How can I get the receipt for my purchase?
Your purchase receipt will be delivered to your email address after you complete the transaction. If you are unable to locate the receipt in...
How can I request a refund?
AppStore: If you made a purchase through the AppStore, please use this link to claim your refund. Your request will be processed accord...
Is my Credit Card information safe?
We do not store your Credit Card details nor do we have access to them. If you purchased something through Google Play, App Store, Amazon Ap...
I've received a bill for a purchase I didn't make. What should I do if I suspect fraudulent activity?
If you suspect a fraudulent transaction on your account, immediately contact one of the below customer supports based on the platform you ar...
Another site offers me in-game products for my game. Can I buy from them?
Our game does not use third-party sites to give any in-game products.We strongly advise purchasing from our official channels only to ensure...
How to use Google Pay?
If you have a Google Account or Gmail account, you can use it to sign in to Google Pay/Wallet atGoogle PayIf you don’t already have a Google...
How can I manage or turn off IN-APP purchases?
We do not have the option to disable IN-APP purchases. However, you can manage the in-app purchase settings on your phone by enabling passwo...
My child accidentally made an IN-APP purchase. How do I seek a refund?
Items bought through our games (in-app purchases) are generally non-refundable.However, you can always contact Google, Apple, ...
Where is the purchase I made? - Amazon
At times it may take up to 24 hours for the purchase to get registered in the game as our system needs to receive the confirmation Amazon se...
Where is the purchase I made? (iOS)
It can take up to 24 hours between the purchase and the gems to update in the game as our system needs to receive the confirmation from iTun...
Where is the purchase I made? (Android)
It can take up to 24 hours between the purchase and the gems to update in the game as our system needs to receive the confirmation from Goog...
How do I request for a Refund? (iOS)
Payments are processed by Apple, please contact them directly for further information via the link below:http://www.apple.com/support/ios/co...
How do I request for a Refund? (Android)
Payments are processed by Google Wallet, please contact them directly for further information:https://support.google.com/wallet/
How do I request for a Refund? (Amazon)
Payments are processed by Amazon, please contact them directly for further information via the link below:https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/cus...
How do I request for a Refund? (Facebook)
Payments are processed by Facebook, to request a refund please follow next steps:1. Click in the top right of Facebook and select Settings2....
What is the Dragon City Store?
The Dragon City Store is the official online marketplace for the Dragon City game.
How do I connect to make a purchase? I'm having trouble.
To make a purchase in the store, you must first sign in to your player account. To do this, access the store on the device you use to play t...
How long does it take Dragon City Store purchases to show up in my game?
Purchases made in the Dragon City Store should appear in your game almost immediately. In some rare instances, a game restart may be require...
How can I request a refund for a purchase on the Webstore?
If you have a Billing-related issue with your purchase from the Dragon City Store, please contact our Billing Support Team. Make sure to pro...
I'm on an Android device and I cannot login using the icon at the top right of my screen. What should I do?
When this happens, this is likely an issue with your Game App settings. Please follow the steps below:1. Go to your device's settings menu.2...
Why am I unable to make purchases?
If you are having trouble making purchases, it could be due to a connection issue or because your game or device software is not up to date....