Wow, a Design Studio! The Design Studio is a new building that allows you to craft exclusive Ddecorations and make your restaurant prettier to attract VIP clients and boost your restaurant's Popularity. You need to reach a certain level in your game to unlock the Design Studio.


To craft Decorations, you need to collect Blueprints. Blueprints can be found in the Special Delivery Crates or sold to you directly by the Merchants. Completing Chillout Events will also get you a lot of Blueprints!

Each Decoration requires a certain amount of  Blueprints in order to build it

Each  Blueprint allows you to craft one type of decoration such as a piano, jukebox, aquarium etc.


Once taping on the Design Studio building you are shown the catalog, this is where you can see what Blueprints you have and which Decorations you can craft. 




Once you craft a Decoration you can place it immediately or it is stored in the shop inventory and can be placed in the restaurant at a later time.

The Decorations found in the Design Studio catalog belong to a special category in the shop called Design Studio.