Violentine was part of an elite battalion of soldiers in a distant kingdom ruled by an egomaniacal king. When his ruler commanded him to separate and imprison lovers simply because his own heart had been broken, Violentine refused. He vowed to always protect true love. However, this courageous stand cost him everything—his honors and medals were stripped away, and he was banished from his homeland.
Fortunately, King Daeron II and Empress Luthien heard Violentine’s story and immediately granted him asylum. Now, he serves as a valued knight in the Light Kingdom’s Righteous Court.
Violentine is a Nature and Fire Tank with MegaTaunt Status Caster and Vulnerable skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: All allies Super Attuned
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains MegaTaunt at the start of its first turn
NEW Monster: Violentine 💞
Последнее обновление: 33д