Meet the king of speed within the Saurian pack. Back in their age, when they ruled over Petra, he was unstoppable, his agility unmatched. Ever since he unfroze, he’s slowly regaining his strength and abilities, which were always one the best assets for the Saurian pack, and Linnaeus & Saberus were always able to appreciate that.
Something that hasn’t changed from the Saurian age to this day is that, when the Saurians walk together as a pack, you’ll always find Blastroodon walking by Linnaeus & Saberus’ side. They’re allies by instinct.
Blastroodon is a Fire Attacker with Area Dodge Status Caster and Burn and Ignite skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Immunity to Torture
Rank 1: Immune to Cooldown Activation
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Area Dodge to itself at the start of its first turn
NEW Monster: Blastroodon 🐉🔥
最后更新: 98天