Kiridar and the other Star Sailors were traveling through a quiet region of space when they came across the remains of a shattered world. The planet had seemingly exploded, leaving nothing but a field of rocks and ice chunks spinning slowly in front of a dying sun.

The Pilgrims performed a standard sweep of the debris, expecting to find nothing. But to their surprise, a life sign was detected nearby! Although flying through the rock field was dangerous, Kiridar was determined to find and save that one living monster, so she ordered a search. After some heart-pounding flying, they managed to pick up the little lost monster and bring him on board. Some food and a warm bath later, and Kiridar had a new Pilgrim named Gloverd.

Despite surviving such an ordeal, Gloverd remains cheerful, even hopeful, for a brighter future. His own people may have destroyed their homeworld through neglect and selfishness, but as long as heโ€™s traveling the galaxy, heโ€™ll do whatever he can to prevent other planets from meeting the same fate.

Gloverd is a Nature and Water Tank with Quicksand, Fire and Thunder Immunity, Healing, and Stamina Regeneration skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Super Attuned
Rank 3: Status Caster: Gains Taunt at the start of the battle