The Revenge Squadron has been a shattered faction ever since Malairion vanished into space. However, one of the band's monstrous members refuses to let the project die: The Frutastor! He has taken it upon himself to not only reunite with some of the old Revenge Squadron supervillains but also to recruit new blood, such as Bo Frost, Zarkane, and Dr. Bloom—a brilliant scientist destined to become the city's newest evil celebrity.
Dr. Bloom made a name for herself after she used her final year project, an irresistible perfume, to poison every faculty professor. The minute The Frutastor heard about her, he knew she was Revenge Squadron material. Watch out, because she's determined to play a role behind every little catastrophe in Monstown in the near future.
Dr. Bloom is a Magic and Nature Support monster with Damage Boost and Damage Reduction skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Possession
Rank 1: Immune to Torture
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Regeneration to all allies at the start of the battle
Doom Bloom Marathon: Dr. Bloom 🌸
最后更新: 426天