Errantwind is a living example of how much the Fury Dojo has lost after its crushing defeat. Before Yaoguai Wangzhou’s retreat, Errantwind was a loyal soldier. His bow and arrows were sworn to Wangzhou and the cause of evil, and they slew many monsters in the name of his now-fallen lord.
But after the faction went into hiding and Yaoguai Wangzhou was disgraced, the Fury Dojo became a chaotic place. In-fighting and petty power squabbles bloomed like weeds, winding through the ranks and sowing seeds of rage and backstabbing wherever they bloomed. It was not at all what a dedicated assassin like Errantwind had signed on for!
One night, Errantwind slipped out of the Dojo’s new hideout and silently disappeared into the night, taking only his weapons and a horse with them. In the hectic environment of the new Fury Dojo, no one even noticed that Errantwind had left until his tracks had grown cold and his scent was off the wind.
Now Errantwind rides alone along the steppes of Petra, once again feeling the joy of loosing an arrow into some wild beast’s neck, sleeping alone beneath the stars, and hoping to never again swear fealty to a false lord. But hunters with Errantwind’s skill level are rare, and the League will surely contact him with an offer of collaboration soon…if Errantwind can be found, that is.
Errantwind is a Earth and Magic Controller with Corrupted and Extra Turn skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Immune to Stun
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Magic Weakness to all enemies at the start of its first turn
New monster: Errantwind 🏹
Son Güncelleme:: 149g