This was one of the first golems to also start working as a miner, becoming one of the best representatives of what the Rocky Peaks are about. His hard and sharp composition allows Volken Miner to use his body to dig tunnels inside the mountains, enabling miners to get in and advance ten times as fast.
Adaled Cliffbreaker always puts Volken Miner as an example of the future of Rocky Peaks, because his efficiency is the best proof of the power of the collaboration between living rocks and miners.
Volken Miner is an Earth and Dark Support with Damage Mirror as a Trait and Random Torture skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: 50% Damage Mirror
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies a random Torture to all enemies at the start of its first turn
NEW monster: Volken Miner ⛰️⛏️
Son Güncelleme:: 56g