Baby monsters are raised on terrifying tales of the hunter Humterlin, a shadowy figure who stalks their dreams at night. With his rough-hewn flute, he plays mysterious lullabies that make the children get up and walk, still fast asleep, right out of their homes. No one knows where Humterlin lures these children to, and no one knows why they never come back.

The League of Hunters officially denies Humterlin’s very existence, saying that if such a monster does exist, he certainly isn’t a member of that organization. They would never openly accept a contract where children could be hurt. But everyone knows the League of Hunters isn’t always forthcoming about the true nature of their business, so it’s generally believed that this is a lie.

If you ever walk down a dark road at night, admiring the stars above Petra, be wary—the sound of a whippoorwill blowing in the breeze might actually be the siren’s call of Humterlin’s flute, calling you away to an unknown adventure (or certain death).

Humterlin is a Dark and Nature Support with Area Dodge Hater and Triple Damage skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Immune to Possession
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies a 25% damage boost to all allies at the start of its first turn