Kirk Moonwalker didn’t miss much about his life back on Petra, but there was one salty dog his scurvy heart longed to see again: his pet fish, Bait! But how could he possibly get Bait off Varuna’s ship?
Luckily for Kirk, other Ancestors were listening in. Mater Geneza sent her minion Gorruptor to Kirk with a note: Meet her in her lair, and perhaps an exchange could be made.
Kirk made the journey to Geneza’s lair. While he was immediately smitten with the lady, she didn’t return his affections, declining his offer to trade a passionate embrace for Bait’s safety. Instead, she asked only that he throw a small shipment of space garbage into a nearby black hole. In return, she promised to give him enough Glitcherine to make a Gateway to Petra so he could retrieve Bait.\n
Kirk did as he was bid, noting with only a small flash of interest that somehow, an audible scream ripped through the soundless expanse of space as he did so. But Kirk didn’t dwell on that little detail! After all, he had a fish to rescue (and give an appropriately interstellar new name to) and an exothermic mecha-goldfish-bowl to build.\n
Exobait is a Thunder and Water support with Control Immunity trait and Triple Damage skills\n
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Tough
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Drowned to all enemies at the start of the battle
Pandalf's Conjuring: Exobait 🐠
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