Abominations are born in many ways, but one of the most common is from nightmares. That is the origin of Yauzuxh.
After swallowing a shooting star, Himass had a feverish nightmare in which he ran and ran, but this Abomination kept running after him, wielding a gigantic stone axe. Just as he felt the Abomination catching him, he woke up.
Himass was retelling his horror story to Admiral Copperbeard when he interrupted him: "An Abomination that runs? With two legs? And arms to wield an axe? Hahahaha! Aye, matey, that is a funny dream. Abominations don't have arms or legs! Let alone an a-"
Copperbeard didn't get to finish the sentence. A shape on the horizon snatched his attention. Specifically, the shape of an Abomination with two legs, two arms, and wielding an axe. Then, there was no time for stories or for anything other than to escape!
Yauzuxh is an Earth and Water Attacker with Random Torture skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Abomination
Rank 1: Tough
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies a random Torture to all enemies at the start of its turn
Golden Legends Pass: Yauzuxh 🦵 🪓 💪
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