Primerion Unimate is an ancient supercomputer that acts as a “brain” for all of Elektra. Its origin and maker are both unknown, but given that Primerion regulates the entire infrastructure of the planet, it must have been created for that purpose. Together with its companion constructs Gardenion and Kromition, Primerion automatically maintains Elektra’s natural and urban landscapes.
Over the centuries since its installation, Primerion went beyond being a computer and started being treated with a nearly religious reverence. Monstown citizens who tour Primerion’s subterranean facility always line up to rub his forehead for good luck, especially if they were moving or doing something else involved with their homes. He is a beloved central figure in the city’s lore, albeit a largely fictionalized one, and is considered by most Citizens to be their Ancestor.
But as Primerion’s creators disappeared farther into history and the legends became accepted as truth, the monsters seemingly forgot that it was a computer. A computer that would need things like maintenance and regular updates, no matter how perfectly it had been engineered…and Primerion’s current systems are thousands of years out of date.
After a serious blip in Primerion’s performance, the question of replacing him arose. After all, most Ancestors eventually die, retire, or disappear from their Factions. But given the monster who’d replace him, it might be time for someone to figure out a way to get Primerion back in working order. And quickly, too…
Primerion Unimate is a Metal and Light Controller with the Artifact Virtue and Cooldown Activation skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Tough
Rank 3: Bulwark
Rank 4: True Vision
Rank 5: Status Caster - Applies Nanovirus to all enemies on its first turn
The Conjuring - The Citizens' Ancestor, Primerion Unimate 🙏🤖
最后更新: 265天