When Petra was new and largely unexplored, wild magic was everywhere, like vapor in the air. The environment was so saturated in magical energy that it seemed to drip from the trees. Even though many monsters were unaware of this energy, some early sentient beings had learned how to harness it and even use it to their advantage.
Shamanka was the leader of a matriarchal tribe of witch-monsters, strange hybrid creatures with powerful ties to this wild magic and the natural world. As long as they stayed in harmony with nature and kept to themselves, they had unsurpassed mastery over their magic, giving them eternal youth and power.
But as the population of Petra grew over the years, the magic waned. It started disappearing into the ground and pooling in natural reservoirs. It was still there, but it could no longer sustain the creatures who breathed it like air. As a result, Shamanka’s sister grew feeble and began to age and die.
When Sibidu the Apex met Shamanka, she was dying in what remained of her former home, sick with the loss of her magic and everyone she loved. When Sibidu stepped into the glade and aimed an arrow at her throat, Shamanka closed her eyes and accepted her fate.
Even Shamanka doesn't know exactly why Sibidu saved her that day. Maybe it’s because she, too, was the last member of a dead community. Or perhaps he simply wanted her magic more than he did the bounty. Regardless, she’s been one of the only monsters constantly at Sibidu’s side ever since.
Shamanka is a Nature and Earth Controller with Area Dodge and Mega Roots skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Immune to Blind
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Dodge to all allies at the start of its first turn
Pandalf's Conjuring: Shamanka 🍃⛰️
最后更新: 153天