Grandmael is one of the oldest known monsters, and certainly one of the wisest. She spent many years as a warrior scribe for the Pure Gaians during a time when few monsters could write, recording each dayโ€™s battles as well as more general notes about daily life.

Eventually deciding that she preferred the quill to the sword, Grandmael became a full-time diarist and faction historian, writing intricately detailed accounts of life in the nascent Pure Gaia. She produced only a few copies of each, and all written by hand. (Most have disappeared over time, although a few crumbling copies remain in The Chroniclerโ€™s private collection.)

One such book came into the hands of Elvira Demonslayer, who was fascinated by the deep sociological insights Grandmael had made about Petrans and their culture. Impressed, she personally invited Grandmael to be a special advisor on terrestrial life to the Celestial Paradise. Grandmael agreed on one condition: that Elvira promise the Celestial Paradise would support Pure Gaia if ever the faction were in a true crisis. Elvira agreed, and Grandmael has been working in the heavens ever since.

Grandmael is a Light and Nature Support with Total Blind and Random Torture skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Celestial
Rank 1: Immune to Possession
Rank 3: Status Caster- Applies Blind to all enemies on its first turn