Crocarks were once plentiful on Petra, mighty hunters who stalked the frozen mountains. They would spot prey near snowbanks, then use their lightning powers to electrify the snow. This had the effect of both killing and cooking their meat, and as a result, they ate well. The species flourished during the brief Saurian Golden Age.
This Crocark is the last known survivor of that once-plentiful population. During the Great Extinction, it became trapped between the same glacial boulders as the Saurian Ancestor. Although Crocark was sleeping in a state of suspended animation, the Primal Magic-infused water runoff coming from the Ancestor trickled down on it, saturating Crocark in the same rich magical solution as the other trapped Saurians and evolving it into a bigger, stronger, and much less friendly version of itself.
Now that Crocark is awake, it’s angry. And hungry. And about a hundred times bigger and more powerful than it was before the Primal Magic infusion. It’s probably a good thing that this Crocark is the last of its kind—any more of these behemoths walking around would be an ecological disaster.
Crocark is a Water and Thunder Attacker with the Control Immunity trait and Torture skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Hardened
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies a random Torture to all enemies at the start of its first turn
Era Special Offer: Crocark 🐲❄️
最后更新: 155天