Coach Poodle was once Monstown High’s star physical education instructor, but his glory days are long over. Ever since the school’s champion Rockball team disappeared ten years ago, Coach Poodle’s been on the decline, basically using his office as a place to nap and eat Monster Snacks. He may still be a popular teacher, but he’s mostly retained his position as a favor, since he hasn’t actually been on the sports field in years.

But now he’s got the chance to change everything! Funding for public education is dropping in Monstown (probably thanks to Evaris somehow) and Coach Poodle’s been presented with the ultimate teaching challenge: Justify why the students need to learn your subject, or lose your job forever. 

While Coach Poodle may not be the most motivated teacher, he doesn't want to lose his job—and he REALLY doesn’t want to lose it to Madprof, his ultimate nemesis. But can Poodle actually out-debate the biggest brain at Monstown High and use his boundless charisma to pull off this Hail Mary play? With a big doggie smile, anything’s possible.

Coach Poodle is a Light and Earth Controller with Stamina Removal, Stamina Leak, Time Stop, and Daze skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Area Super Attuned
Rank 1: Cooldown Immunity
Rank 3: Status Caster - All allies gain Dodge at the start of its first turn