One of the last surviving ancient Saurians, Anky is a simple beast: He fights, he eats, and he breeds. There are few creatures who’d dare go up against a huge armored ball of muscle like Anky, so it’s not surprising he’s lived this long without having to evolve.
But as the glaciers began to thaw, there was something in the air that made even the oblivious Anky sit up and take notice. A certain smell on the wind, or perhaps a strange change in air pressure? Anky has no way to analyze what he’s experiencing, or any knowledge that wild magic exists. All he knows is that he has a deep, primal, and completely uncontrollable urge to return to the place of his hatching, and find…something. Or is it someone?
Anky is a Earth and Metal Tank with Heal, Life Regeneration, Stun, and Daze skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Immune to Bleed
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains Life Regeneration at the start of its first turn
Multiplayer Mode: Anky 🦕
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