Orba Flami’s devotion to his mentor, Tenno Kihaku, went beyond mere adoration and into obsession. Everywhere Kihaku went, Orba Flami followed him, openly awestruck by the raw wisdom dripping from his master’s words. It was becoming a problem.
As part of his final training (and to mitigate the pressure of being followed by such a fan) Tenno Kihaku ordered Orba Flami to embark on a mission of isolation: For one hundred days and one hundred nights, he was to remain silent and try to find wisdom within himself instead of from other monsters. This, Kihaku thought as Orba Flami bowed and departed, would help him shift his fixation!
And indeed, when Orba Flami came back to the Honor Dojo, he had gained an inordinate amount of wisdom. He no longer felt the need to follow Tenno Kihaku around, having seen and deeply understood so much more of the world.
Unfortunately, he’s now so wise that he makes no sense at all! Everything out of Orba Flami’s mouth rivals even Zen koans for esoteric phrasing. Ask him what time it is, and he’ll intone, “At which singular instance do you find yourself manifested in the universe? That, and that only, is the concrete expression of time,” which is neither helpful nor comprehensible when you’re trying to make lunch plans.
Orba Flami is a Fire and Thunder Support with Space-Time, True Vision, Cold Blood, Guard Down, and Electrified skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Cooldown
Rank 1: Anticipation
Rank 3: Status Caster - All allies gain True Vision at the start of its first turn
Golden Legends Pass: Orba Flami 🔥
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