Exo was just a regular citizen of Monstown going to work one day when he witnessed something extraordinary! A shining monster made of piercing light punched a mugger so hard that he flew across the street and smashed into a building. While Exo was used to seeing fights in the streets of Monstown, he certainly wasnโ€™t used to the sight of someone transforming into a superhero, and he was shocked.

In fact, he was so shocked that he felt a strange burning sensation in his chest. Thinking he was having a heart attack, Exo opened his mouth to scream for help, but nothing came out except a jet of flame. The fire rushed through his body, but it didnโ€™t burn himโ€”instead, Exo felt strong and confident. In fact, he felt as if that same light had poured from the savior monster into himโ€ฆwhich, he found out later, is exactly what happened.

Along with the shining man of light, who of course was Jestin Justice, Exo became a superhero. Changing his name to Exothermic, he spent the rest of his life fighting as a founding member of Elektra Patrol.

Exothermic is a Fire and Special Controller with Ignite and MegaStun skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: All allies gain Immunity to Freeze
Rank 3: Status caster - All allies gain Dodge at the start of the battle