Game Guides
How do I level up my Monsters?
To level up your Monsters, you will need to purchase and upgrade Temples.Note:If your Monster has two different elements, you will have to u...
How can I change my monster's name?
To change your Monster's name.Click on the habitat where your Monster lives.Select the Monster.Click the 'pencil' icon above the Monster, be...
Why is my Monster missing?
Monsters can't go missing unless they are sold or extracted into cells. Note:Players accidentally sell Monsters while hatching and moving th...
Why am I unable to breed some monsters?
Some monsters can't be bred directly. You need to use hybrids (monsters with more than one element) to breed them.Fire + LightWater + DarkEa...
What are Nemesis Monsters in Monster Legends?
Nemesis are powerful Legendary Monsters. They have a special skills group that is activated once the monster reaches Rank 4. Note:Nemesis mo...
What are Habitats?
Habitats are places where the Monsters live. Each habitat has its own characteristics (Maximum amount of Monsters it can hold and Gold it ca...
Why can't I build more habitats?
You cannot build more habitats because you have reached the maximum number of habitats you can have at your level. You will need to level up...
How do I expand my Islands?
You can expand your islands by purchasing it with Gold or Gems. Expanding islands allows you to build more habitats for Monsters and gather ...
How do I purchase Gems?
To purchase Gems:Tap the “Shop” button (bottom right corner).Tap the "Packs" section.Tap the price tab of the "Gems Pack" you wish to purcha...
What is the Library?
The Library is a building in the island where players can earn rewards for completing Monster Collections called Books. Each Book contains C...
Who is the Keeper and how can I get him?
The Keeper is in charge of all the Books in the Library. He lives to defend the Library and all the precious wisdom held within it. Some of...
What are Avatars?
Avatars are special customization items that players can use to represent themselves in Monster Legends.Players can earn avatars and frames ...
What is the Runes Building?
The Runes Building is where runes can be equipped, crafted and purchased for gold or gems. The Runes building unlocks at level 15. Note:To c...
守護者の聖堂は、守護者が暮らす神聖な場所です。守護者のスキルを有効化し、彼らの助けを得るにはいくつかのタスクを完了する必要があります。 現在、メインランドの周辺に3つ守護者の聖堂があります。 1. 交配の守護者カマラ この神殿を有効化すると一気に交配のスピードが上がります。 ...
How do I level up the Temples of the Guardians?
To level up the Temples of the Guardians you need to activate your Guardians several times.The effectiveness of the Guardian increases with ...
How do I invite my Friends to Monster Legends?
To invite your Friends to Monster Legends:Tap the “Social” icon (bottom left corner).Tap the "Invite Friends" buttonSelect your friends and ...
リストに友達が表示されないのはなぜ? ゲームをFacebookに接続した時、ゲームの情報を共有しないことを選択した可能性があります。 この場合、あなたの友達リストにアクセスできず、ゲームで友達を表示することができません。 Facebookでこれを実行する方法は定期的に変更されるた...
Why can't I receive or send gifts to my friends?
To send or receive gifts, players must be friends on Facebook. If the issue still persists:Try reconnecting the game with Facebook, and advi...
How do I report hackers?
You can play a role in keeping the game fair by reporting hackers. To report hackers, contact our Support Team with the following informatio...
フレンドリー戦闘とは、実際のプレイヤーとリアルタイムで対戦する方法です。 チームメイトやフレンドとは、トーナメントモード、標準モード、カスタムモードといった様々な戦闘モードで対戦することができます。 フレンドリー戦闘に参加するには、まずチームに加入しなければなりません。 チームメ...
How can I remove a member from my Team?
You should be a Lead or Co-lead of a Team to remove a member.To remove a member:Go to "My Team" on ZeppelinTap on a member you would like to...
Why am I losing Trophies?
You lose trophies under the following circumstances:A player challenges you and wins the battleYou challenge a player and lose the battle No...
Why is the Hatching and Breeding Timer increasing?
The timer for Hatching/Breeding increases when the Hatching Boost ends or your Breeding Guardian expires while your egg is still hatching/br...
What is Multiplayer Mode?
Multiplayer mode is a PvP aspect of the game in which players select any three monsters to fight against an opponent. Players must set an At...
What is the Adventure Map? How does it work
The Adventure Map is a PVE battle where players must defeat nodes of enemies to conquer an island. Fighting a node requires Stamina Points w...
What are Warmaster Dungeons?
Warmaster Dungeons are special dungeons that allow players to earn exclusive cells of the Warmasters. Heroic Orbs are required to unlock nod...
What is the Era Saga?
Era Saga is a special type of dungeon where players can fight battles and watch monster cutscenes from different Eras. Talents, ambrosia, ne...
ペットをどうしても飼いたいけど、大きすぎて家では飼えないからダメと親に言われて諦めたことはありませんか? もう諦める必要はありません。なぜなら、宇宙全体の空間をひろびろと使えるようになったからです! これらのビーストはバトル開始時に召喚でき、属性に応じてチームのモンスターを強化し...
What are Talents?
Talents are items that can be equipped with monsters to enhance their abilities and give them added perks in battle.Note:Each Era has its ow...
What is Rank-Up Survival Dungeon?
Rank-Up Survival Dungeon is a path of nodes, some of which are milestones. While each node gives you random Monster Cells, reaching mileston...
What is Warmaster Spotlight?
Warmaster Spotlight is the highlight provided to one of the Warmasters every month. It includes new offers and discounts on OrbsNote:Players...
What is Autoloot?
Autoloot is a feature in Rank-Up Survival Dungeon that allows players to re-collect the rewards they've won in the previous nodes. Players w...
Dungeons Calendar Details
Normal Dungeons Warmaster Heroic Dungeons: Warmasters are saviours of the Monster Legends universe with incredible powers and skills....
スーパースターターバンドルとは、Monster Legends初心者のプレイヤーのために、対戦できるようになるまですばやく追いつけるようにデザインされているオファーです。 このオファーを購入すると、即座にレベル50までレベルアップし、建物、モンスター、塔でふ化できる卵、山ほどの資...
How can I rank up or craft Monsters with the elemental cells?
Craft:Once you collect enough Monster Cells from a specific Monster, you can use the Crafting Pods from the Lab to start the creation of the...
このページにはMonster Legendsの箱の中身の確率がまとめられています。ゲーム内で箱を見つけるには、箱の詳細が提供されるポップアップで箱のカテゴリーを確認し、以下のカテゴリーを探してください。箱に入っている遺物の確率に関する情報は、ページの下までスクロールして確認してく...
戦利品は、パフォーマンスを示すインジケーターです。マルチプレイヤーモードでプレイしたことがある方にとっては、戦利品の仕組みはすでにお馴染みでしょう。 チーム戦争では、戦争でのチームの勝敗に応じて、戦闘毎に一定数の戦利品が付与されるか奪われます。各戦争後に付与されるもしくは奪われる...
My Team does not have enough members to complete Quests in the Team Race Events. What do I do?
The Team Race is designed to be cooperative and competitive.If you cannot finish some Quests, you can consider: Skipping it with Gems Invit...
パンダルフの喚起 🪄🐼
パンダルフがとんでもないものを呼び出そうとしています! 彼は魔法のゲートを使い、どんな場所や時間にいるモンスターも召喚できる方法を編み出しました。 パンダルフの喚起へようこそ! システムについてご確認ください。喚起のゲートここからモンスターを召喚できます! ゲートには...
Early Game Improvements: Elements, Timers, Habitats, and More
Hello, Monster Masters!We’ve prepared a series of improvements for new and veteran players that we know you’ll enjoy. Let us share the list ...
NEW Runes Tutorial 🎦
モンスターマスターの皆さん、大ニュースです!新登場するアセンションの大洞窟のベータ版が配信されました! この新しいダンジョンでは、先祖、アビス、オリジナルの神話モンスターを含むモンスターのランクアップに使用する、特別なアイテムや細胞を獲得できます!内容をご覧ください:...