Stalwart once served as Sir Lancefloat’s squire. He dreamed of becoming a knight, but he had no confidence, given his lack of speed and agility. However, Sir Lancefloat recognized Stalwart’s potential. He possessed other valuable skills, and when strategically positioned, speed was not a necessity. There was much he could contribute to the battlefield.

Determined to help Stalwart reach his full potential, Sir Lancefloat vouched for him and dedicated himself to his training. He's still a novice, but King Daeron II has already knighted Stalwart, and his future looks bright!

Stalwart is a Dark and Water Tank with Taunt as a Trait and Guard Down skills

Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Taunt
Rank 1: Immune to Freeze
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains Life Regeneration at the start of its first turn

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