Every Thanksgiving, every good Citizen looks forward to Cornucrabia’s visit! This magical cornucopia monster brings glad tidings and tons of tasty food to the people of Monstown. It’s a tradition they’ve celebrated for hundreds of years, and one of the most popular holidays on Elektra.
Once Cornucrabia swoops down for a landing and opens its mouth, the hunt is on! A plethora of roast turkeys, a whole medley of vegetables, and even tasty desserts burst out of Cornucrabia’s face and take off running. It’s up to the Citizens, armed with traditional giant knives and forks, to chase down their Thanksgiving dinner items and proudly bring home the holiday quarry to their waiting family members. It’s not just a feast, it’s a great way to get some exercise and bond with the whole family!
Did anyone ever ask where Cornucrabia gets its seemingly endless supply of cooked food that somehow has the ability to run around screaming when chased by hungry monsters? No, they did not. And they probably won’t, because that would spoil all the fun. But it’s still less problematic than what the Dark Blades refer to as “Black Friday” the day after, so we’re really not here to judge.
Cornucrabia is a Fire and Light Attacker with Torture Immunity and high damage skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Torture Immunity
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains Life Regeneration at the start of its first turn
NEW Monster: Cornucrabia 🍎🍊🌾
Son Güncelleme:: 133g