Lights, camera, Gateway! Dhar CameraMann is one of the most famous streamers in Monstown history, and now heโ€™s taking his life lessons around the Multiverse! With this new series, heโ€™s hoping to make every universe a better place for the people (and monsters) in it. Dhar CameraMann knows that the more appreciation you give, the more appreciation you get back, so heโ€™s more than willing to fight through the tough moments in order to deliver a life-changing point of view.

So you see, Dhar Mann isnโ€™t just telling stories and changing livesโ€”heโ€™s reshaping the entire Multiverse! Heโ€™s got enough Glitcherine for five billion Gateways, so keep an eye outโ€”heโ€™ll be dropping into your universe soon.

Dhar CameraMann is a Metal and Water Attacker with Damage Boost and Daze skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Blind
Rank 1: Immune to Stun
Rank 3: Status Caster- Applies a 25% Life shield to all allies at the start of the battle