What are Relics?
Relics are equipments that bring new passive skills called “perks”, which boosts monster stats in battle. Relics are unlocked at level 30.Re...
How are Relics levelled up?
Relics are levelled up by fusing other relics. Fusing is similar to rune crafting. Fusing relics costs Food which varies based on the Relic ...
How are Relics crafted
Relics are crafted by sacrificing other relics of any category or tier. Higher tiered relics require more crafting points while higher level...
What are Relic Perks
Relic perks are passive abilities that are triggered after reaching certain conditions before or during a battle. Each Relic has one or two ...
強力なモンスターには、それに見合う強力な遺物が必要です。 そこで新たに登場するのが、崩壊の神話モンスターにぴったりな過去最高クラスの「オブシディアンの遺物」です。「オブシディアンの遺物」はどのジェネレーションの神話モンスターにも装備でき、「未知の才能」と一緒に使用することもできま...