On Petra, magic is as much a part of the environment as wind or rain. Its most potent source is directly under the Magic Council’s headquarters. Much like a freshwater spring, light magic flows up from the planet’s core and gushes out there, becoming part of everything on the planet.
This magic “spring” was once blocked by a large hunk of alexandrite crystals. Despite concentrated sorcery constantly pushing against it, this stubborn boulder absolutely could not be moved. But over the centuries, that liquid magic infused itself into the rock, flooding every crevice with pure energy and ultimately forming Xandrite Spellbound, an Ancestor born from magic and the very stuff of Petra itself.
After his sudden leap to sentience, Xandrite realized that the fount he came from was unbelievably powerful. It couldn’t be left alone, or its destructive potential could fall into the wrong hands. Surely, it should fall to Xandrite to guard it eternally…But Xandrite’s mind was already coming awake with curiosity about what else magic could do and what other forms it might take. He had thousands of questions, and he knew he couldn’t be the only one.
Xandrite traveled around Petra, speaking to every monster he could find and proposing his grand idea for a Magic Council, where like-minded mages could gather and immerse themselves in sorcerous studies. Other monsters were indeed just as curious to learn more as he was, and only too happy to guard the magic spring in exchange for that knowledge. Xandrite’s plan had worked!
After gathering his Council, Xandrite put Warmaster Sherezar and a talented young mage named Pandalf in charge of daily operations and recused himself to a private magical singularity. Now he spends his days happily buried in research, largely unaware of the Council’s adventures without him.
Xandrite Spellbound is Magic and Earth Support with Dodge-Area trait and Damage boost skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Area Dodge
Rank 1: Hardened
Rank 3: Tough
Rank 4: Bulwark
Rank 5: Status Caster - Applies a random positive Status Effect to all allies at the start of its first turn
The Conjuring: Xandrite Spellbound, the Magic Council's Ancestor 💎
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