What is Team Race?
The Team Race is also called as Marathon race or Grand Prix event where teams will compete to earn a new monster and other cool rewards To p...
What kind of rewards can I expect in Team Races?
You can receive multiple rewards in Team Races as highlighted below:Lap Rewards: They are based on the number of laps your team completes. E...
What is the Breeding Event?
Breeding Event is an event in Monster Legends that gives players a unique limited time opportunity to obtain Monsters that are usually hard ...
バウンティハントは、ランダムなグループの参加者が協力してお尋ね者モンスターを探して倒す、Monster Legendsのイベントです。 プレイヤーが報酬を獲得するには、お尋ね者を倒さなければなりません。 お尋ね者を探すには、タイルを裏返してそれぞれの中身を確認していか...
イベントに「ラウンド」アイコンが表示されるようになりました。 イベントすべてをコンプリートした後、繰り返しイベントをプレイできます。この場合、アイコンに現在のラウンドが表示されます。 これは、より多くのモンスターを手に入れ、セルと交換するのに役立ちます!
What is the Maze Event?
Mazes are events where players can earn monsters and other cool rewards by moving through different paths in the maze. To progres...
What are Timed Challenges?
Timed Challenges are quests that players compete in over a period of a few days. Players earn rewards after reaching certain milestones and ...
What are Progressive Island Events?
Progressive Islands are events where players are rewarded for reaching certain Milestones. In order to complete a milestone, players are req...