You now have an Academy where you can level up and improve the dishes in your game. 

We have also added a wholesale delivery feature. You can have Local, Imported and Luxury parcels delivered to your restaurant. 

These parcels can be obtained for free, or you can buy them with gems. In the parcels, you get rewards such as gems, tools and ingredient essences. These are the staples you will you need to upgrade your dishes. 

Once you have obtained the correct amount of essences, you will see a ! on your Academy building. 

This means that you have the required amount to upgrade a dish. 

Inside the Academy, you will have a green arrow in the profile picture of the chef which has a dish you can now upgrade. This will place a star next to the picture of the dish.

You can also see here: 

- how much your dish sells for in your restaurant and how many XP points you get.
- What delivery essences you may require to upgrade the dish 

This is always good to know!
