As Gardenion’s industrial counterpart, Kromition’s programming is primarily centered around functions related to the inorganic aspects of urban infrastructure: roads, power, and the like. Unlike Gardenion, however, Kromition has some aspects of autonomy that allow it to operate separately from Primerion Unimate. Therefore, when Primerion experienced its catastrophic glitch and Gardenion developed some serious errors in its behavioral program, Kromition was able to continue carrying out its functions without interruption.
Unfortunately, the balance between the three robots was totally destroyed after Gardenion’s repeated glitches, and Kromition became affected, too. It was unable to control how much toxic waste it output, which Gardenion was no longer cleaning up with any regularity, and had no ability to navigate complex situations like safely moving through crowds. Unable to carry out its programming without disastrous results, Kromition began skipping shifts, further destabilizing Monstown.
Now that the Citizens are deciding whether Primerion and its companions have a place in their future or not, Kromition is in jeopardy. Will it be able to recover its former role, or be turned into a sculpture in front of City Hall?
Kromition is a Dark and Fire Tank with Artifact trait and Time Stop skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Artifact
Rank 1: Attuned
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Burn to all enemies on its first turn
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kromition 🦾
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