Dragconian started his career as a backup dancer in Baba Basheer’s traveling circus, but was quickly promoted to a principal dancing role due to his precise, but elegant technique and powerful onstage charisma. While he was quite shy in his everyday life, onstage Dragconian transformed into a dashing, daring, and completely magnetic character whose passion and talent were obvious even from the cheap seats. Prismatic Pandatone was a particular fan, and the two eventually struck up a friendship.

Eventually, with Pandatone’s encouragement, Dragconian struck out on his own and began his first solo tour. It was scary, but as Dragconian traveled around Petra, he made friends with lots of monsters who admired his bravery and openness. It didn’t hurt that Dragconian was also a highly trained fighter, so anyone who had an aggressive objection to his act became a way for Dragconian to demonstrate his combat skills. Eventually, he even made it part of the show.

After decades of stardom, Dragconian went into partial retirement, but makes surprise appearances ever so often. We’ve heard that he’s playing a special show this year to commemorate a certain tenth anniversary, but maybe it’s just a rumor? Maybe Prismatic Pandatone knows…

Dragconian is a Thunder and Fire Controller with Stun and Damage Boost skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Daze
Rank 1: Immune to Possession
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies a 25% Damage Boost to all allies on its first turn