Lots of monsters enjoy killing—they are monsters, after all—but few relish it the way Salamagmer does. Originally a member of the Fiery Forces, Salamagmer eventually left after a “friendly disagreement” with another faction member ended in a mass murder. While Kaih the Sunmelter was disappointed to lose such an enthusiastic fighter, he had no choice except to banish Salamagmer for such an act—it wasn’t safe to have someone that volatile around.
But Salamagmer didn’t hold a grudge. Killing was all they enjoyed, and if the Fiery Forces had a problem with Salamagmer doing that whenever they felt annoyed, then it made perfect sense to leave. Lots of other organizations were hungry to recruit a cold-blooded murderer with true zeal for the art. So Salamagmer set out for the Dead Prairies, intent on signing up with the Dark Blades.
Among the Blades, Salamagmer’s finally found a true home. Assassination is definitely their calling. And if by being part of the Blades, they can ensure members of their former faction don’t end up on the kill list, even better. After all, even a bloodthirsty assassin can have a soft spot for their long-lost homeland.
Salamagmer is a Fire and Dark Attacker with Extra Turn skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Blind
Rank 1: Cooldown Immunity
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains True Vision on its first turn
Multiplayer Mode: Salamagmer 🗡️🔥
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