Kiridar’s Pilgrims unexpectedly encountered a few stray Abominations at the edge of a dying star. Although they won the resulting battle, their ship was damaged slightly, and Gloverd got sucked out of a broken window and sent flying into space. Luckily, the Pilgrims were able to rescue him in time, but one of the tiny seedlings he carried on his back got torn off and went flying into space.
The seedling drifted for a few moments before colliding with the remains of the slain Abominations. As they swirled and mixed together in space, they mingled with space dust, carbon, and dormant bacteria, sucking up all the energy from the nearby collapsing star as it slowly rotated.
From this random mixture of monster parts and space debris grew Heatspike, a ravenous spacefaring worm-vine. Despite being mostly plant, it’s always eating, and it isn’t very particular about its comestibles—everything from planetoids to passing ships gets sucked into its maw with equal relish.
Heatspike is a Nature and Fire Attacker with Extra Turn skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Abomination
Rank 1: Immune to Poison
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Toxins to all enemies at the start of its first turn
Golden Legends Pass: Heatspike 🐛☄️
Son Güncelleme:: 208g