Dr. Laura Green was a passionate environmental scientist, but when an accident in her lab exposed her to an experimental strain of moss, her DNA merged with the life forms she had studied, taking over her whole body and turning her into Mosscrawler, a vengeful villain who traps Citizens in humid, decaying misery.
She believes every monster deserves to suffer like she does until everyone is gone and there is nothing but moss left. She whispers her grim warning as she spreads her swampy dominion: “Nature always reclaims what is hers.”
Mosscrawler is an Earth Nature Controller with Damage Reduction, Poison, Daze and Negative Effects Removal skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Tortures
Rank 1: Anticipation
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Daze to all enemies at the start of its first turn
NEW monster: Mosscrawler 🌿
Son Güncelleme:: 78g