Klawax comes from a long line of bounty hunters. That may sound impressive, but none of Klawaxโ€™s ancestors ever rose to the heights of galactic fame, preferring to stay under the radar and only accept low-risk bounties. Klawaxโ€™s father always told him that this was the safest and wisest way to be a hunter, and that drawing attention to himself would only lead to trouble.

But Klawax knows that he belongs on the path of fame, no matter what his father might think! Heโ€™s going to break the family tradition and shoot straight for the top, going after the biggest and baddest bounties in the galaxy. Gold and glory await, and Klawax wonโ€™t have them waiting for long. He just has to stay a long, long way ahead of the competition.

Klawax is a Fire Thunder Attacker with Guard Down, Guard Down Hater, Bleeding, and Ignite skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Cold Blood
Rank 1: Hardened
Rank 3: Immune to Bleed
Rank 4: Status Caster - Gains Precision at the start of the battle
Rank 5: Status Caster - Applies Guard Down to one enemy at the start of the battle