Witchaka’s mother was a vicious creature who loved devouring the local children, so it was no surprise when she turned up dead in her own oven. What was noteworthy about the incident, however, is that two of her own victims did her in—mere children. Not only did they leave Witchaka an orphan, but they decided to live in her mother’s magical house. Witchaka’s heart burned with vengeance.


For years, Witchaka stalked her former home, watching the children grow up and have their own little ones. When she wasn't following her prey, she studied fervently and practiced the darkest magic she could, forever training for her revenge.


Finally came the chance to strike. Witchaka set upon the sibling slayers in their stolen home and paralyzed them with sorcery, then set the building ablaze. Being made largely of sugar, it went up fast, melting and sealing the doomed witch-hunters forever in a sarcophagus of spoiled sweetness.


Pleased with her work, Witchaka slithered away in satisfaction, never dreaming that she’d left a witness behind. A witness who himself is now grown and seeking revenge, every bit as dedicated to the cause as Witchaka once was. But since Witchaka immediately left to join the Dark Blades, she had no idea that she’d set the cycle of murder back in motion instead of ending it.


Witchaka is a Dark and Magic Controller with Possession, Fear, Magic and Dark Weakness, and Vulnerable skills.


Evolving trait:

Rank 0: Gravedigger

Rank 1: Immune to Fear

Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Magic Weakness to all enemies on its first turn