Every monster’s Xmas letter to Santerion starts with “I’ve been good this year!”, but anyone who follows our monsters’ adventures knows too well that in most cases, that’s not true. Luckily for no one, there is a judge who reviews every monster’s case and decides whether they deserve a good present, an average one or no gifts at all! His name is Presentus. Presentus lives near Santerion and Thundeer’s workshop, in a house where he receives visits from monsters who suspect that they’re going to be sentenced by Presentus to an empty Xmas Tree.
His visitors try to sway him and sometimes they will because, ironically, this judge isn’t always good and righteous himself, as he will accept presents and bribes to change his sentence and let the judged monster’s letter reach Santerion.
Presentus is a Nature Magic Controller with Freeze, MegaFreeze, Poison, Curse, Anticipation, and Stamina skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Blocks Resurrections
Rank 1: Immune to Possession
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Anticipation to itself at the start of its first turn
NEW Monster: Presentus 🎄📜
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