Despite his bulk and slow pace, Darquarium is a master assassin. As well as being one of the Dark Blades’ most sought-after mercenaries, Darquarium is one of Anwir Paincraver’s chosen Companions. Like his counterpart, Hexer Alb, he sits above all other members of the Blades and is fully dedicated to worship of their bloodthirsty master. Darquarium is a pure killer, a menacing monster who loves bringing death so much that he even trains new Blades in the killing arts.
But Darquarium is driven by more than just a love for murder. The great skull inside his body harbors a dark, parasitic spirit. The more monsters Darquarium kills, the bigger and more powerful the skull grows, devouring Darquarium in the process. While most parasites won’t kill a host, this one will, eventually eating Darquarium’s brain from the inside and taking over his entire body.
It’s true that Darquarium could simply not kill anyone, and the parasite would wither away—after all, it’s usually pretty easy to avoid serial murder. But Darquarium’s zeal for murder made the act irresistible for too long, and now the giant skull is starting to take control. The balance of power between host and parasite is shifting, perhaps inevitably.
Darquarium’s life has now become a dance between him and certain death—and he may not be able to stop dancing.
Darquarium is a Water and Metal Attacker with Nanovirus, Bleeding and Boiling skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Tough
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains Skill Mirror at the start of its first turn
NEW Monster: Darquarium 🐟
Son Güncelleme:: 140g