Unlike most Abominations, Eneroid actually covers for its allies on the battlefield. This isn’t a sign of it having superior intelligence, however—Eneroid is just too big and dumb to do anything more complicated than to attract attention away from more delicate monsters and soak up the hits. 

This toughness has made Eneroid strangely popular with members of the Star Sailor and Cosmo Civilizations factions alike, because it makes target practice incredibly fun. Not only is Eneroid’s bulk easy to hit, but it can absorb quite a lot of damage, making it perfect for everyone’s favorite space game: What Does THIS Button Do? And because Eneroid’s far from the smartest monster in the galaxy, its massive backside is a perfectly safe place to shoot missiles, because the big Abomination is simply too big and stupid to turn around when something whomps it on the butt.

But, as we all know, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And one of these days, even Eneroid is going to figure out how to fight back. Just be sure to get out of its range when that day comes…

Eneroid is an Earth and Thunder Tank with Total Blind, MegaTaunt, and True Vision skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Abomination
Rank 1: Immune to Tortures
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Megataunt to itself at the start of its first turn