Harald used to work bringing resources up the mountains for the Summitfolk villagers. Unfortunately this, a lot of the time, involved having to steal. One of his expeditions for supplies took him to the Dead Prairie, home of Nishant and his Dark Blades. Harald found a large patch of greens by Nishantโ€™s Castle but, right as he finished filling his sack, Nishantโ€™s Bodyguard caught him and took him to his master.

Nishant the Great wasnโ€™t sympathetic towards Harald and, after listening to his explanations, he went into the room that held his collection of relics and came back with a mask. He attached it to Haraldโ€™s face and, when he was done, Harald could no longer speak.

Nishant sent Harald back up the mountains with the mask on. It was his way of sending a message to the Summitfolk: โ€œNever bother me again.โ€ Now, Harald is permanently cursed and the Summitfolk villagers only understand that heโ€™s trying to say something when he gets nervous and scratches the mountainside rocks.

Fatal Harald is a Nature and Earth Support who can apply random Negative Effects, Protect them, and apply random Tortures.

Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Hardened
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies a random negative effect to all enemies at the start of the battle
Rank 5: Status Caster - Gains Anticipation at the start of the battle