest or strongest, so he made up for it by bein...
Multiplayer Mode: Thradx Sentinel 🛡️🐟
Thradx Sentinel was a member of Queen Thalassa’s exploration forces. Known to be a skilled fighter, he was also an inventor, creating armor ...
Legends Pass: Visierion 👁️⚙️
An alternate universe version of Visiel, Visierion is one of Warmaster Elvira’s many surveillance constructs. Elvira likes to say that she h...
Tales: Shakesperante 📜🪶
Shall we compare Galante to this one?He is more cultured with less ribaldry:Rough words do sour the grand pursuit of love,And Shakesperante ...
Legends Pass: Bad Gyaumal 👼😈
Taking advantage of the rift in the Multiverse, Bad Gyaumal has been sent as an emissary on a mission to recruit new inhabitants for the uni...
Creator's Island: Dhar CameraMann 🎥
Lights, camera, Gateway! Dhar CameraMann is one of the most famous streamers in Monstown history, and now he’s taking his life lessons aroun...
Bounty Hunt: Miniminos 🐂
This alternate-universe Minos looks very different from his counterparts…because he’s not really Minos at all!In Miniminos’ universe, Daedal...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Evaris Il Obscuro (Syndicate Ancestor) ✨
NOTE: The following text was recovered from the Library, but it appears to have been censored at various points using a glistening, deep-blu...
Legends Pass: Enforcerion ⚙️
Built to be an absolutely ironclad bouncer—err, sorry; that should read “dedicated Head of Corporate Security”—by Evaris Il Obscuro, Enforce...
Legends Pass: Bookeeperion 📚
Bookeeperion is one of The Syndicate’s most unique operatives. While it operates as a single unit, there are two different robots attached t...
Multiplayer Mode: Blotzek
It was inevitable that Abominations would figure out how to use Glitcherine Gateways eventually. What no one expected, though, was that alte...
Golden Legends Pass: Kemoni 👺
Kemoni has an enormous amount of swagger to match his enormous head, yet this underworld operative is surprisingly soft-spoken and polite. H...
Legends Pass: Dosigumi 👻
There are many monsters like Dosigumi. In fact, there are legions. The oceans of Petra are filled with the souls of drowned monsters, which ...
Golden Legends Pass: Akanoni
Soon after the Fury Dojo faction disappeared, strange things began happening at Honor Dojo HQ. Bizarre thumps and creepy whispers kept every...
Cakeshiro Marathon: Cookie-Sama 🍪
Cookie-Sama’s not impressed with everything he’s heard about Son-Cookie. He’s a disciplined old warrior who might just be the saltiest cooki...
Tales: Rockssandra 🪨
What are rocks? Static, hard, unyielding. Something passive that can be used to build, to wound, to carve into whatever form pleases the sto...
Bounty Hunt: Satyrus 🌱
Known throughout the Free Reigns for his amazing parties, Satyrus is everyone’s best friend. He’s invited to every celebration and attends a...
Legends Pass - Ishigaki 👹
Ishigaki was the sole guardian of a beautiful, but very isolated tropical island. He took his job very seriously, even though the island was...
Golden Legends Pass: Kuromaku Kaori 🥷😈
This alternative-universe Kaori also overcame outdated gender roles. But instead of becoming Pure and fighting the darkness, she decided to ...
Multiplayer Mode: Octomancer 🐙🔮
Like most deep-ocean dwellers, Octomancer was accustomed to danger and an ever-shifting landscape of possible threats and new challenges. As...
Tales: Rabbapulta 🐰💣
This alt-universe Rabooka grew up in a never-ending state of war and worked as a weaponsmith. Every day, he left his walled home city and sn...
Tengurando Marathon: Tetengu 👹
A former scion of the Fury Dojo, Tetengu became disillusioned and left the organization upon their defeat. But leaving the faction often end...
Golden Legends Pass: Blankuchi 👁️
Blankuchi is sometimes seen floating through Onikapa’s swamp. It doesn’t really talk or make any noises, but monsters who have stood close t...
Bounty Hunt: Phusis 🧚🪓
Many monsters overlook the diminutive Phusis. She’s small and fairylike, and easy to dismiss as weak or fragile based on her appearance. See...
Era Special Offer: The Chronicler 📚
When The Keeper was put in charge of all recorded history, he expected things to stay the same forever. After all, only the future changes; ...
Multiplayer Mode: Piraterko 🏴☠️
This swashbuckling sailor is the menace of the seas…but not in the most traditional sense. Although Piraterko is more than capable of holdin...
Golden Legends Pass: Krishmet 😼
Regal of bearing and wicked with the blade, Krishmet is Eternal Basthet’s official decoy. If the Queen’s advisors feel that she’s about to w...
The Conjuring - Free Reigns Ancestor: Enkidu the Untombed 💀
The petty king of a small Reign, Enkidu’s nation rose to prominence during the War of the Thousand Summers. His fighters were strong and hea...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Osirous 🌑
Osirous was a high-ranking soldier in Enkidu’s army who, after being captured in a raid on the enemy’s headquarters, was brutally killed. Hi...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Isetis 🐦
Known as the Wings of Enkidu, Isetis was the Free Reigns Ancestor’s principal champion. She tore across the battlefield at screamingly high ...
Tales: Mad and Madder 👩🍼
Madrina had just moved into a swanky new condominium in Monstown’s most fashionable district and started a new job at Z-Corp when her life c...
Anemosseum Marathon: Aquatorum 🐠🪓
When Aquatorum was just a small fry, his parents accidentally left him behind on a family vacation to the Sea Palace. But Aquatorum didn’t m...
Legends Pass: Pypholius 🪸
Pypholius is not a monster—at least, not in the traditional sense. It was once part of a greater entity named Phypholosseum, an interconnect...
Bounty Hunt: Hansetel 🍬
Not all fairy tales have happy endings. Take Hansetel: He once had a peaceful, happy life, living alone with his family in a beautiful fores...
Multiplayer Mode: Terroseth 🦁
Terroseth was once one of Enkidu the Untombed’s most brutal attackers and most trusted compatriots. In fact, he’d long predicted that Enkidu...
The Conjuring - Underworld Dwellers Ancestor, Diabolus Hellbringer 👿🐍
The sundering darkness at the heart of the Underworld, Diabolus Hellbringer has existed for so long that most monsters have forgotten him en...
Golden Legends Pass: Anax Gulnug 🐸🔥
Anax Gulnug is a vile, boot-licking toady. There’s no sugarcoating it. In the days of Diabolus Hellbringer, he did anything the Old Nick ask...
Birthday Flip Challenge: Cakelius the Tenth 🎂🪓
The Factions in the Monster Legends universe may not always get along, but there’s one thing they unanimously agree on: There’s no party lik...
The Dark Tomb Marathon: Witchaka 🧙🍭
Witchaka’s mother was a vicious creature who loved devouring the local children, so it was no surprise when she turned up dead in her own ov...
Tales: Snailorion 🐌
Snailorion’s original habitat was corrupted by Dark magic, and turned from a fertile green marsh into a black, stinking swamp. It was hellis...
Golden Legends Pass: Zepaimon🐪
Zepaimon loves the delicious agony caused by torturing poor souls in the Underworld. The pain he causes gets stored in his hump; it nourishe...
Bounty Hunt: Rapunstina 👱♀️🌷
Rapunstina was Princess Baal’s best friend. They were always together but Rapunstina was kind of annoying and Princess Baal was… not patient...
Multiplayer Mode: Salamagmer 🗡️🔥
Lots of monsters enjoy killing—they are monsters, after all—but few relish it the way Salamagmer does. Originally a member of the Fiery Forc...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gardenion 🤖🌱
Gardenion is a companion construct of Primerion Unimate’s. Its primary function is to maintain public spaces and to protect the urban enviro...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kromition 🦾
As Gardenion’s industrial counterpart, Kromition’s programming is primarily centered around functions related to the inorganic aspects of ur...
Golden Legends Pass: Shibbreka 🌊
A dignified elder statesman, Shibbreka is the Water Realm’s most high-profile ambassador. He’s been the face, brains, and occasionally brawn...
The Conjuring - The Citizens' Ancestor, Primerion Unimate 🙏🤖
Primerion Unimate is an ancient supercomputer that acts as a “brain” for all of Elektra. Its origin and maker are both unknown, but given th...
Tales: Dragconian 💃
Dragconian started his career as a backup dancer in Baba Basheer’s traveling circus, but was quickly promoted to a principal dancing role du...
Granny's Paradise Marathon: Grandmael 👵 📝
Grandmael is one of the oldest known monsters, and certainly one of the wisest. She spent many years as a warrior scribe for the Pure Gaians...
Golden Legends Pass: Henrich Solerioth 🎸🎶
Henrich Solerioth was the Minister for Economic Affairs in the Water Realms. He managed seaweed exports, shell transfers, and pearl sales wi...
Bounty Hunt: Chopork 🐷
Chopork’s parents weren’t smart enough to build their house out of bricks, so when a big, bad wolf came sniffing at their door, there wasn’t...
Multiplayer Mode: Dryathin 🌿🍄
Dryathin is a shy, yet playful forest spirit. It spends its time hiding among the trees, where its spindly legs and leafy appendages mimic t...
The Conjuring - Celestial Paradise Ancestor, Graciel Choirmaster 👼
When the Celestial Paradise first coalesced, the only monster who dwelled there was Uriel the Divine. Things were peaceful and uncomplicated...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kerubel 👼 🖼️
While Graciel Choirmaster does an excellent job regulating the daily heavenly operations in the Celestial Paradise, he doesn’t perceive time...
Twin Desolation Marathon: Doublak 👬🪓
Doub and Blak were the most argumentative, unpleasant pair of coworkers ever. They literally couldn’t agree on one single thing, and they we...
Tales: Bayworker Hulk 🌊 🏖️
Worker Hulk needed a break. No, scratch that—he DESERVED a break! Building monster Habitats and plowing field after field for farming was fi...
Golden Legends Pass: Florael 🌸♻️
Like his counterpart Kerubel, Florael advises Graciel Choirmaster on terrestrial matters, but his sphere of expertise involves the natural w...
Bounty Hunt: Joanter Beanhunter 🌱
Joanter is the scion of a thousand-acre bean farm on the outskirts of the Cardinal Forest. The ultimate family monster, Joanter is deeply de...
Multiplayer Mode: Eneroid 💣
Unlike most Abominations, Eneroid actually covers for its allies on the battlefield. This isn’t a sign of it having superior intelligence, h...
The Conjuring - Kirk Moonwalker, the Star Sailors' Ancestor 🌓🚀
Mate Kirk was one of Varuna’s original crew, but his ambitions stretched far beyond the sea to the distant stars. An avid inventor (and love...
Back to School Flip Challenge: Coach Poodle 🐩 🏋️♂️
Coach Poodle was once Monstown High’s star physical education instructor, but his glory days are long over. Ever since the school’s champion...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Exobait 🐠
Kirk Moonwalker didn’t miss much about his life back on Petra, but there was one salty dog his scurvy heart longed to see again: his pet fis...
Golden Legends Pass: Yauzuxh 🦵 🪓 💪
Abominations are born in many ways, but one of the most common is from nightmares. That is the origin of Yauzuxh. After swallowing a shootin...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Mekaduk 🦑🚀
Mekaduk was a low-level thug working for the Cosmo Civilizations when he first saw Kirk Moonwalker in action. Mouth agape, Mekaduk watched i...
Tales: Schoolbug 🎒
During construction work at Monstown High, Worker Hulk accidentally triggered a small cave-in, and a row of lockers fell into the hole. Rath...
Mound of Souls Marathon: Soulblast 🔮
Originally recruited by Lord Nebotus, this necromancer has gained power within the Souls Lair faction after the Lord's disappearance. He was...
Golden Legends Pass: Heatspike 🐛☄️
Kiridar’s Pilgrims unexpectedly encountered a few stray Abominations at the edge of a dying star. Although they won the resulting battle, th...
Bounty Hunt: Humterlin 🎶
Baby monsters are raised on terrifying tales of the hunter Humterlin, a shadowy figure who stalks their dreams at night. With his rough-hewn...
Multiplayer Mode: Blaze Night 🔪👻
One of Lord Nebotus’ most successful necromantic innovations, Blaze Night is not a monster so much as an undead magical weapon. Any visitor ...
Golden Legends Pass: Dorfil 🗣️
The second biggest mistake you could make is underestimating Dorfil because of her size. But the absolutely worst mistake you could make is ...
The Conjuring: Xandrite Spellbound, the Magic Council's Ancestor 💎
On Petra, magic is as much a part of the environment as wind or rain. Its most potent source is directly under the Magic Council’s headquart...
Crypta Blanca Marathon: Domemane 💀
Domemane was recruited to Souls’ Lair for one reason: He’s one of the few necromancers powerful enough to reform souls that have been destro...
Golden Legends Pass: Wizerth 📚
Wizerth is Dorfil’s stuffy and less charismatic counterpart. While he also officially represents Xandrite Spellbound when called upon to do ...
Tales: Porcuspike 🦔🍂
Unlike most monsters who hibernate, the noble Porcuspike is only active in the autumn. During the rest of the year, it sleeps and dreams of ...
Era Special Offer: Crocark 🐲❄️
Crocarks were once plentiful on Petra, mighty hunters who stalked the frozen mountains. They would spot prey near snowbanks, then use their ...
Bounty Hunt: Shadow In Boots 🐈⬛👢
A deadly feline on a grave mission of vengeance, blood, and wrath, Shadow in Boots is as black and silent as the night, slinking past his pr...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Cauddart ⚡💀
Cauddart was the second monster to earn Sibidu’s trust after his many years of solitary hunting. They met by accident in a dark forest pursu...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Shamanka 🍃⛰️
When Petra was new and largely unexplored, wild magic was everywhere, like vapor in the air. The environment was so saturated in magical ene...
The Conjuring: Sibidu the Apex, the League of Hunters' Ancestor 💀🅰️
Before the Great Extinction, small groups of hunter-gatherer monsters made up the earliest societies. Despite relative safety in numbers, ma...
Golden Legends Pass: Orba Flami 🔥
Orba Flami’s devotion to his mentor, Tenno Kihaku, went beyond mere adoration and into obsession. Everywhere Kihaku went, Orba Flami followe...
Multiplayer Mode: Anky 🦕
One of the last surviving ancient Saurians, Anky is a simple beast: He fights, he eats, and he breeds. There are few creatures who’d dare go...
Quinzhee Marathon: Tikaani 🥶❄️
Despite being made from cobbled-together scrap, technology developed in the Wastelands is often light-years beyond what most monsters would ...
Tales: Firesaur Treat 🎃🍬✨
Firesaur Treat is obsessed with Halloween! He waits all year for spooky season, dreaming every day of his favorite thing in the world: good ...
New monster: Errantwind 🏹
Errantwind is a living example of how much the Fury Dojo has lost after its crushing defeat. Before Yaoguai Wangzhou’s retreat, Errantwind w...
Bounty Hunt: Detecticoon 🔎🦝
This fast-talking gumshoe is on the case! What case? Any case! He loves bringing the lowest crimelords to sweet, sweet justice. The sound of...
NEW Monster: Hexer Alb 💜
One of Anwir Paincraver’s Companions, Hexer Alb is a diehard zealot for his master’s evil word. Some say he is the last monster left from An...
NEW Monster: Darquarium 🐟
Despite his bulk and slow pace, Darquarium is a master assassin. As well as being one of the Dark Blades’ most sought-after mercenaries, Dar...
NEW Monster: Pulse Bane ⚡️
The monsters of Souls’ Lair can be a little too self-congratulatory about how grimdark and gloomy they are. They think their particular bran...
NEW Ancestor: Anwir Paincraver 🅰️🖤🗡
Anwir was once king of a small nation. His people were cheerful and industrious, and his kingdom renowned for its prosperity.Meanwhile, the ...
NEW Monster: Cornucrabia 🍎🍊🌾
Every Thanksgiving, every good Citizen looks forward to Cornucrabia’s visit! This magical cornucopia monster brings glad tidings and tons of...
NEW Monster: Frank Einstein 🤪📚
Frank Einstein was Dr. Viktor's university professor. His studies on portals is one of the reasons why nowadays it is so easy to travel betw...
NEW Monster: Charm Constrictor 🐍
Charm loves bad men, worse decisions, and dangerous games played at secret parties. This nightclub singer is looking for her next thrill at ...
NEW Monster: Herrerio ⚒️
Herrerio and his brother Teddybomb worked together in their forge at the Barbarian camp, but Teddybomb wasn’t great at the job—actually, man...
NEW Monster: Posy 🌸❄️
Every year, when winter arrives and snow blankets the Cardinal Forest, Posy is born. She lives, thrives, and becomes the most active creatur...
NEW Monster: Presentus 🎄📜
Every monster’s Xmas letter to Santerion starts with “I’ve been good this year!”, but anyone who follows our monsters’ adventures knows too ...
NEW Monster: Blindsaur 🦖
This sightless beast follows the smell of its prey’s blood until it has no escape from him. You might think that his lack of eyes is a handi...
NEW Monster: Blastroodon 🐉🔥
Meet the king of speed within the Saurian pack. Back in their age, when they ruled over Petra, he was unstoppable, his agility unmatched. Ev...
NEW Ancestor: Linnaeus & Saberus 🅰️🦁
In the beginning of time, Saurians were pretty much the only ones in Petra. There were small tribes of other monsters here and there, and th...
NEW Monster: Pengunel 🐧
Elvira Demonslayer has Celestial Paradise emissaries all over the Monster Legends universe. For example: Cyberiel and Arumel cover space; Br...
NEW Monster: Shadowbolt ⚡️
See that peculiar head shape? The only reason for Shadowbolt to look like an alien is that he is one. But he’s a supervillain too!When Malai...
NEW Monster: Snowclus ❄️
This big and scary yeti is a self-proclaimed guardian of the Christmas spirit and an unlikely ally to Santerion and Thundeer. It all started...
NEW monster: Red Eye Roger 🐰
The things one hears on the other side of the bar… Deals between gangsters, Galante Jr.’s promises to each of his dates, and endless gossip....
Nomad's Place Marathon: Khan Cesko 🎸🪓
Cesko used to paint war figurines for Darmith Khan’s strategy council meetings, but Darmith Khan isn’t one to trust strategy over violent in...
NEW monster: Lightning Star ✨💫
The Elektra Patrol doesn't accept new-joiner applications, but Lightning Star's was too good to ignore. She'd dreamed of becoming a superher...
NEW monster: Aspero Flame 🔥
When Stina was looking for mechanics to help her at her garage, Aspero was one of the first applicants to walk through the door. She asked h...
NEW Ancestor: Stina Steambandit ⚙️🅰️
As a kid, Stina was Ingenica's biggest fan. The famous engineer had a TV show where she built artifacts and relics on screen, and Stina paid...
NEW monster: La Befana 🧙♀️🎆
La Befana has been delivering gifts to different monster communities for many years! Lately, she’s been having a little problem, though: As ...
NEW monster: Mosscrawler 🌿
Dr. Laura Green was a passionate environmental scientist, but when an accident in her lab exposed her to an experimental strain of moss, her...
NEW monster: Diesel Drake ⛽️
Stina Steambandit met Diesel Drake at her lowest point. She had decided to pursue a career as a mechanic, but she had no money and couldn't ...
NEW monster: King Wander 👑
No one in Monstown pays much attention to vagabonds. They're just there, like part of the scenery, like the city lights, like the cars... Be...
NEW Ancestor: Adaled Cliffbreaker
Before Adaled, the faction known as Rocky Peaks didn’t exist. There were only the living rocks and golems, and the miners. These two groups ...
NEW monster: Grandmaster Gortak
The beloved Earth Warmaster has received a new honorary title in the 100th anniversary of the union between miners and golems as the Rocky P...
NEW monster: Volken Miner ⛰️⛏️
This was one of the first golems to also start working as a miner, becoming one of the best representatives of what the Rocky Peaks are abou...
NEW Monster: Mollugh 🐙
Mollugh lost his shell at a very young age and was struggling to survive among the seabed rocks without it until he was rescued and taken to...
NEW Monster: Polar Blaze 🐻❄️
When he was a baby, this polar bear got lost from his pack while they crossed the mountains. He tried to find his way back, but he ended up ...
NEW Monster: Violentine 💞
Violentine was part of an elite battalion of soldiers in a distant kingdom ruled by an egomaniacal king. When his ruler commanded him to sep...
NEW Monster: Stornt ⛰✨
There isn’t just one Stornt. In fact, there are many Stornts—a legion of them! Stornts are golems made of rocks that are extremely resistant...
NEW Monster: Eeehgor 🪦
Eeehgor works as a housekeeper at Count Vlad’s castle. As such, you would think that he has the full trust of the Count and Countess, but th...
NEW Monster: Knuckles Nicky 🥊
Knuckles Nicky was an elite boxer, but he enjoyed Monstown's nightlife a bit too much after his fights. He stayed at the bar a bit too long,...
NEW Monster: Darkypus 🪓
Darkypus prides himself in being a swamp rebel. The Cardinal Forest has become a bit too boring for him. It's all peace and collaboration si...
NEW Ancestor: Maximus Astrum 🅰️✨
Born to a wealthy family of space merchants in the Star Sailors faction, Maximus Astrum started his career precociously when he was chosen a...
NEW Monster: Sentinella 😱🤖
This artifact is one of the most useful tools for the Space Defenders—it's like a portable prison! But it has many other functions: it feeds...
NEW Monster: GM Victoria 📈💜
ZEO had never had real competition in business until she arrived. He learned about her in a very unpleasant way while trying to acquire a sm...
NEW Monster: Moreena ⚡️🐟
Mighty Thetys and her friends set out to explore the seabed around the Water Realms. Along the way, they stumbled upon something that looked...