When the Celestial Paradise first coalesced, the only monster who dwelled there was Uriel the Divine. Things were peaceful and uncomplicated, and Uriel was able to devote himself fully to creating the laws of the universe.
But over time, other monsters began appearing and the heavens became more populated, and along with the monsters came the things that always occupy civilization: conflict, strife, death, jealousy…all things that were beneath Uriel’s notice. Since his nature is not to involve himself in any but the most extreme situations with mortal monsters, Uriel gave the task of leading and maintaining the actual heavens to Graciel Choirmaster.
As one of Heaven’s first monsters, the compassionate Graciel fell easily into his new role. He cared deeply about all monsters, from his exalted angels in the Celestial Paradise, down to the most lowly creatures. He even became deeply involved in helping to maintain the structure of the Underworld and put Barbatos Rex forward as Hell’s leader, although that story is bitterly contested by Barbatos himself.
But Graciel, while powerful and charismatic, is not perfect. He’s perhaps a little overly proud of his accomplishments, and has no shyness about announcing his great deeds and requesting accolades. It seems that the hubris (well-earned or not) of the old gods exists everywhere…
Graciel Choirmaster is a Light and Fire Tank with the Megataunt Virtue, Evasion, and Life Removal skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Celestial
Rank 1: Hardened
Rank 3: Immune to Tortures
Rank 4: Status Caster - Gains a 50% Damage Shield at the start of its first turn
Rank 5: Status Caster - Gains Immunity to Controls at the start of its first turn
The Conjuring - Celestial Paradise Ancestor, Graciel Choirmaster 👼
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