New Monsters - Monstagram
NEW Monster: Clivia!
Clivia’s diet is high in iron, so his favourite food is warriors. The more armor they wear and the more weapons they carry, the more Clivia ...
NEW Monster: Cloud
Cloud was just a kitten when Patrion pulled him out of the river, where he had fallen while playing. Since then, his loyalty to his savior h...
NEW Monster: Sparking Mantis
A fascinating insect, the Sparking Mantis: Unlike praying mantises, who kill their mates after mating, the Sparking Mantis likes to keep the...
NEW Monster: Patrion
For years, Patrion suffered a curse that obscured his soul with hate and evil. At one point, the dark in his soul had gained such a strong p...
NEW Monster: Igursus
At the midpoint of a war, Pandalf needed help to win, so he cast a powerful spell on a mountain. The earth started trembling and within minu...
NEW Monster: Bo Tai
There was a great war in Monster Legends, a war that defied every monster’s loyalty to Good or Evil. Bo Tai played a key role in the fight f...
From a very young age, it was clear that Ingenica’s intelligence was above average. She was just a child when she started creating her own l...
NEW Monster: Baron Traitor!
Baron Traitor was Mr. Flaky's assistant in his illusionism shows and squire in battle. However, upon discovering voodoo magic, he lost his i...
NEW Monster: Borjork
The orcs are on a mission to raid as many villages as they can. They don’t care about the riches, they just do it to calm their thirst for b...
NEW Monster: Yamada
Yamada is Crissandre’s go-to guy when the team of Battlemages need reinforcements. He’s like their secret weapon! Yamada comes flying over t...
NEW Monster: Rabooka
Easter time. Again. One more year, everyone is digging holes and ruining rabbit lairs to hide stupid Easter eggs, so one more year, it is ti...
NEW Monster in the Metalband island: Metalisha!
The real wild child. She left home at a young age to join a gang of bikers led by Rador. She was a savage biker, always screaming and gettin...
NEW Monster in The Keeper's Fables Island: Dungeon Master!
As a little girl, Anna was fragile and lonely. For most of her childhood, she had no friends at all, but then she met Patrick and they start...
NEW Monster in the Gangs of Monster Legends Island: Al Canine!
Al Canine is the boss in Canine Clan and a master of contraband. Chests, Gold, Cells, you name it, there’s nothing he can’t sell in the blac...
NEW Monster in the Dark Forest Island: Alpha Cliviast!
When Clivia spread its spores, everyone collected and destroyed them to make sure it didn’t reproduce. After all, killer plants aren’t somet...
NEW Monster in the Cosmic Horror Raid: Ixofex!
Always showing up uninvited, this creature was first mistaken for a fallen star and a symbol of good luck. But this venomous parasite from o...
NEW Monster in the Mercenary Island: Rabbish!
Rabbish looks a bit like a pacifist druid covered in amulets but, in truth, all the little objects he carries around with him are more like ...
NEW Monster in the Ancient Egypt Island: Viperhotep!
As the apprentice to Isis, Viperhotep used his cunning ways to earn the trust of the Goddess. On her deathbed she gave him her powers trusti...
NEW Monster in the Space Corsairs Island: Privateer Morgan!
Privateer Morgan and his crew have been paid an outrageous amount of Gold by a secret commissioner to search and destroy Captain Copperbeard...
NEW monster in the Apex Predators Island: Predagelum!
This stealthy hunter lives by the lakes, where he waits patiently for the right prey. A wave on the surface of the water is enough for him t...
NEW Monster in the Steampunk Beasts Island: Stake!
This steam-powered snake is designed to stand up to apex predators. Stake lives in the water, where it recharges and cools its system, but i...
NEW Monster in the Orc Invasion Island: Warspellz!
The shaman in the orc tribe is indispensable. He may not stand in the frontline of battle most of the time, but his potions make fighters st...
NEW Monster in the Space Defenders Island: Toshiro!
Toshiro is on a mission to protect innocent creatures traveling through space. Space is a rough place full of dangerous creatures like the a...
NEW Monster in the Wasteland Desert Island: Sting Westclaw!
Sting Westclaw was banished from his homeland after robbing dozens of banks and taverns. He’s found a new home in the desert area of the Pos...
NEW monster in the Halloween Grand Prix: Francine Frank!
Frank S. Tein has finally found the one. Francine Frank is toned, just like him, not very bright, just like him, and has a bit of a bad atti...
NEW Monster in the Cyber Infestation Grand Prix: Patient Cyber!
Patient Cyber is affected by a rare sickness that is slowly turning him into a robotic creature. It all started with a stream of nanobots th...
NEW Monster in the Post-Apocalyptic Duchess Grand Prix: The Baroness!
The Post-Apocalyptic Wastelands were ruled by Roxen and Nexor Cox… until she arrived. They couldn’t confront her, so they accepted the terms...
NEW Monster in Titan Invasion: Igneus
Normally when meteors fall from the sky onto the Monster Legends Islands, no one blinks an eye… but this one was different. Not only was it ...
NEW Monster in the Atomic Soldier Island: Sergeant Hull Head!
When the Great War ended, and Zimnyaya was forced to surrender, he left a war prisoner he hadn't told anyone about behind, locked in a bunke...
NEW monster: Drakor!
When Eggeater, Goran, Daganth, Drekk, and Dracontium created an alliance of dragons, Drakor wanted to join but, because he's only part drago...
NEW Monster in the NeoCity Grand Prix: Neobuki!
Quick and sparkling Neobuki was traveling across the universe when a black hole sucked her in. She was unable to skip it, and she hasn't fou...
NEW monster in the Bestiarium Maze: Belbreath!
This Legendary creature is the star at the Bestiarium Exhibition Center. Her unique attributes make her a wonder for both visitors and inves...
NEW Monster in the Emperor's Court Island: Itzanami!
It is known that Mountezuma is an arrogant and untrusting emperor. To be fair, he has a right to be like that: Everyone hates his abuse of a...
NEW monster: Soul Hugger!
Soul Hugger feeds on damned souls, but they aren’t an easy meal to find. However, this monster knows his way around Hell, and he has paid on...
NEW monster in the Aquatic Feast Maze: Frosilka!
Frosilka was the head of the Royal Guard while Thetys was the Queen of the Water Realms. Stronger than Thetys herself and extremely loyal to...
NEW monster in the Galactic Expedition Maze: Grumpex!
Grumpex is the head of the Chameliens, a civilization of space warriors! Until the Chameliens arrived, the Skeel army ruled the area, but ev...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix Race: Sunblast!
Sunblast was The Firestorm's disciple until he started to disagree with his teacher on several aspects. What started as disagreements slowly...
NEW Quest Monster: Yimburbur!
When Talika found little Yimburbur lost in the forest, she thought she would raise him so that he could become a forest counselor like she w...
NEW monster in the Curse of Qin's Army Maze: Wangzhou!
No one expects a Metal monster in the terracotta army, so enemies are easily caught off-guard by Wagzhou’s attacks. His figure stands in the...
NEW monster in the Curse of Qin's Army Maze: Qinling!
When Qinling woke up next to the Emperor’s grave and saw that his fellow soldier Qin had abandoned his duty of guarding the Emperor for eter...
NEW special monster: Dunn Ra!
The brutal war between Bandses and Akhenotep wasn’t looking good, especially for Akhenotep. One day, his advisor Viperhotep told him “If we ...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix Race: Koralle Brutalis!
The pirate war between Varuna and Cavenfish has made a big negative impact on the ocean in general, but especially on the seabed and its cor...
NEW Monster in the Whisper of the Witch Island: Saika!
Saika used to work as a Light guide for lost travelers. When she retired, her granddaughter Kassia took over the job and she was there whene...
NEW monster in the Rainbow Bridge Maze: Olnir!
In the middle of the Monster Legends Multiverse, there's an ancient city only accessible through the Rainbow Bridge. Anyone can walk down th...
NEW monster in the Rainbow Bridge Maze: Helgudin!
Helgudin had always wanted to enter the ancient city in the middle of the Multiverse, but when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge, she was denie...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix Race: Marquis de Flambe!
This fire toad used to live in the gardens of the Light Kingdom with Prince Charmless, but Princess Bella Baal was terrified of him, so he l...
NEW Quest Monster: Clipeum!
With all the movements in the Underworld and the Evil Legions, the Good Legions are working hard to reinforce their ranks. That’s how they’v...
NEW monster in the Dwarven Mines Maze: Nabuline!
During his time in power, the invader Warthak didn’t rule the tribe of miner dwarves alone, he did it with the help of a cabinet. It’s not l...
NEW monster in the Dwarven Mines Maze: Hobkin!
Hobkin is a magnificent artifact built by Nabuline to keep her safe in her journeys. While Nabuline walks down dangerous roads, Hobkin flies...
NEW Elite Monster: Gorg!
Thetys, Korzorg, and Frosilka spent a lot of time together since they were very young, maybe because they all had something in common. Thety...
NEW Quest Monster: Pierceid!
The Inheritor has been trying to take the Throne of Hell for a long time, and even though he is stronger than Barbatos in battle, he doesn’t...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix: Wasper!
This Magic bug spent years hiding from Clivia, who was obsessed and wanted to devour him in one bite. However, now Wasper has come out of hi...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix: Mirak!
With the battlefield getting tougher and tougher these days, all monsters strive for excellence, but there are two creators in particular wh...
NEW monster in the Chaos Fortress Maze: Volthar!
Volthar is a sophisticated machine which can easily deceive his enemies. Because of its looks, they all expect it to come with heavy attacks...
NEW monster in the Chaos Fortress Maze: Hookuai!
Hookuai is an old friend of Cryotan’s. They’re both big fans of mass destruction, so they’ve always worked well together. However, when Cryo...
NEW Quest Monster: Mephisto!
Everyone in Hell hates Saulot, but not because of his cruelty or his bad manners - Hell’s inhabitants are perfectly okay with that. They hat...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix: Dr. Marihelson!
Dr. Marihelson left his home many years ago to spend some time in the abandoned hotspot of the World Water War. As an expert on nuclear weap...
Narok in the Narok's Quest
Narok was a slave of Lord Mammoth and his tribe for many years. Tired of hunting only to bring food to the table of the Lord’s banquets, he ...
NEW monster in the Synthetic Invasion Maze: Silverleaf!
Silverleaf is one of the youngest yet wisest spirits in the forest. He was just a young elf when he first saw the future in the stone of his...
NEW Elite Monster in the Synthetic Invasion Maze: Zizania!
Ever since this beast of alien origin appeared on Earth, different teams of monsters have been trying to contain its lethal attacks. Every t...
NEW monster: Zorgon!
For years now, Hackster has been using encryption systems to protect precious information about the strengths and weaknesses of every monste...
NEW Quest Monster: Madam Fusion!
Malair had always hoped that when his daughter grew up, they’d make the perfect team of Magic villains. He didn’t predict that she’d grow up...
NEW monster in the Thaw of the Dead Maze: Nitroblaster!
General Holter is on a mission to conquer a frozen planet he’s discovered, but its current inhabitants are as dangerous as dangerous gets. F...
NEW monster in the Thaw of the Dead Maze: Eisul!
Eisul is the strongest member and thus the commander of the Sulien civilization. Suliens are beasts made of parts of other living things tha...
NEW Quest Monster: Positron!
Global Mech Ltd., creators of M-2 Wyvern, are back with a new design that will be the best accessory to any monster team. Positron is the pe...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix: Mop!
Mop and Soap Sam used to be a great team which wiped out all their enemies, but one day they got into a feat that ended with Mop wiping out ...
NEW Monster: Hyperia!
There are monsters who never have enough. Darmith and Kaih the Eradicator are that kind of monster. They had big lands and more riches than ...
NEW monster in the Lizard Hunter Maze: Zunobia!
Zunobia was a treasure hunter like so many other, but she wasn’t getting too far until she realized that, in order to get really rich, she w...
NEW monster in the Lizard Graveyard Maze: Ugluk!
Once upon a time, there was a glorious dynasty of monsters everyone knew by “The Lizards”. The Lizards were known for their might and their ...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix: Gurlik!
For a long time, Warspellz was unhappy with the direction the orc tribe was taking. He missed the old days and his deceased leader, Gurlik, ...
NEW Monster: Hornet!
Faraday was created by General Uria with the sole purpose of humiliating VoltaiK, but he ended up betraying his creators almost as soon as h...
NEW Quest Monster: Devastress!
All Devastator has known his entire life is the Supervillains’ Hideout. Malair took him there when he was nothing but a big, bulky, terribly...
NEW monster in the Time Guardians Maze: Kronxian Guard!
Some years ago, Kronxian Guard was one of the happiest monsters in the Multiverse. He had a great job as a guard for King Daeron. He was mar...
NEW monster in the Time Travelers Maze: Kronx!
Kronx was just a young sorcerer when, centuries ago, she discovered that she could travel through time. She opened portals with an ease that...
NEW Fire Control monster: Lord Pumpseed
In the run-up to Halloween, Necromancer was rummaging through the old scriptures locked away in Count Vlad’s dust-ridden library. Sick of pr...
NEW Magic monster: Gualgui
The Curse of the Cosmos was sailing through galaxies when a meteorite storm struck. The crew was forced to land and dock in the middle of th...
NEW Quest Monster: Nikasia!
Nikasia is a young magic apprentice, as she wants to follow the steps of her grandmother Saika and her big sister Kassia. She knows a few ma...
NEW monster in the Hero's Faith Maze: Wildbird!
Wildbird was tasked with protecting a garden of golden apples with very valuable golden seeds, which are used to fuel a portal between dimen...
NEW monster in the Wickah's Lair Maze: Wickah!
The Cardinal Forest has been through a lot lately. Invasions, assaults,… the list is endless, but its inhabitants have been able to overcome...
NEW monster in the Hydromarket Marathon: Crabbydroid
Crabbydroid was a happy hermit crab living a simple life with his family under the sea. Unknown to him at the time, the side of the sea he c...
NEW Quest Monster: Yedra
Yedra and Son-Cookie have been friends for many years, or at least many more than Son-Cookie would’ve liked to be “just friends”. She's chee...
NEW Tales Monster: Rociuko
Meet Kihaku’s apprentice, Rociuko. For years, Rociuko has been an obedient and responsive student, but she’s tired of being just a student. ...
NEW monster in the Festive Dome Maze: Thundeer!
When Thundeer was young, he loved to bring lots of gifts from his home forest to the baby monsters in the neighboring villages. Whether it w...
NEW monster in the Gloomy Dome Maze: Santerion!
Thundeer loved to bring gifts to baby monsters, but after he was struck by lightning, his appearance became too scary, so he had an idea: He...
NEW Monster in the Legends Pass: Ursus!
Ursus and his older brother Voytek grew up without their parents, but everything was alright, because they had each other. When they were li...
NEW monster in the Samael's Bastion Marathon: Nisael
Ever since General Nishant took Samael’s brother, Ismael, and crushed him into Cells, Samael’s only mission in life has been to find the Gen...
NEW Quest Monster: Zombic
Muerte McBlood isn't Countess Flawless’ favorite monster. She sees him as part of the reason why Fampira doesn’t come home often, so wheneve...
NEW monster in the Ancient Kingdom Maze: Zenfira
Once upon a time, there was a pact: Forest monsters would provide curative ointments to the leaders of Hell, who were in desperate need of t...
NEW monster in the Dragon Nest Marathon: Lamia
Lamia was born in a city of dragons, and from a very young age, she showed a natural talent for battle. She was a precocious fighter and she...
NEW monster in the Mushroom Kingdom Maze: Rubellus
Rubellus was the king of a Mushroom Kingdom. They all lived in a cave and he earned his crown because he was the biggest and the strongest b...
NEW Tales Monster: Synaptikus
On the frozen planet in which a civilization of Suliens led by Eisul live, an abandoned brain came alive, self-aware and intelligent, by the...
NEW Monster in the Legends Pass: Grakon!
Drekk, also known as “The Healer Dragon”, received lots of visits to his lair from monsters with serious wounds. With a mere touch of his le...
NEW monster: PZ Ronin
PZ Ronin, previously known as PZ26: Monster Legends Expert, made a terrible mistake: He tried to question his leader’s decision of breaking ...
NEW Breeding Joker: Urtikus!
Galante had been feeling fragile for a few months now, and noticed his extraordinary breeding powers were at an all-time low. He tried to pr...
NEW Quest Monster: Frazerot!
There’s something wrong. Caillech hasn’t been home for Christmas, and it’s her favorite time of the year, she would never miss it intentiona...
NEW monster in the Magic Within Maze: LazarBeam
At the Warmasters’ Yearly Summit, there’s time for everything: They have serious discussions about the wars each of them are facing, but the...
NEW monster in the Darkness Within Maze: Korruptus
Korruptus was the king of Plithora - a tiny yet surprisingly wealthy realm. His people lived in peace and adored him as a ruler, who brighte...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Rekka!
Rekka used to be a flag bearer in General Darmith’s Fire army, but when Lucifire started her rebellion, he chose to fight on her side agains...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Katufo!
Every year Madam Fusion tries to find the perfect birthday gift for VoltaiK. Last year, she gave him a piece of strange rock with something ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Armor Claw!
When Rocigon was young, he didn't have many real friends. He had an imaginary one; a dragon warrior who was always there to save him from hi...
NEW Mythic Monster: Arumel/Cyberiel
After a tough mission in which the celestial legions helped the miner dwarves, Warmaster Babari gave his counterpart Elvira a very special j...
NEW monster in the Fountain of Plenty Maze: Xavipit!
Ingenica was the greatest engineer that Monster Legends had ever seen, but she had one frustration: She had always dreamed of making an arti...
NEW Quest Monster: Froma!
Villains have a conscience too. Malair sometimes feels bad about all the trouble he causes to innocent monsters. You know, just tiny things ...
NEW monster in the Fountain of Mischief Maze: Morgz
Morgz was the kind of monster who reads the news every day with utmost disgust. “It’s crazy out there these days. So much crime, so many mon...
NEW Tales monster: Vandecken!
Captain Vandecken was a ferocious pirate who ruled the seas between 1720 and 1799. His possession techniques were both well-known and dreade...
NEW Elite monster: Akunobuki
Neobuki’s might is famous in Monster Legends, but her real self has been trapped in a black hole for years. Up until now, she’s managed her ...
NEW Mythic Monster: Abysmuss
For some time, Necromancer had wanted to found his own school of dark magic, where strict morals wouldn’t get in the way of the epic experim...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Gaidigo!
The Myth of the Gaidigo is the story of a greedy demon who, centuries ago, escaped from Hell through a tunnel to the face of the Earth where...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Tayni!
Clivia had always ruled in the botanic gardens of the Light Kingdom, but after Wasper showed up with his heavy attacks and his trait disabli...
NEW Quest monster: Kralik
As Easter approached, Dr. Wattzz decided it was time to launch his evil plan. He wanted to build an army of monsters who would obey him, in ...
NEW Tales monster: Rara Avis
After Wildbird was abandoned by Zunobia, he started a new life – fighting for justice, helping the weakest. The only thing that still tormen...
NEW monster in the Duel and Honor Maze: Erder
When the citizens of Plithora dethroned and locked away their crazed king Korruptus — who ended up running away — they were left with no rul...
NEW Mythic Monster in the Niflheim Marathon: Kawthor
Baba Yaga was peacefully looking after her potions in her hut when she heard two monsters screaming at each other outside. She came to see w...
NEW monster in the Tribal Fire Maze: Quaxalcroc
Emperor Mountezuma has been cornered for years. Thanks to Itzanami, his loyal servant, he’s been able to stay in power, but his time has com...
NEW monster in the Knights of Justice Maze: Unspeakable
Warmaster Elvira and her legion of angels sent Erder to help the citizens of Plithora, who were besieged by neighboring cities. After that, ...
NEW Quest monster: Yoroi
The path of a samurai is a lonely one. Kaori knows this better than anyone as she was only a girl when she left her home and family to pursu...
NEW Mythic Monster: Blaz
Blaz is Dr. Wattz’s creation and faithful servant. He helps him around the lab and is the guinea pig for the Doctor’s craziest and most rele...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Dr. Wattz!
Dr. Viktor was an only child. Because of this, he spent all his time playing alone with his science kit. When he was 10, he asked for a new ...
NEW Tales monster: Illion
One of The Three Adventurers, Armole, had been sick for months. The druids told him they could cure him with a potion, but to prepare it, th...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Zorky!
When Dr. Wattz was young, his parents used to take him and his brother Viktor to magic shows. Viktor used to have a good time, but Wattz utt...
NEW monster: Knightingale
Knightingale had always wanted to be a superhero – instill fear in villains and draw admiration from other heroes. She had the talent and th...
NEW monster in the Jungle Warriors Maze: Azte
After Quaxalcroc took over the throne of the Aztecs, everyone thought that the old emperor would be gone forever, but the crown had been in ...
NEW Mythic Monster in the Cobra Punch Marathon: Noar
After his student Rociuko turned her back on him, Kihaku decided he couldn’t take any chances with the next pupil under his watch, so instea...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Moonhaze!
Karlo was a really tiny firefly living in the botanic gardens of the Light Kingdom. He was a moonlight-fed smart little bug who had always w...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Ondana!
When Queen Thalassa returned to her throne, she put her daughter Thetys and her friends under strict surveillance to avoid them causing a ne...
NEW monster: Brutalizer
This monster was a gravedigger in Nishant’s army. He had orders to take all the riches the dead had on them and hand them to his general bef...
NEW monster in the Metal Myst Maze: Glamhead
Metalband, the ensemble formed by Metalisha, Keithor and Metalhëad, went into hiatus after all the members were involved in a stage fig...
NEW monster: JoshDub
Radiation works in mysterious ways. When Sergeant Hull Head resurrected as a zombie after his dead body was buried in nuclear waste for year...
NEW Tales monster: Urcann
Storm Beard kept having the strangest nightmare over and over again. In it, his crew abandoned him on a desert island, alone with a very cre...
NEW Quest monster: Svart
Svart was a mage, a specialist in tournaments. He lived a happy life with his family. He used to make his daughter laugh all the time with h...
NEW monster: Daedalus
Daedalus was one of the best artists in the universe of Monster Legends. He enjoyed great recognition and some of the best statues around th...
NEW monster in the Metal Legends Maze: Metalbeat
Metalband had a glorious comeback after Glamhead joined them. They were on a world tour and, on a particularly vibrant night, they were kill...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Mr. Beast!
Do you remember a creepy little monster named Avaritia? This monster’s obsession with having it all started with Gold. He started gathering ...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Tremur
After Warmaster Zahra crushed his revolution, Nadiel didn't have many friends or allies in the Cardinal Forest. Slowly but surely, he became...
NEW Mythic Monster in the Freak Circus Leap Marathon: Siamiss
The star of the Freak Circus, Hercule, seemed to be fading away. Everyone knows his one-man show of weight lifting and opera singing by hear...
NEW Mythic Monster: Glubu
Glubu was a doctor specialized in outer-space creatures. For his most ambitious project, he captured a Sulien with the intention of studying...
NEW Tales monster: Crusty
Globrush, the gunsmith at the Curse of the Cosmos, is one of the most famous space pirates. Piracy has always run in his family, only in a m...
NEW Quest monster: Blazinger
Dr. Wattz uses Blaz as a guinea pig for his craziest and most relentless experiments. However, for his latest study, Wattz has done things s...
NEW monster in the Abduction Maze: Lonradh
Lonradh, nicknamed ‘The Space Collector’, directs the Museum of Outer Space, where the most fascinating space creatures are displayed for th...
NEW monster in the Liberation Maze: Vastus
Kiridar and her friends had been under threat for years and it was only getting worse, so she pulled a little trick out her sleeve. She summ...
NEW monster in the Hammer & Anvil Marathon: Ignis
Ignis’ job was to forge chains for Barbatos’ prisoners. One day, as he was working, he overheard a conversation on the other side of his wor...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Hardy!
Cavenfish was a young, abandoned monster when Captain Hardy took him under his fin. He made him part of his crew and taught him everything h...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Slugazoid!
Millenia ago, this alien slug traveled from planet to planet feeding on the energy of its inhabitants, but then it arrived at the world of M...
NEW Quest monster: Thunderkong
Rockilla is an icon. He was the first Earth monster and no master can start their journey without him. However, after years of seeing how ev...
NEW monster: Vanoss2099
Vanoss and his gang were hiding inside a bunker surrounded by their enemies. They were outnumbered and outpowered. There was nothing they co...
NEW Tales monster: Blackfeather
In outer space, the rain of Stardust was actually a storm — a massive, chaotic storm which caught Captain Copperbeard and his crew in the mi...
NEW monster in the Lost Paradise Maze: Kodama
The explosion of the Distant Star not only caused the rain of Stardust. It also opened thousands of portals all over the universe. Kodama ha...
NEW monster: Bombeta
Bombeta is the first lab-crafted Cosmic monster. Dr. Viktor was tasked with the mission of creating a monster who would light the way throug...
NEW monster in the Earthly Spirit Maze: Rotten
Rotten’s origin is unknown. The myth says that a rain of Stardust fell in a puddle of mud in a particularly dark corner of the swamp area of...
NEW monster: TeddieVR
When Gualgui saw the Cosmic rain, she confused the shiny stardust for shooting stars. Days before the rain, she’d had an epiphany, a vision ...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Diegael!
Diegael was a cherub, conceived as a heavenly creature whose mission in life was to spread love and joy. However, since he was very young, h...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Atrox!
Nicknamed “The Cosmic Doctor”, Atrox has crossed the portal into the universe of Monster Legends to bring a cure to numerous undetected dise...
NEW monster: Solarflare!
Meet Sunblast's little brother! Little or perhaps just younger. Solarflare used to spy on Sunblast and Firestorm when they trained together ...
NEW monster in the Mountain Tribe Marathon: Tabora
Tabora arrived in the swamp shortly after the Cosmic rain. She told Wickah that the stars had guided her there so that she could help the in...
NEW Quest monster: Seaquake
When the Stardust rain reached the mountain region of Monster Legends, it showered Cryotan and Ouros with its Cosmic magic. As it’s so cold ...
NEW Tales monster: Kraster
Clivia and Alpha Cliviast understand that being killer plants won’t be enough to survive in the Cosmic Era. For this reason, they’ve liberat...
NEW monster in the Raiders of the Storm Maze: Lindworm
The Legendary villains have been looking for a Cosmic ally to turn the tables in their favor again, and it looks like they’ve finally found ...
NEW monster: Henritch!
Henritch was a friendly Legendary monster. Everybody around him loved him. That was until, one day, a villain attacked his home and destroye...
NEW monster in the Raiders of the Night Maze: Mani Pulate
This robot was built to carry information and peace treaties in wartime. Everything worked perfectly until Cosmic rain hit and gave the robo...
NEW Monster: Kaguya!
Kaguya is on a mission of military espionage. He’s infiltrated the samurai community by disguising himself as one of them. Now, his goal is ...
NEW monster: Shelly!
Queen Thalassa banished Shelly from her water realm after finding out that he had stolen her pearls and was hoarding jewellery he had taken ...
NEW Monster: Iguanazaur!
When he was a baby, Iguanazaur was fascinated by his dad Hydratila, but especially by his Boltcaster Hammer. When he came of age, he asked h...
NEW Monster: Chuckle Muckel
This fairy arrived through the Cosmic portal to grace and protect all monsters. When they’re little and lose a milk tooth, Chuckle Muckel co...
NEW Monster: Rusalka!
Fairy cousins Chuckle Muckel and Rusalka used to play together when they were little, and had bright futures ahead of them. They were both f...
NEW Monster: Undead Mr. Beast!
For every night, there's a day. For every kind soul, there’s an evil spirit waiting to pounce. That’s the law of balance in the Monster Lege...
NEW Quest monster: Pulsus
This Cosmic bug was once a simple cricket with a curiosity too big for his own body. Tired of living in other monster’s backyards, he went o...
NEW Tales monster: Spitfire
After Metalisha kicked him out of the band he’d founded, Metalhëad vowed to punish her the only way he knew; by making better music tha...
NEW monster in the Undead Light Maze: Necrolicht
Necromancer and Barbatos are old enemies. Because of Necromancer's resurrection skills, many souls that belonged in the realm of Barbatos ha...
NEW monster: Rhinata
Rhinata belongs to a tribe of rhino warriors in a dimension far away. One day she was hunting for gems, crystals and meteor pieces when she ...
NEW monster in The Revenant Maze: Ferrus
Ahran was a loyal warrior for the Good Legions for a long time. He gave his all to the fight against the Bad Legions but, after so many year...
NEW monster in the Blood Disco Marathon: Fampirastral!
After a couple of wild years full of adventures and parties, Fampira’s going home. She’s ready to become Lady of Monstelvania and rule along...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Noahgnarok!
Young Noahrian wanted to become a hero – badly. He was from the same village as Gregorz of Lyria and there was nothing he wanted more than t...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Arobat
Tabora arrived at the swamp shortly after the Cosmic rain, asking for a job as Mudflow’s assistant druid. Wickah and the other inhabitants o...
NEW monster: Kaih the Sunmelter
Kaih the Eradicator had been keeping a low profile for quite some time. After he and General Darmith tried and failed to set fire to Hyperia...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Spawny
Because of its lightness, not a lot of Stardust from the explosion of the Distant Star reached the bottom of the ocean. Most of it flew with...
NEW Tales monster: Ourosmic
The explosion of the Distant Star covered almost every corner of the Monster Legends universe with Stardust and it certainly didn’t miss its...
NEW Quest monster: Varupapu
Varuna had been a soulless pirate ever since he traded his soul in exchange for his life. After which, he fought battles, but didn’t enjoy t...
NEW monster in the Good Nightmares Maze: Lightmare
Lightmare used to live in the dimension of nightmares. He stepped into a monster's subconscious and unleashed chaos to turn the dreams into ...
NEW Halloween monster: Witchkat
The night of Halloween was always very busy for Gretchen. The recipes for some of her deadliest potions clearly stated that their magic woul...
NEW monster: Targon
The Hall of Dragons is home to the statues that pay tribute to the most important dragons in the millenary history of the Monster Legends Un...
NEW Nemesis monster: Samael!
Samael was once a soldier in the Good Legions. He was flawless in battle and fair in judgement. But this all changed one day, when General N...
NEW monster in The Ghost Express Marathon: Steamwrath
Many monsters have crossed the Cosmic Portal, but never a big machine like a train! You’d be inclined to think this is a pretty cool event, ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Chimaney
For many years, presents went down Chimaney's body, but there was never anything for him. Every Christmas Day, he saw little monsters relics...
NEW Quest monster: Ophiuchus the Zodiac
Zodiac monsters have a very special connection with Cosmic energy. Virtue, Bright, Mystery, and Passion have worked with it only to guide th...
NEW Tales monster: Krampus the Killjoy
Joy to the world? Not if Krampus can help it. This demon loves Christmas because it’s the best time of the year to torment baby monsters. Wh...
NEW monster: Rody
Rody grew up in a stormy treeless plain that served as a playground to Tempest and General Uria, who used to have their little competitions ...
NEW monster in the Multiplayer Mode: Firustar
It was a lovely winter morning. Snow had covered the free lands of Monster Legends and everyone built snowmen and decorated trees. A little ...
NEW monster in the Howling Lair Maze: Lord Platypus
This poor fella was always ridiculed for his appearance, but at a very young age, he realized that the frustration he felt for getting bulli...
NEW Black Friday monster: Axolmech
The Guardians of the Earth, led by Kiridar and Vastus, exposed evil Dr. Hazard and his crimes against nature some time ago. After that, he l...
NEW monster in the Wolf's Lair Maze: Ullrica
On a full moon night, a pack of three wolves crossed the Cosmic Portal and entered the world of Monster Legends. The oldest and wisest, Mast...
NEW Quest monster: Luponudo
On a full moon night, a pack of three wolves crossed the Cosmic Portal and entered the world of Monster Legends. The oldest and wisest, Mast...
NEW monster: LazarBeam2099
LazarBeam was a natural winner but he was aware that Cosmic monsters were tough competition for him. Determined to remain Warmaster Sherezar...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Moon Ming
Moon Ming is a wise prophet. She predicted the opening of the Cosmic portal and played a key role guiding creatures like Kodama and Chuckle ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Bingxen
Kihaku became a Legend after defeating his biggest enemy in battle when he summoned an enormous dragon from nothing. The defeated party was ...
NEW monster in the Sumo Temple Marathon: Katsuko
Katsuko was always the weakest in the sumo academy. He was on an oily-fish-and-milk-only diet but it had no effect on him. His body was stro...
NEW Multiplayer Monster: Letalis
Letalis was a prophet, but he was condemned and killed by an unscrupulous king who did not like the future that he’d predicted. However, as ...
NEW Tales monster: Calamedic
When the cosmic explosion took place, it caused tides that shook the ocean like never before. It sank countless boats, but it also pulled lo...
NEW monster: The Hacksmith
When The Hacksmith crossed the Cosmic Portal, his impressive armor and talent didn’t go unnoticed by Warmaster Remntar’s eyes. Remntar had b...
NEW Xmas monster: Roboelf
Santerion and Thundeer are two very busy monsters at this time of the year. Too busy in fact. After the Cosmic explosion, so many monsters a...
NEW Monster: The Dreamer
Lightmare used to live in the dimension of nightmares. He stepped into a monster's subconscious and unleashed chaos to turn the dreams into ...
NEW monster: Master Masher
On a full moon night, a pack of three wolves crossed the Cosmic Portal and entered the world of Monster Legends. The oldest and wisest, Mast...
NEW monster: Cryocrawler
When Cryotan was showered in Stardust, the effect of its crystalization caused a landslide. Seaquake was born from it, but it made Cryotan l...
NEW monster in the Chicken by Night Maze: Roost Waine
Roost Waine spent half his life running away from the Ullrica, who wanted to have him for breakfast. Now things have changed! He's got a nic...
NEW monster in the Multiplayer Mode: Fract-Bot
Dr. Wattz's lab is located inside a cave on a mountain. Most of the time it's the best place to conduct his experiments without anyone bothe...
NEW monster: Dratis
When monsters talk about the Ordo Drakkonis, they usually mean Vishamah and Nahane, and tend to forget about the third member of the institu...
NEW monster in the Ghost Fort Maze: Captain Alvid
Vandecken and Commander Alvid had a bit of a strange father-daughter relationship. When her father died, Alvid paid tribute to him with grea...
NEW Tales monster: Execumancer
The Wastelands are always in conflict. This time, The Baroness and Scrap Warrior were fighting over a rock of Stardust. It was Scrap Warrior...
NEW Quest monster: L1ght
When Dr. Viktor created Bombeta, he didn't take into consideration the effect that manipulated Stardust had when pushed back through the por...
NEW monster in the Pirate Wreck Maze: Anton Acosmic
Pirates are not known for their wisdom, they're usually impulsive and bad-tempered, but Anton Acorne is different! After the Cosmic Portal a...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Vishamah
The members of the Alliance of Dragons have decided to create their own High Institution, the Ordo Drakkonis. If Nahane is the brains in the...
NEW monster: The Dooo
Warmaster Barbael needed someone to lift his troops' spirits so he sent an expedition through the Cosmic Portal just so they would bring him...
NEW monster: Tesakuiper
When VoltaiK was in Monster School, there was a guy in senior year that was everything he wanted to be: smart, strong and faster than anyone...
NEW monster in the Ordo Drakkonis Marathon: Nahane
The members of the Alliance of Dragons have decided to create their own High Institution, the Ordo Drakkonis, and open their own Library. Th...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Dark-er
The night Lutum was unearthed and covered the area around the forest, an extraordinary phenomenon happened. It came into contact with a piec...
NEW monster: Igoribuki
When the wave of Corruption blocked the entrance of the Cosmic Portal, Igoribuki got trapped between two dimensions. He's big in the competi...
NEW monster: Dream
Dream was running after Pixelion through a network of dimensions when everything went pitch black. They didn't know it then but, somewhere i...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Fayemalice
Fayemelina and The One Who Would Be Lord had always been close friends. However, while he was always thirsty for power and embraced evil, sh...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Sensei Pandaken
Fayemalice tried to use the Corrupting Root the Lord gave to her to corrupt Pandaken, Master Rat and Wing-su and make them evil, but her att...
NEW monster in the Wisdom Sanctuary Marathon: Master Rat
Master Rat was always a bit of a nerdy guy. He didn't have many friends, but the ones he had were the best: Pandaken and Wing-su. The three ...
NEW monster: Minos
Minos lived inside one of Daedalus' impressive labyrinths. Legend has it that he was trapped there, but the truth is that Minos knew his way...
NEW monster in the Seeded Tree Maze: Kernel Pip
After the explosion of Lutum, the center of the forest was a mess. There was soil everywhere, lots of trees had fallen, and many monsters ha...
NEW Tales monster: Boarinot
Boarinot's job is to make sure that no one gets in the way of Corruption. Any Pure monster will automatically become a mortal enemy to him. ...
NEW Quest monster: Wing-Su
Wing-Su was always a brave little bird but when Fayemalice Corrupted him, he turned into a brave big bird! Her plan was to recruit Wing-Su f...
NEW monster in the Blossom Forest Maze: Leafilyn
After the explosion of Lutum, the center of the forest was a mess. While Kernel Pip led its reconstruction, someone needed to take care of i...
NEW monster: Oliphanatic
When he was young, this monster wasn't much of a warrior. He read a lot and knew about different cultures and he liked to study History. So ...
NEW Golden Legends Pass monster: Lady Meow
Lady Meow had a fabulous life in the Light Kingdom. Her mother was King Daeron and Queen Luthien's army strategist and the social status of ...
NEW Legends Pass monster: Kat-herine
Lady Meow had a fabulous life in the Light Kingdom. Her mother was King Daeron and Queen Luthien's army strategist and the social status of ...
NEW Quest monster: Ferrata
Years ago, Basthet was a global superstar. Everyone wanted her in her team for her amazing Shield skills. She had so much work that, eventua...
NEW monster: Marley
Not a wolf in sheep's clothing but all the contrary! This superhero dresses up as a shark and appears wherever an innocent sea monster needs...
NEW monster: Mouseron
Mouseron had always thought himself a bit different to the rest of his neighbors. In the Village of Adventurers, every other guy was a hero ...
NEW monster: Equaleria
There are many guards in the Light Kingdom, but none of them quite like Equaleria. She’s Pure by nature, but that purity has flourished more...
NEW monster: Neurofunk
Back when The One Who Would Be Lord was looking for Stardust in the Cardinal Forest, he walked by a fungus which he found remarkable. It was...
NEW monster: Gartox
They say the inherent fear you feel when looking into murky water comes from no other than the beast that is Gartox. Once upon a time, a swa...
NEW monster: Rudechaw
Rudechaw used to be an angry little creature, always looking for something to bite to calm his anger. One day, like any other, he was on the...
NEW monster in the Ghostrange Maze: Spekthra
As a bow champion, Spekthra had many admirers but also many haters. One of those haters was Malair, who had unsuccessfully tried to recruit ...
NEW monster: Flameara
Flameara was born from the wreckage at the core of the Cardinal Forest with the sole mission of cleansing the aura of desolation that the Co...
NEW monster: ZHC
ZHC worked for Borjork as a jailer. In his free time, he also created new weapons out of broken ones. Borjork was very fond of ZHC’s work, b...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Yaoguai Wangzhou
Wangzhou had always been very different from the rest of the Terracotta Warriors. In an army where every soldier looks and behaves in the sa...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: King Charmless
This frog lived his whole life in the gardens of King Daeron and Queen Luthien’s castle. He grew up sneaking into their library to read all ...
NEW monster: Stungum
As a young kid, Stungum had a passion for gumballs. He chewed and chewed all day long. Other young monsters made fun of him, but Stungum did...
NEW monster in the Akuryo Temple Marathon: Kurai Kage
It is said that ninjas are all about discipline. That's probably the reason Kurai Kage has been an outcast for most of his life. He fights o...
NEW monster in the Jaakuna Shrine Maze: Jaakuna Hi
Jaakuna Hi has lived for many centuries in the Eastern Region and met many of its leaders. For many years, the Regions had been ruled by a C...
NEW Quest monster: Hammergrom
King Daeron and Warmaster Remntar are two outstanding monsters but, historically, they've had their little disputes. Nothing major, but Warm...
NEW Tales monster: Wormhole
This deadly Forest parasite attacks his victims from inside and kills them little by little. After his coincidental Corruption, Wormhole acq...
NEW monster: Climbert
Climbert used to have little climbing competitions against his cousin Thunderkong, but the latter was so lazy that Climbert quickly got tire...
NEW monster in the Multiplayer Mode: Royal Magus
King Daeron's kingdom has always been very stable, probably because of the variety of counselors he surrounds himself with. They come from a...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Cruelectrek
Ingenica designed Electrek to have him as a sidekick in battle. She had placed Lutum inside him thinking it would boost the artifact’s power...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Mojadrak
This dragon came from the other side of the Cosmic Portal. He was happily flying over the oceans of the Monster Legends universe when a wave...
NEW Legends Pass monster: Anwrikah
Wickah was used to not getting anything for free. Her whole life, as the protector of all swamp creatures, she’d had to fight for every litt...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Fungheratops
Fungheratops was born from microorganisms floating in the swamp’s pond and, as a baby, he was so small you could barely see him. However, as...
NEW Golden Legends Pass monster: Junsuina Kaori
Kaori was born into a family of admired samurai warriors, but her fate was marriage and homemaking. Only by concealing her gender was she ab...
NEW monster: The Boys
One entity, five personalities. The interactions inside The Boys' head get a little crazy and you can spot him yelling at strangers around t...
NEW monster: Frozynaut
This alien witch had traveled across the entire Monster Legends Universe looking for remedies to cure several illnesses wiping out her speci...
NEW monster in the Tokei Dai Marathon: Clocksuko
A master of time, but also time's eternal apprentice. Clocksuko has learned everything he knows through meditation, by listening to his inne...
NEW Quest monster: Swamzoad
Swamzoad is one of the swamp's oldest inhabitants. He was there even before Wickah was assigned to protect the area! At first, Swamzoad was ...
NEW Tales monster: Blumeria
Blumeria used to live in the meadow side of the Cardinal Forest but, one day, her roots absorbed some toxins in the soil and her colors dimm...
NEW monster in the Lantern House Maze: Kenrei
Kenrei was a noble samurai killed on a tragic night by a bandit called Kurai Kage. Back then, he was not as well-known, but every bit as blo...
NEW monster: Burnex
The layers on the planet of Petra are there to keep monsters from escaping from Hell out onto the surface. However, Burnex has taken advanta...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Marlinaut
Most victims of this bad-tempered sea critter end up skewered just for getting in his way, but his ease to catch distracted prey doesn't mak...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Gobzlayer
Gobzlayer was raised by Borjork and his tribe. Being a goblin surrounded by big and bulky orcs wasn't easy for him. In the beginning, he fel...
NEW monster: Mad-Triark!
What makes this alien bug extremely dangerous is her innate need to control every being around her by transforming them into babies, more sp...
NEW Quest monster: Pangoliath
Panion and Pangoliath met at the institution they lived in. Both of them had been orphans from such a young age that they couldn't even reme...
NEW Tales monster: Algata!
Algata is the first creature born after the restoration of the swamp. In the eyes of Anwrikah, Algata represents the hope of a new prosperou...
NEW monster in the Darumountain Maze: Dark-uma
When Wangzhou was a child, he was given a daruma figurine as a present. His mother gave it to him and told him it would make all his wishes ...
NEW monster: TomSka's Mine Turtle
WARNING: Toy Master has lost his science class project and it is dangerous. If you see an innocent-looking turtle with a red button on its s...
NEW monster: Monstera
This strange-looking plant appeared in the Cardinal Forest after the Lutum explosion, but nobody has really paid any attention to it. After ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Pure Pandalf
Once upon a time, there was a wizard called Pandalf. He was one of the most beloved monsters in Petra and beyond because, whenever someone w...
NEW monster in the House of Thunders Marathon: Raijin
Not far from the capital of the Eastern Regions, there's a place known as the House of Thunders. It is said that, when dark clouds gather ov...
NEW monster in the Multiplayer mode: Panion
Panion and Pangoliath met at the institution they lived in. Both of them had been orphans from such a young age that they couldn't even reme...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Chi Ao Loong
As the Great Protector of the Eastern Regions, this millenary spirit has lived through many incarnations: He's been a parade dragon and the ...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Melteus
Melteus unblocks volcano craters for a living. He's there to melt or break all the nasty, big chunks of rocks that plug up the volcanoes. Wi...
NEW monster: Megalobot
Queen and Warmaster Thalassa doesn’t yet know if Lord Nebotus will eventually claim the deep sea as his, but if he ever tries to, he’ll have...
NEW monster in the Bounty Hunt: Viatrix
Viatrix's magical mud was famous in the Cardinal Forest so, when she ran out of ingredients to create them, she abandoned the Cardinal Fores...
NEW monster in the Bonisimo Maze: Skelektron
The awakening of Lord Nebotus' powers was too exciting for this dead monster to stay dead. In his previous life, Skelektron had been one of ...
NEW Tales monster: Waldorf
When Nebotus fought against Zahra in the Cardinal Forest, a little snail jumped into his pocket without him realizing. He only found out aft...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Sir Valgar
After his lineage extinguished, Valgar the Pure spent his days wandering around Petra, aiding every monster or tribe in need of help. Most o...
NEW Quest monster: Turtlellion
Turtlellion was the son of a successful merchant in the Light Kingdom. He had always lived a privileged life, away from hunger and poverty. ...
NEW monster: Matt Stonie
Matt Stonie was kidnapped by General Nishant’s Dark troops and sent to work at the kitchens of his war camp at a very young age. There he wa...
NEW monster in the Can Elfriede Marathon: Elfriede
While The Lord was waiting for his servants to collect and bring him his relics, he spent a lot of time alone in his hideout, with the only ...
NEW Golden Legends Pass monster: Lord Nebotus
There was a time when Nebotus' evil energy scared everyone in Petra. His electric blue aura made monsters shiver and look away, hoping not t...
NEW monster: Boomshakalaka
A fire for hire! Monsters who have no enemies have nothing to worry about, but those with unfinished business should probably keep an exting...
NEW monster: Khamelia
Ever since she was a child, Khamelia searched for answers in the stars. As soon as King Daeron noticed her talent, he let her use the highes...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Stalkiller
This monster comes from the jungle, she represents a tribe of Amazons. These Amazons have a traditional organization in which daughters inhe...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Ingwe
Known by many, seen in action by very few, Ingwe is Mythic elegance at its best. She moves and hunts swiftly — legend has it that some of he...
NEW monster in Live Duels: Influxer
Influxer used to work as an electrician at Dr. Viktor's Lab. He had a terrible temper and would confront the doctor every time he moved a wi...
NEW monster in the Era Shop: Malfeitor
Malfeitor was one of the first villains to become famous in Elektra. He started out as a very incendiary agent, but as years passed, he acqu...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Kill Drill
Kill Drill isn't Don Canine's smartest or most faithful henchmonster, but while Carlo Canbino "takes care" of Canine's many debtors and Bonn...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Malairion
When Malair was a child, his mother, Froma, taught him everything she knew hoping that, one day, he'd become a sorcerer with enough power to...
NEW monster: Scintherus
The Scintherus is a non-predatory creature from the “electriliae” family. It is covered in very thick scales to protect itself, even though ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Don Canine
There was a time when there were several gang bosses in Monstown, but that time was long ago. For years, Al Canine has been the top dog, wit...
NEW monster in the Frutastor's Lair Marathon: The Frutastor
When Malairion started his project of building The Shelter and expanding his Supervillains' Hideout, he realized that he needed a bigger tea...
NEW Dream Team monster: Super Dream
Dream, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound were at Sapnap’s house, getting ready to try out a new game together. “At the count of 3, we all press pla...
NEW Dream Team monster: Mr. NotFound
Dream, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound were at Sapnap’s house, getting ready to try out a new game together. “At the count of 3, we all press pla...
NEW monster in the Hidden Lighthouse Maze: Aquafiend
Dr. Fiend and Dr. Wattz used to work together. They were about to make a big discovery on hydraulic energy. However, they didn't have the sa...
NEW Dream Team monster: Sapman
Dream, Sapnap, and GeorgeNotFound were at Sapnap’s house, getting ready to try out a new game together. “At the count of 3, we all press pla...
NEW Quest monster: Geckone
During one of his many visits to prison, Al Canine met this very particular burglar. Geckone loved money and Italian suits, just like him, b...
NEW Tales monster: Hydraka
This sea critter used to feed on mussels and seaweed, but when he was feeling exotic, he crawled out of the water onto dry land, looking for...
NEW monster in Breeding Event: Decobrah
If you’ve been around the Monster Legends universe for a while, you’ve probably met a few druids. However, none of them are like this one. D...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Ryclops
The miner dwarves were working inside a cave at the heart of a mountain, trying to separate a gemstone from the rock, when a voice coming fr...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Sigrid & Fort
Sigrid is the youngest member of a dynasty of knights. On the night that she was born, her grandfather Fort had an epiphany. It was revealed...
NEW monster: Jacksepticeye
Jacksepticeye used to work with his older cousin O'Reilly, helping him organize battles in the Dungeons. However, this leprechaun was young ...
NEW Golden Legends Pass Monster: Emerald Nathura
Cyan Nathura was worried about the news lately. She kept reading and hearing that a toxic essence had infused with the sun, which was now ir...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Aloe Death
When Don Canine started using the Wastelands as a rubbish dump, he made it very clear to his crew that no one from that area should be allow...
NEW Legends Pass Monster: The BaroneX
The Baroness is the longest-standing ruler the Wastelands have ever known, but that doesn't mean she's been an accepted one. In fact, ever s...
NEW monster in the Bus 2 School Marathon: Jakpack
Jakpack's life is quite complex for a monster of his age, but his talent is also quite outstanding. His parents started suspecting that he w...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Grakshak
It's easier to see Grakshak’s weapon than it is to see Grakshak. This tiny warrior fairy has a privileged mind for strategy and fierceness t...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Thermagorn
When Malairion started his project for The Shelter and the Nebula Multiplier, he was counting on many enemies trying to destroy his plans, b...
NEW Breeding Event monster: Gahy Zuhl
Gahy Zuhl was sentenced to Hell for committing unspeakable crimes. Now, for the rest of her existence, not only will she live in the Underwo...
NEW monster in the Q-Bicle Maze: Q-3R1ON
Q-3R1ON is a complex emotional AI inside a robotic shell made of living modular cubes. A few months ago, its system ran a periodic check and...
NEW Tales monster: Nautick
Malairion's project is going according to plan. His latest idea was to install a device under Nautick's shell to gather the rays of sunlight...
NEW Quest monster: Fossarius
It has been many years since Fossarius lost control of his flying saucer and crashed it onto the Wastelands Desert. Asking for help wasn't a...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix Race: Shademoon!
Shademoon is a free spirit, a warrior without a home. Every night of new moon, this faceless being moves to a new city with a new secret mis...
NEW Breeding Exclusive Monster: Firael!
When the leaders of the Underworld discovered that Ragnael had left them to become part of the Good Legions, they set up a search party to d...
NEW Nemesis monster: Talos
When Talos appeared in the Monster Legends dimension, everyone was shaken by its impressive appearance. General Holter was nervous because i...
NEW special monster: Cain!
Cain was the most feared creature in Monstelvania. He was the one who bit and turned Count Vlad into the monster he is today. When he was ar...
NEW Premiere Monster: Tijen!
When Patrion was trapped inside the dark armor that had made him become MMOnster, Tijen broke the curse and rescued him, helping him become ...
NEW special monster: iMigbo!
iMigbo has been a huge fan of VoltaiK’s ever since he was a kid. He started watching videos about him, then he began to make his own videos ...
NEW Birthday Monster: Yntec
When Yntec was born from a massive Thunder explosion, everyone expected him to be the type of monster to attack and run, but he prefered to ...
NEW monster: Acheron
The Inheritor and Kaih the Sunmelter have only started their new roles as co-rulers of Hell, but they're already feeling the pains of power....
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Tuska
Unlike other wolves, Tuska doesn't belong in any pack. He prefers to be on his own. He had a hunting partner once. His name was Thentsar, an...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: Butcherang
"No one knows Butcherang's birth name. No one had even given him a name until he started playing around with his giant steel boomerang. Befo...
NEW monster: FaZe Rug
FaZe Rug was driving his sports car around Monstown when he skipped a traffic light. Unluckily for him, Malfeitor was there trying to cross ...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Lucky Clint
"Lucky Clint likes people to think he's nothing but a lone wanderer who's good with his guns, but in reality, he's a caring monster with lot...
NEW monster in the Orca Villa Marathon: Orcatti
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That's what Don Canine must have thought when he was running for the Mayor's office. Orcat...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: OG Bone
Gangs have always been very hierarchical organizations. Maybe that's the reason why Alex Bone never fit well into any of them in spite of be...
NEW monster: Dro-Bonaut
Dro-Bonaut is a submersible robotic drone developed to assist the Navy. Its main function is to emit an ultra-frequency attack-signal that d...
NEW monster in the Shantytown Maze: Slumster
Meet Don Canine's most secret collaborator. No one in the Mayor's crew knows about his existence, and that's what Don values the most. Slums...
NEW Tales monster: Posidonia
Posidonia used to live in Queen Thalassa's sea realm until she was caught leaking information to coastal kingdoms in exchange for gold. Quee...
NEW Quest monster: Qwaste
Qwaste is a trash can hermit. He traveled from Monstown to the Wastelands on one of Don Canine's trucks and found himself in paradise at his...
NEW monster in the Breeding Event: Garnyxel
Garnyxel used to be the guardian angel of a northern tribe. When he started, he was a tiny little cherub doing his best to take care of the ...
NEW Bounty Hunt monster: Dork
This barbarian was killed by orks of his own tribe when they discovered he was plotting against their leader. However, after his death, his ...
NEW Multiplayer monster: Tetsuman
With Malairion controlling all of the Nebula in Elektra, how can the superheroes stop him? Well... They have their own secret weapon, and hi...
NEW monster in the Nestrock Marathon: Wormanoid
Wormanoid used to work as a truck driver for Malfeitor. He transported goods from Elektra into other galaxies and vice versa, until one day,...
NEW monster: Werevolt
After his transformation into a werewolf, this monster decided to leave Monstown and move to a forest on the outskirts of the city, where ...
NEW monster in the Legends Pass: UV Fusion
VoltaiK's corruption shook the gang of superheroes to its core, but if there was someone especially disappointed by him, it was his partner ...
NEW monster in the Golden Legends Pass: Dark VoltaiK
VoltaiK had had a very happy and quiet couple of years. Everything was great with his partner Madam Fusion and he got to see his other super...
NEW Quest monster: Tallulight
This is a tough time for the citizens of Monstown. They have been deprived of the sunlight and lied to by Don Canine and Malairion. But the ...
NEW Tales monster: Maremotus
When the Wastelands stopped being an option for Don Canine's waste management collaboration with Malairion, he found a quick alternative — t...
NEW monster in the Fire Lab Maze: Firecatcher
Malairion trained this blazing supervillain personally years ago. He knew she was special from the very beginning, and her talent for crime ...
NEW monster in the Breeding Event: Vilina
Fampira and Vilina were best friends back in the day, way before Fampira transformed into Fampirastral. They did everything together, so whe...
NEW Warmaster monster: Barbael!
The prophecy said that two brothers, destined to become the two most powerful demons of all time, would be born on the 3rd moon of that year...
NEW Warmaster monster: Ragnarok!
After Sherezar was resurrected by Necromancer, he wasn’t quite himself anymore… At times he felt like a zombie and there was a little emptin...
NEW Warmaster monster: Elvira!
Elvira was a guardian angel until she lost one of her protégés, a good monster that was fighting against the slavery of other ...
NEW Warmaster monster: Zahra!
Zahra is the closest thing to Mother Nature all the creatures in the Cardinal Forest know. She was there before Talika and before all the ot...
NEW Warmaster monster: Necromancer!
Necromancer was a respected professor at the Superior Academy of Magic. His status of Warmaster, as well as his knowledge and experiments, m...
NEW Warmaster monster: Babari!
Once upon a time, there was a wandering tribe of Thunder Warriors looking for a place to call home and quit the nomad life. After long month...
NEW Warmaster monster: Gortak
Gortak used to be the champion and hero of the miner dwarves. However, when he left with all the other Warmasters, the dwarves were left wit...
NEW Warmaster monster: Sherezar!
The final battle of the Warmasters against the Titans was decisive for the multiverse of Monster Legends. It ended with a victory that saved...
NEW Warmaster monster: Thalassa!
For many years, Thalassa reigned peacefully in the Water Realms until, one day, she received the call from the other Warmasters: She had to ...
NEW Warmaster monster: Remntar!
Remntar was born a tiny Light spirit. He was nothing more than a little blue flame, but he felt powerful and wanted to do something more tha...
NEW Nemesis monster: Faraday
For a little while now, General Uria had been feeling that although he had the title of Commander of the Thunder Army, he wasn’t really the ...
NEW Nemesis monster: Warthak!
"Very long ago, Warthak was a powerful war lord. He commanded an army of chaos dwarves who conquered every land they claimed. They had ...
NEW Nemesis monster: Xiron!
General Shannara was in the middle of a tough battle against the Metal army. She casted one of her world-famous anagrams, called Xiron, and ...
NEW Nemesis monster: Nadiel
Nadiel was born and raised in the Cardinal Forest as a member of a beloved family of support monsters. As much as Nadiel respected and loved...
NEW Nemesis monster: Llum!
Llum and her brother Ingvar had always been a great team, rising to the top as the most unbeatable Light element team ever. Although Llum ha...
NEW Nemesis monster: Lucifire!
The Fire army used to be an unruly crowd with a constant stream of leaders who would rise to power, only to quickly be overthrown by the mut...
NEW Nemesis monster: Hydratila the first Rebel!
In the middle of the Battle of the First Masters, the confrontation between Water and Fire had reached its spike. General Thetys decided to ...
NEW Breeding Exclusive Monster: Ihtiander!
Ihtiander spent his entire youth under the sea, but he always wondered what the world outside would be like. His dad, Enypiast, was very pro...
NEW Breeding Exclusive Monster: Granuy!
Tulekahju had always tried to dissuade his son Granuy from following the dangerous path of battle magic. He even sent the kid to serve Vodya...
NEW Breeding Exclusive Monster: El Dino Volador!
Gangsterosaurus was furious when his son Alfredosaurus told him that he didn’t want to continue the family business. Instead he wanted to be...
NEW Breeding Exclusive Monster: Petro Loa!
Baltasar was offered millions of gold by an anonymous monster to kill Sambacadabra. Like the professional assassin he is, Baltasar took the ...
NEW Breeding Exclusive Monster: Famperium!
Short after his daughter Fampira left his castle and broke his heart, Count Vlad received a visit from Mystery, who, suspiciously, already k...
NEW Monster in the War In Heaven island: Remiel!
Fair, honorable, and elegant in battle. Watching Remiel fight is a pleasure for every master and a headache for every opponent: He is a vali...
NEW Monster in The Awakening of the artifacts island: Flamerion!
Flamerion was found in a dusty hangar, sitting in a corner, waiting to be used as a mass destruction war machine. This artifact consists of ...
NEW Monster in Slavic tale island: Baba Yaga!
When Baba Yaga was a little monster, she got lost in the forest. For months, she looked for her mother, but eventually she gave up and embra...
NEW Monster in Battle mages island: Crissandre!
Crissandre used to be a slave, working under the hot sun in the desert for years. Every day, when Crissandre went to sleep, she swore that t...
NEW Monster in Monster's shore island: Hirondeleor!
Hirondeleor doesn’t have any natural predators left, since he killed them all. No one really knows what made this creature so lethal, but he...
NEW Monster in the Hidden creature maze: Muerte McBlood
Muerte McBlood used to be a normal teenager, until Fampira fell in love with him. She became so obsessed that she performed a confusion on h...
NEW Monster in the Japanese Dojo maze: Kihaku
Ever since in the middle of a big battle, Master Kihaku made a massive dragon emerge from nothingness and destroy all his enemies, no one da...
NEW Monster in the Eldritch's abomination maze: Jasastur!
Jasastur used to live only in the dimension of dreams, tormenting monsters in their sleep. Then, one day, he was having fun chasing Baba Yag...
NEW Monster in Space raiders maze: Captain Copperbeard!
In one of his many treasure hunts, Captain Edwin “Fearless” Bane fell into a booby trap. The fall destroyed the Captain’s entire body but, l...
NEW Monster in the Nuclear Winter Maze: Zimnyaya
Zimnyaya was born a peasant in a small village, where he had many followers as a self-proclaimed overlord. He used manipulation, betrayal, a...
NEW Monster in the Knights & Castles Maze: Quixote
Brave, noble,... and mad as a hatter. This almighty knight is determined to ride his horse, Rocigon, right into the History books. With the ...
NEW Monster in the Demonic Maze: The Inheritor
Self-proclaimed as The Inheritor to the Throne of Hell, this monster is raising quite a few eyebrows in purgatory. Barbatos has made it clea...
NEW Monster in the Supervillains Hideout Maze: Copycat!
Copycat’s super power is to provoke his rivals to attack and then copy their skills. Malair loves to have Copycat in his team because of the...
NEW monster in the Fear of Darkness Maze: Countess Flawless!
Meet the real ruler of Vlad's Castle. Count Vlad's wife and Fampira's mother, Countess Flawless, is 367 years old, but she doesn't look a da...
NEW monster in the Ethereal Order Maze: Gelotron!
The problem with having a ball of Magic substance like Xiron just traveling through the Multiverse is that it is exposed to everyone and aft...
NEW monster in the Demon Hunters Maze: Lady Solaris!
Faith and fury come together in Lady Solaris. This ambassador of the Greater Good is capable of anything to get the job done. She doesn’t mi...
NEW monster in the Hunters Maze: Beledig!
The orcs are destroying everything they can find and subduing many villages, but there’s someone ready to face them and hunt them down. A wo...
NEW Monster in the Grand Prix Race: Fatid!
Once upon a time, there was a little innocent Sheluke who lived in a swamp. One day, the evil Dr. Hazard started using that swamp as his dum...
NEW Monster in the Prince Charmless Race: Prince Charmless!
This frog lived his whole life in the gardens of King Daeron and Queen Luthien’s castle. He grew up sneaking into their library to read all ...
NEW Monster in Apocalypse in the Mall team Race: Scrap Warrior!
The post-apocalyptic Wastelands are ruled ruthlessly by the brothers Roxen and Nexor Cox with the assistance of their squad. Lately, their g...
NEW Monster in Halloween team race: The Undertaker!
Another day at the graveyard. Another hole to dig, another body to bury… This job can get really boring, so when The Undertaker doesn’t feel...
NEW Monster in Bestial team race: Burotgor!
To become the head of the Beastmen Clan, Burotgor had to prove his thirst for blood in the most ferocious ways: He had to raid 4 villages on...
NEW Monster in Jungle empire team race: Mountezuma!
Mountezuma is the divine leader, the shaman, and the protector of his own reptile empire inside the Aztec civilization. His arrogance is unl...
NEW Monster in Big heist team race: Alex Bone!
Alex Bone played a key role in Gangsterosaurus’ mafia clan, but when the boss started to get greedy about his commissions, Bone decided to g...
NEW monster in the Ice Titan Team Race: Cryotan!
When Ouros and Igursus were created from a mountain that was split in two, there was a dangerous side effect that no one was expecting: Cryo...
NEW Monster in the 7 Seas Team Race: Shork!
After raiding the neighboring villages with his tribe of orcs, Shork grew bored and decided he needed to go out into the world and conquer t...
NEW Monster in the Celtic Team Race: Balor!
This colossal beast once led a race of giants. When he began abusing his power, they created a potion and hid it in his food. But the potion...
NEW Monster in the Maiden Goddess Race: Talika!
Talika is like a grandmother to all creatures in the forest, especially to General Alces, who always comes to her for advice and comfort. Sh...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Clach
When Lord Inheritor stole the Ambrosia from the Peak of Conciliation, he released a wave of energy so strong that a part of the mountain det...
Legends Pass: Darmith Khan
There was a time, long ago, when General Darmith commanded almost every Fire monster there was in Petra. However, as years went by, his ar...
Ominous Tower Marathon: Izabeth
It's a new day with a new ruler in the Underworld. Lord Inheritor is hungry for grandeur and is determined to build a court of thousands of ...
Golden Legends Pass: Lord Inheritor
Centuries ago, Angels and Demons signed a Treaty at the Peak of Conciliation in which they both agreed not to meddle with the balance betwee...
Exclusive Era Shop Offer: Mandarka
Mandarka arrived in the Underworld at a very young age. He was practically dragged there when no one could stand him anymore on the Land of ...
Creator Event: McCreamy
McCreamy would eat ice cream by day, by night... anytime was a good time, until he crossed a line: He ate the only ice cream he was not supp...
Multiplayer Mode: Thundorc
Thundorc has been a friend of Darmith Khan for years. This ferocious barbarian vouched for the alliance between orcs and Darmith's army when...
Quest: Goathram
Darmith Khan is a brutal warrior, but he’s been around for long enough to know that if everyone around him is just as savage and short-tempe...
Doom Mountain Maze: Killarok
Lord Inheritor may have won the first battle against the Angels, but he knows that the war has just begun, and he can’t rely only on unruly ...
Tales: Plantomination
This mutant plant may not come from the Underworld, but it's as scary as any demon. The bigger it gets, the more heads it spawns. The more h...
Breeding Event: Thundercane Jelly
Thundercane Jelly is Varupapu's crew's latest addition. He's not your usual pirate and identifies more as an ocean wizard. He has great orie...
Bounty Hunt: Hidrorion
Thalassa is worried about her fellow Warmaster Elvira. There's not much she can do to support the Angels from the bottom of the ocean, but e...
Bounty Hunt: Pipershock
Pipershock is a hunter for hire, trained to fight both on dry land or in deep, cold waters. Thanks to her unique body, she's always armed an...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: P3R3
P3R3 is a self-conscious robot. He moves fast and swiftly with his unicycle-style wheel and, thanks to his advanced AI, he's able to work as...
Creator Event: SSundee
SSundee was working deep in the Elektra mines and looking for a pen and paper when his foot hit something unexpected: a pair of stylish sung...
Golden Legends Pass: Xiron the Great
The first Xiron was an anagram cast by Shannara, but it turned into a ball of Magic and it floated away from her, traveling through the univ...
Legends Pass: Arch Duke
Arch Knight has always been one of the most elusive angels. He's known for being dormant through the centuries until a critical moment arriv...
Quest: Juggernael
The angels are determined to win the Celestial Paradise back and they're not playing games anymore. If you have any doubts, just look at Jug...
Whaleberg Marathon: Sealkara
A wild seal was swimming in the ocean when she saw a shining, beautiful fish. But this was no ordinary fish — the Magic Council had enchante...
Multiplayer Mode: Visiel
Visiel came into being when Demons took possession of the Celestial Paradise. A pool of dark Underworld magic collided with the native divin...
Redrock Maze: Earthog
This former Miner Dwarf is also one of the oldest members in the Magic Council. His relationship with wizardry started many years ago when h...
Bounty Hunt: Snowgross
Do you remember Freeza? This snowman used to pick on young monsters but, unfortunately for him, this year he hasn't chosen his victims well....
Tales: Teddybomb
Santerion and Thundeer were told not to hire a goblin as a helper a thousand times, but they didn't listen... and maybe they should have, be...
Legends Pass: Barbatos Rex
Barbatos was the King of Hell for centuries. The Inheritor and other contenders had constantly challenged him, but they had all failed in th...
Multiplayer Mode: Monk Flamorg
The twisted Monk Flamorg belongs to an ancient order of energy-manipulating demon cultists. A master invoker of flame, he was trained in the...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Brainlien
Originally created as a pet for Eisul, Brainlien soon proved itself to be so much more. It was sitting in Eisul’s lap when an assassin sudde...
Weirdika's Lair Marathon: Weirdika
One night, a clan of orc magicians violated the graves of three long-dead Barbarian heroes and stole their skulls to use in a dark summoning...
Breeding Event: Khalidan
This orc was repudiated by his tribe when he was very young. His family could already tell that he wasn't going to grow very tall or very st...
Golden Legends Pass: Chieftain Alarorc
The orc tribe always follows the strongest as their leader. That means that leaders rarely last long. It's usually down to one single battle...
Quest: Gwalirn
Gwalirn loves to turn up where he isn’t welcome. This is partly because he delights in annoying others, and partly because this half-imp is ...
Oger Cave Maze: Ogeronk
Ogeronk is too brutal even for Barbarian standards. Darmith Khan keeps him in chains and inside a cage for extra protection from him. He doe...
Tales: Raris
This abomination was trapped inside a space void for centuries. As it came out, it had completely mutated into what it is today. During its ...
Bounty Hunt: Shivarakah
Shivarakah is a hunter witch (not to be confused with a witch hunter!). She used to be part of a trio, but she lost her sister witches in a ...
Bounty Hunt: Galvanus
This alchemist used to experiment with Thunder currents. "Used to", because one day, an experiment went horribly wrong and his entire body w...
Creator Event: Fundy
Fundy is a well-known architect and constructor in Elektra. He's moved from his home city into Monstown to help reconstruct all of the areas...
Legends Pass: Master Goldfield
Goldfield is one of the oldest members of the Magic Council. Actually, he was one of the first Magic monsters ever in Monster Legends. His e...
Creator Event: Mr. Beast Eco
Mr. Beast has a new mission: To save the planet of Elektra after Malairion’s debacle! Emerald Nathura and the rest of the Superheroes have e...
Era Shop Offer: Nereida de Danann
Nereida has always been one of the Forest's key ambassadors. She can speak the language of monsters, fairies, plants, and spirits easily and...
Golden Legends Pass: Queen Zahra
Warmaster Zahra was the initiator of the Blossom Era, not only because she conducted a magic ritual along with other Forest monsters and cha...
Legends Pass: Rock Archdruid
After many years away from home, Rock Druid was ready to go back to the mountains and reunite with his tribe of miner dwarfs. However, befor...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Torvax
Abominations fear almost nothing…except for the soft scrape of Torvax’s boots on their floor.Lots of Space monsters look up to the Curse of ...
Tales: Ahma Niah
Ahma Niah has arrived from another dimension to join the Magic Council, an organization that can be a bit arcane sometimes. All of its membe...
Bucelyn's Shelter Maze: Bucelyn
Bucelyn was a woodcutter at the Cardinal Forest who was challenged to a game of chess by an elf who was traveling by his cottage. The elf wo...
Quest: Strolem
Strolem was born centuries ago when lightning struck a mountain in the Rocky Peaks region. He left his home and started traveling across Pet...
Ant Lair Marathon: Antlerian
Antlerian has lived in the Cardinal Forest for so long, no one remembers when he arrived. For centuries, he has acted as advisor and confida...
Multiplayer Mode: Silex
When Queen Zahra performed the ritual to banish Barbarians from the Forest, it shook all of Petra, even far in the mountainous North. The gr...
Breeding Event: Hardnut Gorilla
This albino ape was abandoned in the streets of Monstown as a baby. Luckily, he was found by Al Canine, who raised him as one of his own; no...
Bounty Hunt: Slimok
Unlike most aliens, Slimok isn't native to space. It was a bug in the Cardinal Forest, but got sucked in by the Portal of Abominations by Ba...
Creator Event: TommyInnit
Some people are born into greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them… and some achieve greatness through the power of a homemade cost...
Legends Pass: Vadamelter
Nishant has found a way to convince the monsters of the Fiery Forces into thinking that their powers are in danger because of Nature’s new p...
Golden Legends Pass: Nishant the Great
Nishant has been key in several moments of the History of Monster Legends. On his last big feat, Samael tried to go against him to avenge hi...
Murky Mansion Marathon: Murk
In ancient times, Murk lost a battle against Frazerot, the powerful Ice Magician, and was frozen to the side of an ice mountain as punishmen...
Multiplayer Mode: Magmor
Magmor was honored to be selected as one of the guardians at the gates of Hell, because that meant he got to work closely with Kaih the Sunm...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Seashell Guard
Members of the elite Seashell Guard are carefully chosen as eggs and raised in the Marine War College, which is hidden in Petra’s deepest oc...
Quest: Obsidiantes
Obsidiantes is a strong ally to the Fiery Forces... or so he says. He may just be benefiting from their immense power to increase the effect...
The Dark Spine Maze: Shadowyna
This witch used to live at the darkest corner of Monstelvania. She was an old friend of Count Vlad and General Nishant, who were both fans o...
Tales: Roborabbit
Roborabbit and her thousands of identical siblings were created specifically for finding Easter Eggs in the darkness of space. However, Robo...
Breeding Event: Teddywave
Almost as cute as she is powerful, Teddywave was originally part of a line of toys designed for “extremely active baby monsters.” She was on...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Serpentex
If two heads are better than one, then two heads plus a gun that shoots venemous lasers are definitely better than two!Serpentex is only int...
Bounty Hunt: Steelgoroth
Steelgoroth’s “helmet” is actually a tough, but flexible cranial exoskeleton, which grows harder and stronger as he ages. However, the rest ...
Multiplayer Mode: Tuberkhan
It could seem like everything touched by Nectar is beautiful, but this might not be the case. Tuberkhan had lived underground his entire lif...
Creator Event: Forge Labs
Dr. Wattz has a lot of failed experiments, as every good scientist does. But none failed quite as spectacularly as the monster known as “For...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Brainlodon
The ultradimensional Abomination called Brainlodon isn’t just a monster—they’re a floating databank that contains all the knowledge in the u...
Golden Legends Pass: King Atum
After years of division and conflict, the monsters of the Rocky Peaks have decided to summon the only leader all of them trust: General Atum...
Legends Pass: Mother Talika
Talika is probably the most beloved Forest Elder Spirit. Everyone thinks of her as their grandmother and her presence always brings peace an...
Ancient Mine Marathon: Slab
The battle between General Atum and Warthak was legendary, as every monster knows. But what many of them don’t realize is that the earthquak...
Tales: Oswald
Oswald used to run with the Barbarians, where his terrifying tusks and heavy axe blade made him a very effective raider. One night, the Barb...
Quest: La Mamma
When she was young, Leonora had to work moving crates at the docks in Monstown. It was a tough life and days were long in an always cold and...
The Boulding Maze: Boulderar
The Miners are fierce fighters, but when King Atum broke off a piece of himself to shape Boulderar, he had something specific in mind: He wa...
Why did we stop uploading the monster bios here?
After checking our data, we realized this page is not your favorite place to check the bios for upcoming monsters, so we’ve decided to put o...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Emmerice
The Cardinal Forest was in the earliest flush of spring when a malicious ice demon whispered a freezing spell into the wind. The wind carrie...
Breeding Event: Golemnoid
Barbarians used to live north of the mountain region, but after Darmith Khan's rise, they're everywhere — North, South,... everywhere. They ...
Multiplayer Mode: Phyreas
Although he looks like a gentle giant, Phyreas’ passions burn as brightly as the fire he controls, and it’s led him into some bad situations...
Golden Legends Pass: Elvira Demonslayer
Losing the Celestial Paradise to a demon was the worst blow Warmaster Elvira had ever taken. And ever since she’d landed on the headquarters...
Uriel's Throne Marathon: Uriel the Divine
Uriel was already there in the dawn of time, before Paradise and the Underworld were two separate places. We could say he's an Angel, for la...
Creator Event: Bionic
Bionic used to work as a master crafter at Global Mech Ltd., but after building robots and weapons for others for many years, he's decided t...
Quest: Sparkus
Just like his brother Ukuduma, Sparkus had problems controlling the electricity inside his body as a child. However, while Ukuduma learned t...
Tales: Cherub Cupid
Cupid played a crucial role at the end of the war between the Celestial Paradise and the Underworld, reuniting Angels and guiding them back ...
House of Dogs Maze: Jack Russael
Jack Russael was once the loyal protector of a young and defenseless monster. He vowed to do anything to keep his master safe and kept his w...
Tales: Georgelato
Meet Georgelato! He's the sweetest citizen of Monstown, or so he likes to think. He's also the coolest, and that may be true... Almost too c...
Quest: Biowormbot
This lab-made worm and robot hybrid, this biological creature that looks like a giant virus, this disgusting creation is a deadly biological...
Battlestar Birdhouse: Parrobot
Global Tech Ltd. rarely takes requests from individuals, especially from outlaws like Admiral Copperbeard, but he asked the scientists in th...
Exotic Lands: Gleamhild
Gleamhild was a prisoner at Count Vlad's castle. There, she died forgotten in a dungeon cell. You'd think that after death granted her a new...
Bounty Hunt: Calamitabyss
While Dr. Wattz was working on his research on hydraulic energy, he made tests on a little crustacean which he then immediately discarded, t...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Harpiker
The seas of Elektra are wild. Lots of genetically modified creatures, lots of monsters who've coexisted with pollution for so long that th...
Golden Legends Pass: Commander Morgan
Privateer Morgan loved power. That's the main reason he stopped being a mercenary corsair and joined the Space Defenders, because he wanted ...
Legends Pass: Clawgore
Clawgore was nothing more than a microorganism, a small seed of an Abomination unlikely to thrive and evolve in the harsh conditions of the ...
Creators' Island: FaZe Rug Pro
FaZe Rug enjoyed his time as a giant robot, but he missed driving around and playing pranks with his old clan. He found a scientist who figu...
Multiplayer Mode: Gafuhlz
A revolting beast with eyes everywhere except its face, Gafuhlz is a misshapen hulk from every monster’s nightmares. Its horrible body is co...
Space K9 Maze: K911
Not all Space Defenders are heartless and thirsty for power like Commander Morgan. There are galactic servants like K911 who are well-liked,...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Brother Tiberius
Despite having a history of collaboration and trust, relationships between the Celestial Paradise and the Light Kingdom haven't been the bes...
Time-Limited Book: Kenecro
Kenecro betrayed Yaoguai Wangzhou, selling his secrets to mercenaries, and when the Dark Emperor found out, he cursed him to burn for eterni...
Stunwoofer Marathon: Ambisonic
Need to get the attention of a large, unruly mob? Monster School students too talkative? Is your monster-in-law nagging again? You’ve tried ...
Tales: Fropsi
Back when Georgelato was trying to prove that he was the coolest guy in Monstown, he accidentally left part of his gooey body in a freezer. ...
Bounty Hunt: Goliathess ⛰
Goliathess isn't a Barbarian, or at least she wasn't originally. However, one day, she descended from the Rocky Peaks and camped amongst the...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Dracbite 🐲
The Barbarians aren't exactly going through their most peaceful period. Darmith Khan's leadership is constantly under question, and the law ...
Thunder Bark Maze: Slothunder 🦥
The other members of the Adventurer’s Guild found it frustrating to work with Slothunder at first because he insisted on taking his time and...
Multiplayer Mode: Darko 🐉
Darko used to live in the Light Kingdom's castle's dungeons, but he was bored to death there. He tried to earn some attention by kidnapping ...
Creators' Island: Dhar Mann 🧞
When his lamp was found in the Eastern Regions a couple of years ago, Dhar Mann started serving his masters by granting wishes. However, lit...
Golden Legends Pass: Ra'Zhul Doom 💀
Ra'Zhul's transformation came to him unexpectedly. One minute he was summoned by Fayemalice, who said she had a mission for him, and the nex...
Legends Pass: Empress Luthien ✨
Queen Luthien was always a fervent servant of destiny. She reads its signs well, too. She knew it was her destiny to be the Elf Queen along ...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Kronobite 🕰
Kronobite isn’t just famous for his sunny smile. His long, dagger-sharp teeth can pierce the fabric of time itself, allowing Kronobite to li...
Koi Bubble Marathon: The Koi Boy 🐟
Koi was born inside a fish tank at Kihaku's house. He was so fascinated by the master's skills that, one day, he jumped out of his tank to j...
Tales: Robo Tito 🤖
When Malairion started wiping out every green surface in Elektra, Emerald Nathura teamed up with Ingenica to create a sensible robot who cou...
Quest: Heliom ☀️
Heliom was a guard at the Greek temple in the Free Reigns. This area of Petra has been peaceful for many years, so he had little or nothing ...
Bounty Hunt: Mikenetic 🔗
Mikenetic is a cutting-edge example of golem technology. Its magnets are strong enough to damage anything metal, even something as heavy-dut...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Matarragon 🗡
Matarragon is a highly skilled dragonslayer who has brought down hundreds of these scaly foes. As meticulous as he is deadly, Matarragon pri...
The Walking Dead: Rick 🦊
Rick woke from a coma to lead an army of survivors against the dead. He didn’t ask to become the leader, but he knows what needs to be done,...
The Walking Dead: Michonne 🗡️
Michonne wields her signature katana like a scalpel, slicing through Abominations and infected monsters alike with surgical precision. A kee...
Multiplayer Mode: Aderlass
When Ra’Zhul Doom and Fayemalice tried to open a portal and free Lord Nebotus, they were almost buried in Abominations. But while they dispa...
The Walking Dead: Negan 😈
Negan's not dying until he’s good and ready. All swagger, he's here to crush skulls and have a good time doing it. He’s even dipped his sign...
The Walking Dead: Daryl 🐺
The ultimate survivalist, Daryl is a lone wolf, most comfortable facing the wilderness alone. But no matter where he is, he always shows up ...
The Walking Dead: Maggie 🐿️
A pragmatic and shrewd leader, Maggie values life deeply... even when others might insist all hope is lost. She’s said goodbye to loved ones...
The Walking Dead: Carol 🏹
There was a time when Carol didn't fight back, but those days are long gone. Now she’s a deadly survivor who understands better than anyone ...
Power Tower Maze: ZEO 😈
Who or what is ZEO, exactly? No one knows where he came from, although his enemies (and victims) swear he must have come straight out of Hel...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Prospero the Great ✨
Anyone who visits Monstown simply must visit ZEO’s casino, and Prospero the Great was no exception. But while most monsters play a few round...
Legends Pass: Boss DaRex 🦖
MC Boss had held all types of artistic jobs — DJ, rapper, breakdancer,... until he found his true passion as a radio host. In his radio show...
Golden Legends Pass: Nuke Aura
Malairion, or, back then, Malair, kidnapped Dusk Aura and took her under his wing when she was very young, with the sole goal of hurting her...
Invasive Colony Marathon: Khrilz 🪲
Khrilz isn't an Abomination, but a species of Abomination. These creatures reproduce at untraceable speed and move even faster to surround a...
Tales: Captain Elektra 🛡
The Superheroes in the Elektra Patrol have recruited a new member! Captain Elektra's record speaks for itself: She's helped countless Citize...
Quest: Bo Frost ❄️
Malairion's Supervillains are an unstructured organization at the moment. With their leader gone, most of his employees are trying to keep a...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Grynde 🌱
If you want to hire the mysterious bounty hunter known as Grynde, you’ll have to hunt him first. Anyone seeking his services must go into th...
Bounty Hunt: Zarkane ✨
Zarkane was a disgraced sorcerer back in Petra. He had a bad reputation and nobody wanted to work with him, so he made an escape to Elektra ...
Golden Legends Pass: Tyrant Skeel 🧠
The leader of the Skeels hasn't lost a shred of malice with his transformation. He's learned how to play the long game in order to get what'...
Legends Pass: Kiridar Pilgrim 🌱
Kiridar once championed every initiative she could to try and save her planet from destruction, but her efforts weren't enough. When it was ...
Multiplayer Mode: Rage-To-O ❄️
Rage-To-O grew up in captivity in an aquarium. He had dreamed of living in open waters his entire life but, when he finally moved to escape ...
Gravilla Maze: Gravatron ⛰
In the darkness of space, a massive burst of gamma radiation hit a floating patch of debris. The rays were so strong that they created a whi...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Velvet Tom 🔥⛰
Elegant. Delicate. Dignified. While most monsters could never be described using these words, Velvet Tom is a rare exception. A refugee on K...
Space Treecraft Marathon: Rootborg
Rootborg is the end result of a doomsday escape mounted by a dying world. Scientists worked tirelessly to reverse the environmental destruct...
Tales: Trickytrickier 🧟♂️ 🎃
“Trick or treat!” Who’s that standing at your front doorstep? Aww, it’s just a cute little monster in a funny costume! Halloween is such a s...
Quest: Lord Hayman 🎃🔥
Hayman has always been one of the biggest protectors of Halloween traditions. He even saved Halloween last year, when the monsters of Monste...
Bounty Hunt: Dreadrock
Count Vlad was relaxing in his castle one moonless night when he heard strange footsteps. But the Count didn’t need his sharp senses to spot...
Bounty Hunt Offer: The Nefilslayer
When the universe was very young, it was a violent place. Random explosions, sudden black holes, and unexpected supernovas all caused chaos....
Multiplayer Mode: Inmunoid
Spacefaring warlords are nothing without their impressive security details, and it’s become a point of pride for many to have gigantic drone...
Exclusive Legends Pass Offer: Obliterion 💥
Thank you for purchasing an Obliterion model from Global Mech, Ltd. The Obliterion is the latest in defensive technology, seamlessly blendin...
Uskagath Maze: Uksagon
Unique among the other Abominations, Uksagon isn’t just a ravenous fiend from another dimension—it’s a living torture device! It can actuall...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Dvice 22 📱
USER REVIEW: “I bought this because I wanted an upgrade on my old Dvice and I really liked how shiny the new one was. But all of a sudden, i...
Creators' Island: Preston 🔥
He frags, he playz, he’s hot ‘n spicy, and he’s cosmic. He’s Preston, the fire-slinging fighter! Sure, being on fire all the time can be a l...
Legends Pass: VoltaiK Redeemed 💫✨
VoltaiK has made a few mistakes in his life. Quite a few. And it's always been his ambition getting the best of him. The first time, he betr...
Golden Legends Pass: The Great Cthulhu 🐙
The original Abomination. For centuries, Cthulhu was so feared that most monsters in the galaxy preferred to believe he wasn't real for thei...
Grooklax Cluster Marathon: Grooklax 😈
There are lots of curses in this world, but none quite like Grooklax’s specialty: scorching the very souls of her enemies. There isn’t much ...
Tales: Grateful Ted 🦃
Everything was going great on Grateful Ted’s home planet…until one terrible autumn. That’s when deserters from the Skeel Army showed up for ...
Quest: Titanbolt ⚡️
'Titanbolt' is actually the dynamic duo of Bolt and Titan! Bolt is very physically weak, but very smart. He got tired of being picked on by ...
Bounty Hunt: Urchinion 🌊🦀
Urchinions come from the deepest, coldest oceans, where the water is as icy as the magic streaming from their claws. But they had a hard lif...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Klawax 🐀💥
Klawax comes from a long line of bounty hunters. That may sound impressive, but none of Klawax’s ancestors ever rose to the heights of galac...
The Conjuring: Clara Claus 🤶
Sugar and spice and everything nice—that’s what every monster thinks when they see Clara Claus decked out in all her holiday glory. In fact,...
Creators' Island: Dhar Mann Santa 🧞♂️🤶
Dhar Mann Santa isn’t your typical kindly Christmas spirit. Instead of judging whether monsters were naughty over the past year and only bri...
Multiplayer Mode: Azajinn 💫
Azajinn was trapped for ten thousand years in a tiny, tiny space. However, it wasn’t a lamp or a bottle—it was an empty can of Monster Snax!...
Pandalf's Conjuring: ✨ Griffania Ironwings (Light Court Ancestor) ✨
In Ancient times, young elf Yerex was playing on a field when he saw a group of Griffexes attacking a Griffin egg. Even at his age, he alrea...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Piranhiac 🐠
Piranhiac loves nothing more than laughing in the face of society. His greatest allies are Frosilka, Kozorg, and Gorg, and his ultimate neme...
Legends Pass: Pig-kin 🐗
Yaoguai Wangzhou could feel that his days as the Emperor of the Eastern Regions were counted. He knew that the rebels of the Honor Dojo were...
Golden Legends Pass: Mighty Thetys 🫧
General Thetys was done waiting. She'd done her waiting and her turn didn't seem to arrive. She wanted to rule, but her mother, Queen Thalas...
Era Shop Offer: Duke of Atlantis 🔱
Lord of Atlantis, one of Queen Thalassa's oldest, most faithful servants, was doing rounds by the coral reef when he noticed that something ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Raitosama 👺
Raitosama and Pig-kin go way back. You might say they’re… business associates. Maybe they saved each others’ backs a few times. Maybe some m...
Korol's Rock Marathon: Korol 🌿
Korol is a master of battlefield camouflage. He sneaks onto the enemy’s side and huddles up on the ground. His rough shell makes him look li...
Tales: Jingle Hells 🎄🔥
Slashing through the snowWith his candy cane in handIt’s Jingle Hells’ timeTo make a festive stand!Dhar Mann Santa’s kindAnd gives out many ...
Bounty Hunt: Lloronion 🧅😢
Many monsters feel moved to pity at the sight of Lloronion. The tears streaming from his many eyes are enough to soften the hardest heart, a...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Mouserk 🐭
Spacefaring mercenaries usually have their own transportation, but not Mouserk. He prefers traveling as a stowaway, especially on luxury ves...
Multiplayer Mode: Alchemystic ✨
No combination of mystic magical reagents is beyond Alchemystic’s grasp. Anything that can help him win a battle goes straight into a bottle...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Sir Weosule 🐭
Squire Weosule was taking a walk on the outskirts of the Light Kingdom with King Charmless one day when they heard a strange noise coming fr...
Legends Pass: Gaspagore 👑
Gaspagore was the king of an unimportant minor kingdom not far from the borders of the Light Kingdom. His realm was quiet, peaceful…and very...
Golden Legends Pass: Rebel Frosilka 🧚♀️
The second Mighty Thetys told Frosilka about her plan to rule as Empress of the Eastern Regions, Frosilka cheered. She couldn’t wait to get ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: King Daeron II ⚜️
Daeron II, son of Helmut IV, and grandson of Lieron III, carrier of royal blood from the lineage of Yerex, is the reigning King of the Light...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Theton Tideborn (Sea Old Guard Ancestor) 🔱
Centuries ago, when the city of Atlantis sank as a consequence of its corruption, it landed right on top of Theton's portion of the seabed. ...
Deep Abyss Marathon - Zerozone 🐠
Zerozone isn’t the smartest monster around. Rebel Frosilka basically recruited him into the Sea Rebels by promising him an endless supply of...
Tales - Skydkold 🛡️
Skydkold comes from a small village where people still follow their ancient traditions. One of these customs involves tying the arms and leg...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Blaster Kong 🐒💥
As the youngest sibling of Firekong, Blaster Kong has a lot to live up to. He’s definitely the runt of the family, but what he lacks in size...
Creators' Island: CoryxKenshin ⚔️
When CoryxKenshin hits the battlefield, Abominations had better run—he’s got a higher power on his side, and he’s not afraid to call upon it...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Robur Oldenshield (Pure Gaia Ancestor)
This ancient green spirit traveled with the wind at the beginning of time, until it found fertile land in western Petra. Robur seeded every ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Roothorn 🌱
One of Robur Oldenshield’s last acolytes, Roothorn embodies the forceful and destructive aspects of Nature. While not evil, he represents th...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Wolperdinger 🐰🦌
Wolperdinger represents the nurturing, constructive aspects of Nature. He may not be as physically intimidating as his darker counterpart Ro...
Multiplayer Mode: Turtle Murtle 🐢
For years, Turtle Murtle’s been complaining to Queen Thalassa about the state of things. But no matter how often Turtle Murtle details his t...
Legends Pass: Blackbarry 🫐
Monstown has been trying to replace the city’s green spaces ever since Malairion destroyed them to make room for his Nebula Multiplier, so t...
Golden Legends Pass: Deepdoom 🐠
It’s well known that Rebel Frosilka has a brother, Korzorg. But few are aware of her second brother, Dorzorg. Most monsters don’t know he ex...
Roaring Sands Marathon - Roareth 🦁⚔️
Queen Basthet and Roareth have a long history. While they’ve never publicly acknowledged each other as more than colleagues, it’s widely kno...
Tales: Lovestruck 💘
Lovestruck was once part of a high choir of powerful angelic beings who guarded the heavens and watched over living monsters. They spent the...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Surgenia 🏴☠️
Admiral Copperbeard was on a solo jaunt across the Tri-Cluster Region, an area of space riddled with pirates, when six enemy vessels suddenl...
Golden Legends Pass: Eternal Basthet 🐱
The Free Reigns are composed of small regions, each with their own ancient culture and tradition. They lived a bit isolated from the rest of...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Owlinia 🦉
Owlinia was always a bit of a bookworm. As a youngster, she spent hours reading through old scrolls and history books in her mother’s librar...
Legends Pass: Hellmut Hoyt 🔮
The Magic Council kept receiving disturbing reports that Alchemystic was up to no good. Despite their confidence that the talented, kind-hea...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Akithron 🐕
Akithron was sent as a gift from Elektra to be Bella Baal’s companion. Unfortunately, her transformations tended to trigger his attack respo...
Multiplayer Mode: Lyza 🦎🐲
Lyza is the leader of the roughest, toughest group of female Barbarians in all of Petra. Her warriors are legendary not only for their brute...
Tales: Pyrolektrica 🔥⚡️
When Elektra experienced its toxic sunlight event, most citizens stayed inside, afraid for their lives (and rightly so!). But what about Ele...
Tumulost Marathon: Fangoriak 💀🏁
Yaoguai Wangzhou was very interested in harnessing the powers of Soul’s Lair. He offered Fayemalice all sorts of dark, delightful things in ...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Hurtnivore 🔩
A talented hunter, Hurtnivore has been asked to join Admiral Copperbeard’s crew multiple times. But Hurtnivore isn’t much of a joiner. He th...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kongrus 🐡
A sworn knight of Theton Tideborn, Kongrus rose from humble origins to become a great leader in the Sea Old Guard. But unlike many monsters ...
Multiplayer Mode: Bolskudon ⚡️
Wilder and more erratic than most druids, Bolskudon’s magic is powerful and untamed. One day, he might be a chieftain’s most trusted advisor...
Legends Pass: Ghoulossus 🌀
When Fayemalice first met Ghoulossus, she couldn’t believe her luck. Right there, in the middle of his rotten-looking belly, was a glowing p...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Queen Thalassa 🔱👑
Thalassa’s parents died when she was young and she was raised by her grandfather Theton Tideborn, King of the Water Realm. Theton very soon ...
Golden Legends Pass: Princess Baal 👸🏻🦁
As the only daughter of Empress Luthien and King Daeron II, Bella Baal has lived a charmed life. That’s literal, since she’s under a protect...
Tales: Hysterikeaster 😈🐰
Hysterikeaster was born when an ordinary rabbit accidentally took a little dip into one of Warspellz’s potions instead of the stew pot. Afte...
Prulkadom Marathon: Prulka 🏁
Even the rudest, crudest Barbarian crews love music, and Prulka is the biggest goblin bard around. Whenever she plays, hundreds of Barbarian...
Bounty Hunt Offer: ION V2 🤖
ION V2 is a highly deadly bounty-hunting robot. A top-of-the-line product, ION V2 is incredibly advanced. In fact, it seems that this unit i...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Owu Wu 🌱
Owu Wu hatched from a strange wooden egg in a very tall tree. Wootr sprouted up from that same tree bough at the exact moment Owu Wu hatched...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Wootr 🌿
When Wootr first sprouted from his mother bough, he bumped into an odd wooden egg, which cracked to reveal Owu Wu. The two monsters immediat...
Multiplayer Mode: Powflow ⚡️
When Powflow was growing up, other monsters constantly told him how little and cute he was. While this might sound complimentary, it gave hi...
Legends Pass: Zparks
Zparks takes his role as a member of Elektra Patrol VERY seriously. Annoyingly so, in fact. That’s because Zparks thinks that what every sup...
Golden Legends Pass: Tenno Kihaku 💧🐉💧
Kihaku had been the democratic leader of the Eastern Regions until Yaoguai Wangzhou took the Throne Room and the rest of the Dojo by darknes...
Shroom Tower Marathon: Max Shroom 🍄
Slothunder was tracking down a rare book underground when he started to get hungry. Really hungry! The problem was, he’d already eaten all h...
Tales: Varumamu 🦞
Varupapu may be a grumpy monster, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the odd pang of paternal feelings. When he met Varumamu, he knew thi...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Meleenaut ✨
Almost from the moment he took his first steps, Meleenaut started fighting. In his family, that’s normal: Meleenaut comes from a long line o...
Era Special Offer: Erafaz ❄️
During one of her many travels, Helgudin was crossing a mountain range when she came across the frozen body of a female wolf. A tiny puppy c...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Sorcerice 🔮
A hermit even by Summitfolk standards, Sorcerice lives alone, far away from any settlement. While some monsters seek her out for potions and...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Drakkarhed 🛶
When the ancestors of the Summitfolk were adventurers, one group set out in search of a mystical island, which was rumored to hold a source ...
Legends Pass: Arachnoflam 🕷🔥
The mountains stretching between the Rocky Peaks and Fiery Pits are studded with thousands of fossils. While the locals have many legends ab...
Breeding Event: Rygolm 💫
Trapped inside a mountain, Ryclops longed for fresh air and the trails he used to climb. Every day was spent in a dreamlike state haunted by...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Tyr Stormbringer (Summitfolk Ancestor) ⚡️
Long ago, some of the founding members of the Adventurer’s Guild were exploring the most remote mountainous regions of Petra when they encou...
Multiplayer Mode: Evileye Joe 🐸
A dapper monster with a head for the law and an eye for the ladies, Evileye Joe is the smoothest talker in Monstown. After successfully gett...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Fatal Harald 🍃
Harald used to work bringing resources up the mountains for the Summitfolk villagers. Unfortunately this, a lot of the time, involved having...
Arkanite's Alcove Marathon: Arkanite 🔮
After spending many years away from his homeland as a member of the Magic Council, Arkanite has finally returned to the Rocky Peaks to act a...
Tales: Gloverd 🌏✨
Kiridar and the other Star Sailors were traveling through a quiet region of space when they came across the remains of a shattered world. Th...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Mad Country 🤠
If you see the silhouette of a lone gunman against the burning Wastelands sun, congratulations—you ran into Mad Country and lived to tell th...
Multiplayer Mode: Learnatta 🐲
Another fine example of what happens when Dr. Viktor and Nishant the Great collaborate, Learnatta was created by combining the Cells of Lear...
Breeding Event: Olan
Nishant the Great never saw what hit him—the Abomination attack was fast and furious, completely out of the blue. All he knew was that when ...
Legends Pass: Vosker ⚡️
Inside his protective armor, Vosker is safe from nearly anything. That’s why he makes such an excellent torturer—no matter how messy things ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Sygrid Spirit 🛡
Erafaz and Helgudin were hunting along the secret Summitfolk mountain trails when they came across the ancient funerary runestone of a femal...
Tales: Prismatic Pandatone 🌈🐼
The twin brother of Pandalf, Pandatone always felt different from the rest of his family growing up. Eventually, it led to quarrels and hurt...
Krowheim Marathon: Konrad von Krow 🖤
Konrad von Krow was one of Monstelvania's most relevant aristocrats, in fact, too relevant for Count Vlad's comfort. Konrad and the Count ha...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Bandolero 🤖
One-on-one robot fights are the hottest trend in the Wastelands right now, and The BaroneX was a massive fan at first. But after betting on ...
Multiplayer Mode: Mortal Ming ✨🔮
The defeat of the Fury Dojo sent many of its adherents into hiding alongside Yaoguai Wangzhou. Including Mortal Ming. Since Ming was better ...
Legends Pass: Calida 🔥
Calida was left outside Mjolnir’s forge as an egg. Considering it another experiment, Mjolnir gently placed the egg in his Forge to stay war...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Khalorc Rageskin (Barbarian Ancestor) ✨
Khalorc Rageskin was born centuries ago into a nomadic orcish tribe. They roamed Petra like a pack of rabid dogs, crushing every other group...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gobzerkir 💥
Gobzerkir is two things: very dumb, and very loyal. He doesn’t mind playing second fiddle to his fellow minion Bruzard, since Bruzard’s a bi...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Bruzard
A master of curses, this druid has lived as a hermit ever since Khalorc Rageskin disappeared. Despite being a goblin, which is a race Khalor...
Golden Legends Pass: Mosklin 🦟
Mosklin is a very unpopular fellow. His whining, irritating voice feels like an icepick in your brain, and he can really suck the fun out of...
Tales: Gremmie 🌊🐤
Despite his laid-back appearance, Gremmie’s actually a pretty good fighter. It’s just that he prefers the salty crash of the ocean waves to ...
Krakatrack Marathon: Mag Karra 💥
One day, Calida came to Mjolnir with an idea: Could he use a Northberry to boost volcanic power? If they caused massive earthquakes, the inv...
Golden Legends Pass: Albynassa 🔥🖤
A peculiar monster, Albynassa reeks of misery and discontent. If it slinks near the borders of a settlement, the monsters living there have ...
Legends Pass: Dolores 🕯
A mystical, intimidating beauty, Dolores lives a cloistered life of silence in a faraway tower on the periphery of the Light Kingdom. In her...
Golden Legends Pass: Sir Lancefloat 🐟
Lancefloat grew up in one of the Water Realms’ most isolated communities, a tiny collective of deep-sea monsters who eked out a meager livin...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Tinytrap 🦎
Did you know that there's a small jungle in the Wastelands? Exactly! It's not all desert, but it's all equally inhospitable, because this ju...
Golden Legends Pass: Goblarzd 🧙♀️ 🔮
Unlike Khalorc Rageskin’s other minions, Goblarzd is neither petty nor political. This dark druid is far from Khalorc’s equal, yet he doesn’...
Multiplayer Mode: Jellymer 💜
Most people who look at Jellymer think he’s a big ol’ softy. And he is, both in terms of personality and texture! Jellymer is head of the Ma...
Tales: Madprof 📚
The strictest teacher at Monstown High, Madprof has been known to punish students for the tiniest transgressions. Scuffed shoes? Detention. ...
Goatskull Marathon: Magoat 🐐
This clever little alchemist lives on the outskirts of the Light Kingdom, brewing artisanal potions and tonics for all the monsters in the n...
Bounty Hunt Offer: Kawborg 🤖
After learning about the Wastelands as a child, Kawborg became obsessed. He dreamed of traveling there; maybe even building his own dwelling...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Baba Basheer ✨ 🐒 ✨
Baba Basheer was once the ringmaster of a traveling circus. He was a restless monster, so his troupe traveled almost everywhere in Petra, pe...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gugul 💜
Gugul was a masked dancer in Baba Basheer’s circus. After the Sack of Lyria, they decided to join the other survivors on their quest to star...
Legends Pass: Onikapa 👹
According to a local legend, Onikapa is a twisted hulk who only leaves his boggy lair to devour lost children. Knowing this tale, four brave...
Multiplayer Mode: Yoshisama 🌊
Yoshisama is the last surviving monk of a long-dead religious movement named the Iron Crows, wiped out decades previously by the Fury Dojo. ...
Golden Legends Pass: Guildmaster Gregorz 🪓
He was born Gregorz of Lyria, although he’d never even been there. Still, tradition ran strong in his family: Gravorz, his grandfather, had ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Dumbane 🐘 💜
Dumbane was a performer in Baba Basheer’s circus. Every night, he draped himself in jewels and turned acrobatic tricks in the ring, dazzling...
Golden Legends Pass: Glacial Babari ❄️
Warmaster Babari had never expected to become the leader of the Summitfolk. He barely knew they existed before Sorcerice contacted him, seek...
Tales: Mekantor 🤖
Kiridar and her Pilgrims were traveling through space when they flew into a debris field. They knew the debris was from a Cosmo Civilization...
Shamish Hut Marathon: Shamish 🐱
Shamish prefers to keep her thoughts to herself and her eyes lowered with a kind of detached grace, as if the vulgar everyday world doesn’t ...
Bounty Hunt: Rusty Redtail 🧨🦊
Even the toughest, most grizzled denizens of the Wasteland get nervous when they hear Rusty Redtail coming. Not only is he louder than hell,...
Golden Legends Pass: Gonzo 🙉
As a child, Gonzo worshipped Baba Basheer, one of the legendary Adventurous Triad who founded the Adventurers’ Guild. He didn’t know of many...
Multiplayer Mode: Jocko 🃏
When Fayemalice said, "This court needs a jester,”Very few monsters felt safe to invest herWith any new “friends” who would want the positio...
Legends Pass: Killamancer 🎩
As a Magic Council apprentice, Killamancer had longed to explore the darker, more dangerous forms of magic. He loved demonology more than an...
Tales: Mudster ✨
When Konrad Von Krow asked him to help steal the “Capital of Halloween” title from Monstelvania, Mudster was ecstatic. He loved Halloween, b...
Golden Legends Pass: Hemer Litsok 💧
Almost supernaturally upbeat, Hemer Litsok absolutely loves being part of Elektra Patrol. There’s nothing that makes her happier than neutra...
Bounty Hunt: Junkjowl ✨
When Junkjowl was a young monster, his family was murdered by a roaming gang of Wasteland bandits. Although he survived, Junkjowl was alone ...
Bastion of Flame Marathon: Fleimgard 🔥
Fleimgard is a demonic construct, created by Killamancer at the behest of Konrad Von Krow. Using the discarded limbs and tissues of demons w...
Golden Legends Pass: Shieldbolt ⚡️
Built by the earliest members of Elektra Patrol, Shieldbolt is a super-powered security robot with a heart (or central processing core) of g...
Multiplayer Mode: Brankio 🏴☠️
Most monsters who live underwater have very little interest in the surface, but not Brankio. He ran away at a young age and took to a life o...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Jestin Justice (Elektra Patrol Ancestor) 💫
Jestin was an ordinary citizen of Monstown who, like many of his peers, was concerned about the rising rate of crime in their city. Once saf...
Era Special Offer: UV Forge 💜
When her version of Elektra Patrol was wiped out, UV Forge lost everyone she cared about, including her lover, VoltaiK. Her rage and grief w...
Golden Legends Pass: Spitizze 🐒
In his home universe, Spitizze performed in Baba Basheer’s circus. He was an ice sculptor, shaping frozen crystals into shapes for the delig...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Superfume 🌼
Superfume was not always a superhero. Like the other founding members of Elektra Patrol, her powers awakened after witnessing Jestin Justice...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Exothermic 🔥
Exo was just a regular citizen of Monstown going to work one day when he witnessed something extraordinary! A shining monster made of pierci...
Legends Pass: Swift Daga ✨
When Spitizze fell through his Glitcherine Gateway, he was too surprised to even think about closing it back up, so it stayed open. One of h...
Pantomimeland Marathon: Mimmense 🤡
Not only is Mimmense Elektra’s most popular street performer, but he’s roughly the size (and weight) of an elephant, giving him a formidable...
Tales: Toni DeTurkey 🦃
Just who the hell are you? You think you can just walk in here and start demanding to know all the intimate details about one of The Syndica...
Bounty Hunt: Little Eneas ⚔️
Small, yet powerful, Little Eneas is one of the best-known gladiators in the Free Reigns. His sword might be bigger than his entire body, bu...
Legends Pass: Joltlene 🎶
Her bloodthirst is beyond compareAnd in the Wastelands, if you dareTo try and mess with herShe gets real meanHer smile is like a scorpion’s ...
Golden Legends Pass: Waveblaze 🌊
This alternate-universe version of Superfume is from an aquatic iteration of Monstown. When the first Glitcherine Gateway appeared in her wo...
Multiplayer Mode: The Cometstorm ☄️
In an alternate universe, The Firestorm never became the superhero he was always meant to be, and that changed everything.During a pitched b...
Golden Legends Pass: Grokmax ⚙️
Grokmax was a comrade of Voytek’s for many years, but the two monsters never really got along. Voytek didn’t think Grokmax took the business...
Clockworkshop Marathon: Doc Clockshock 🕰
Doc Clockshock was just an ordinary Wastelands tinkerer when a traveling pack of bandits burned down his workshop, stole all his supplies, a...
Tales: Nadalotus 🎄
When Lord Nebotus dissipated into the universe, his consciousness split into millions of sparks, all of which drifted through the multiverse...
Bounty Hunt: Epamikrondas ⚔️
Epamikrondas was tired of fighting unworthy opponents. His daily performance in the arena had become boring, no matter how loudly the crowds...
Multiplayer Mode: Taubel 🕊⚔️
Very few pigeons are given the honor of joining the Celestial Paradise, but Taubel is no ordinary bird. His ancestors dwelled in the dovecot...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Mater Geneza (Cosmo Civilizations Ancestor) 👾
In some universes, she’s a goddess. In others, a demon. Monsters in some universes believe Mater Geneza is just a mythological figure, while...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Molgun 👁
Mater Geneza knew she couldn’t trust just any monsters to be her personal protectors, so she built some out of foul dark magics and disparat...
Legends Pass: Poweroot 🌳
ZEO asked Dr. Wattz to find a way to make crops grow faster so he could monetize agricultural production in Elektra. Wattz was lost in exper...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gorruptor 🪲
Half-machine and half-organic, Gorruptor is a sneaky little minion whom Mater Geneza looks upon as her special pet. Not in the cute, fluffy ...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Staukrax 🐜🔥
Staukrax is another minion of Mater Geneza’s, but unlike Molgun or Gorruptor, he isn’t her direct creation. He was a member of a long-dead s...
Golden Legends Pass: Lord Flamster 🔥🐹
After years of exploring various dimensions in different investigation teams, gathering information about creatures, and improving his battl...
Doom Bloom Marathon: Dr. Bloom 🌸
The Revenge Squadron has been a shattered faction ever since Malairion vanished into space. However, one of the band's monstrous members ref...
Tales: Jarldoom 💧💀
It is common knowledge in Petra that the Righteous Court and the Summitfolk don't have the best relationship. Long ago, the former tried to ...
Bounty Hunt: Pugnus 🥊🔥
Pugnus grew up in the alleyways surrounding his local Faction Colosseum. He was never the biggest or strongest, so he made up for it by bein...
Multiplayer Mode: Thradx Sentinel 🛡️🐟
Thradx Sentinel was a member of Queen Thalassa’s exploration forces. Known to be a skilled fighter, he was also an inventor, creating armor ...
Legends Pass: Visierion 👁️⚙️
An alternate universe version of Visiel, Visierion is one of Warmaster Elvira’s many surveillance constructs. Elvira likes to say that she h...
Tales: Shakesperante 📜🪶
Shall we compare Galante to this one?He is more cultured with less ribaldry:Rough words do sour the grand pursuit of love,And Shakesperante ...
Legends Pass: Bad Gyaumal 👼😈
Taking advantage of the rift in the Multiverse, Bad Gyaumal has been sent as an emissary on a mission to recruit new inhabitants for the uni...
Creator's Island: Dhar CameraMann 🎥
Lights, camera, Gateway! Dhar CameraMann is one of the most famous streamers in Monstown history, and now he’s taking his life lessons aroun...
Bounty Hunt: Miniminos 🐂
This alternate-universe Minos looks very different from his counterparts…because he’s not really Minos at all!In Miniminos’ universe, Daedal...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Evaris Il Obscuro (Syndicate Ancestor) ✨
NOTE: The following text was recovered from the Library, but it appears to have been censored at various points using a glistening, deep-blu...
Legends Pass: Enforcerion ⚙️
Built to be an absolutely ironclad bouncer—err, sorry; that should read “dedicated Head of Corporate Security”—by Evaris Il Obscuro, Enforce...
Legends Pass: Bookeeperion 📚
Bookeeperion is one of The Syndicate’s most unique operatives. While it operates as a single unit, there are two different robots attached t...
Multiplayer Mode: Blotzek
It was inevitable that Abominations would figure out how to use Glitcherine Gateways eventually. What no one expected, though, was that alte...
Golden Legends Pass: Kemoni 👺
Kemoni has an enormous amount of swagger to match his enormous head, yet this underworld operative is surprisingly soft-spoken and polite. H...
Legends Pass: Dosigumi 👻
There are many monsters like Dosigumi. In fact, there are legions. The oceans of Petra are filled with the souls of drowned monsters, which ...
Golden Legends Pass: Akanoni
Soon after the Fury Dojo faction disappeared, strange things began happening at Honor Dojo HQ. Bizarre thumps and creepy whispers kept every...
Cakeshiro Marathon: Cookie-Sama 🍪
Cookie-Sama’s not impressed with everything he’s heard about Son-Cookie. He’s a disciplined old warrior who might just be the saltiest cooki...
Tales: Rockssandra 🪨
What are rocks? Static, hard, unyielding. Something passive that can be used to build, to wound, to carve into whatever form pleases the sto...
Bounty Hunt: Satyrus 🌱
Known throughout the Free Reigns for his amazing parties, Satyrus is everyone’s best friend. He’s invited to every celebration and attends a...
Legends Pass - Ishigaki 👹
Ishigaki was the sole guardian of a beautiful, but very isolated tropical island. He took his job very seriously, even though the island was...
Golden Legends Pass: Kuromaku Kaori 🥷😈
This alternative-universe Kaori also overcame outdated gender roles. But instead of becoming Pure and fighting the darkness, she decided to ...
Multiplayer Mode: Octomancer 🐙🔮
Like most deep-ocean dwellers, Octomancer was accustomed to danger and an ever-shifting landscape of possible threats and new challenges. As...
Tales: Rabbapulta 🐰💣
This alt-universe Rabooka grew up in a never-ending state of war and worked as a weaponsmith. Every day, he left his walled home city and sn...
Tengurando Marathon: Tetengu 👹
A former scion of the Fury Dojo, Tetengu became disillusioned and left the organization upon their defeat. But leaving the faction often end...
Golden Legends Pass: Blankuchi 👁️
Blankuchi is sometimes seen floating through Onikapa’s swamp. It doesn’t really talk or make any noises, but monsters who have stood close t...
Bounty Hunt: Phusis 🧚🪓
Many monsters overlook the diminutive Phusis. She’s small and fairylike, and easy to dismiss as weak or fragile based on her appearance. See...
Era Special Offer: The Chronicler 📚
When The Keeper was put in charge of all recorded history, he expected things to stay the same forever. After all, only the future changes; ...
Multiplayer Mode: Piraterko 🏴☠️
This swashbuckling sailor is the menace of the seas…but not in the most traditional sense. Although Piraterko is more than capable of holdin...
Golden Legends Pass: Krishmet 😼
Regal of bearing and wicked with the blade, Krishmet is Eternal Basthet’s official decoy. If the Queen’s advisors feel that she’s about to w...
The Conjuring - Free Reigns Ancestor: Enkidu the Untombed 💀
The petty king of a small Reign, Enkidu’s nation rose to prominence during the War of the Thousand Summers. His fighters were strong and hea...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Osirous 🌑
Osirous was a high-ranking soldier in Enkidu’s army who, after being captured in a raid on the enemy’s headquarters, was brutally killed. Hi...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Isetis 🐦
Known as the Wings of Enkidu, Isetis was the Free Reigns Ancestor’s principal champion. She tore across the battlefield at screamingly high ...
Tales: Mad and Madder 👩🍼
Madrina had just moved into a swanky new condominium in Monstown’s most fashionable district and started a new job at Z-Corp when her life c...
Anemosseum Marathon: Aquatorum 🐠🪓
When Aquatorum was just a small fry, his parents accidentally left him behind on a family vacation to the Sea Palace. But Aquatorum didn’t m...
Legends Pass: Pypholius 🪸
Pypholius is not a monster—at least, not in the traditional sense. It was once part of a greater entity named Phypholosseum, an interconnect...
Bounty Hunt: Hansetel 🍬
Not all fairy tales have happy endings. Take Hansetel: He once had a peaceful, happy life, living alone with his family in a beautiful fores...
Multiplayer Mode: Terroseth 🦁
Terroseth was once one of Enkidu the Untombed’s most brutal attackers and most trusted compatriots. In fact, he’d long predicted that Enkidu...
The Conjuring - Underworld Dwellers Ancestor, Diabolus Hellbringer 👿🐍
The sundering darkness at the heart of the Underworld, Diabolus Hellbringer has existed for so long that most monsters have forgotten him en...
Golden Legends Pass: Anax Gulnug 🐸🔥
Anax Gulnug is a vile, boot-licking toady. There’s no sugarcoating it. In the days of Diabolus Hellbringer, he did anything the Old Nick ask...
Birthday Flip Challenge: Cakelius the Tenth 🎂🪓
The Factions in the Monster Legends universe may not always get along, but there’s one thing they unanimously agree on: There’s no party lik...
The Dark Tomb Marathon: Witchaka 🧙🍭
Witchaka’s mother was a vicious creature who loved devouring the local children, so it was no surprise when she turned up dead in her own ov...
Tales: Snailorion 🐌
Snailorion’s original habitat was corrupted by Dark magic, and turned from a fertile green marsh into a black, stinking swamp. It was hellis...
Golden Legends Pass: Zepaimon🐪
Zepaimon loves the delicious agony caused by torturing poor souls in the Underworld. The pain he causes gets stored in his hump; it nourishe...
Bounty Hunt: Rapunstina 👱♀️🌷
Rapunstina was Princess Baal’s best friend. They were always together but Rapunstina was kind of annoying and Princess Baal was… not patient...
Multiplayer Mode: Salamagmer 🗡️🔥
Lots of monsters enjoy killing—they are monsters, after all—but few relish it the way Salamagmer does. Originally a member of the Fiery Forc...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Gardenion 🤖🌱
Gardenion is a companion construct of Primerion Unimate’s. Its primary function is to maintain public spaces and to protect the urban enviro...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kromition 🦾
As Gardenion’s industrial counterpart, Kromition’s programming is primarily centered around functions related to the inorganic aspects of ur...
Golden Legends Pass: Shibbreka 🌊
A dignified elder statesman, Shibbreka is the Water Realm’s most high-profile ambassador. He’s been the face, brains, and occasionally brawn...
The Conjuring - The Citizens' Ancestor, Primerion Unimate 🙏🤖
Primerion Unimate is an ancient supercomputer that acts as a “brain” for all of Elektra. Its origin and maker are both unknown, but given th...
Tales: Dragconian 💃
Dragconian started his career as a backup dancer in Baba Basheer’s traveling circus, but was quickly promoted to a principal dancing role du...
Granny's Paradise Marathon: Grandmael 👵 📝
Grandmael is one of the oldest known monsters, and certainly one of the wisest. She spent many years as a warrior scribe for the Pure Gaians...
Golden Legends Pass: Henrich Solerioth 🎸🎶
Henrich Solerioth was the Minister for Economic Affairs in the Water Realms. He managed seaweed exports, shell transfers, and pearl sales wi...
Bounty Hunt: Chopork 🐷
Chopork’s parents weren’t smart enough to build their house out of bricks, so when a big, bad wolf came sniffing at their door, there wasn’t...
Multiplayer Mode: Dryathin 🌿🍄
Dryathin is a shy, yet playful forest spirit. It spends its time hiding among the trees, where its spindly legs and leafy appendages mimic t...
The Conjuring - Celestial Paradise Ancestor, Graciel Choirmaster 👼
When the Celestial Paradise first coalesced, the only monster who dwelled there was Uriel the Divine. Things were peaceful and uncomplicated...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Kerubel 👼 🖼️
While Graciel Choirmaster does an excellent job regulating the daily heavenly operations in the Celestial Paradise, he doesn’t perceive time...
Twin Desolation Marathon: Doublak 👬🪓
Doub and Blak were the most argumentative, unpleasant pair of coworkers ever. They literally couldn’t agree on one single thing, and they we...
Tales: Bayworker Hulk 🌊 🏖️
Worker Hulk needed a break. No, scratch that—he DESERVED a break! Building monster Habitats and plowing field after field for farming was fi...
Golden Legends Pass: Florael 🌸♻️
Like his counterpart Kerubel, Florael advises Graciel Choirmaster on terrestrial matters, but his sphere of expertise involves the natural w...
Bounty Hunt: Joanter Beanhunter 🌱
Joanter is the scion of a thousand-acre bean farm on the outskirts of the Cardinal Forest. The ultimate family monster, Joanter is deeply de...
Multiplayer Mode: Eneroid 💣
Unlike most Abominations, Eneroid actually covers for its allies on the battlefield. This isn’t a sign of it having superior intelligence, h...
The Conjuring - Kirk Moonwalker, the Star Sailors' Ancestor 🌓🚀
Mate Kirk was one of Varuna’s original crew, but his ambitions stretched far beyond the sea to the distant stars. An avid inventor (and love...
Back to School Flip Challenge: Coach Poodle 🐩 🏋️♂️
Coach Poodle was once Monstown High’s star physical education instructor, but his glory days are long over. Ever since the school’s champion...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Exobait 🐠
Kirk Moonwalker didn’t miss much about his life back on Petra, but there was one salty dog his scurvy heart longed to see again: his pet fis...
Golden Legends Pass: Yauzuxh 🦵 🪓 💪
Abominations are born in many ways, but one of the most common is from nightmares. That is the origin of Yauzuxh. After swallowing a shootin...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Mekaduk 🦑🚀
Mekaduk was a low-level thug working for the Cosmo Civilizations when he first saw Kirk Moonwalker in action. Mouth agape, Mekaduk watched i...
Tales: Schoolbug 🎒
During construction work at Monstown High, Worker Hulk accidentally triggered a small cave-in, and a row of lockers fell into the hole. Rath...
Mound of Souls Marathon: Soulblast 🔮
Originally recruited by Lord Nebotus, this necromancer has gained power within the Souls Lair faction after the Lord's disappearance. He was...
Golden Legends Pass: Heatspike 🐛☄️
Kiridar’s Pilgrims unexpectedly encountered a few stray Abominations at the edge of a dying star. Although they won the resulting battle, th...
Bounty Hunt: Humterlin 🎶
Baby monsters are raised on terrifying tales of the hunter Humterlin, a shadowy figure who stalks their dreams at night. With his rough-hewn...
Multiplayer Mode: Blaze Night 🔪👻
One of Lord Nebotus’ most successful necromantic innovations, Blaze Night is not a monster so much as an undead magical weapon. Any visitor ...
Golden Legends Pass: Dorfil 🗣️
The second biggest mistake you could make is underestimating Dorfil because of her size. But the absolutely worst mistake you could make is ...
The Conjuring: Xandrite Spellbound, the Magic Council's Ancestor 💎
On Petra, magic is as much a part of the environment as wind or rain. Its most potent source is directly under the Magic Council’s headquart...
Crypta Blanca Marathon: Domemane 💀
Domemane was recruited to Souls’ Lair for one reason: He’s one of the few necromancers powerful enough to reform souls that have been destro...
Golden Legends Pass: Wizerth 📚
Wizerth is Dorfil’s stuffy and less charismatic counterpart. While he also officially represents Xandrite Spellbound when called upon to do ...
Tales: Porcuspike 🦔🍂
Unlike most monsters who hibernate, the noble Porcuspike is only active in the autumn. During the rest of the year, it sleeps and dreams of ...
Era Special Offer: Crocark 🐲❄️
Crocarks were once plentiful on Petra, mighty hunters who stalked the frozen mountains. They would spot prey near snowbanks, then use their ...
Bounty Hunt: Shadow In Boots 🐈⬛👢
A deadly feline on a grave mission of vengeance, blood, and wrath, Shadow in Boots is as black and silent as the night, slinking past his pr...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Cauddart ⚡💀
Cauddart was the second monster to earn Sibidu’s trust after his many years of solitary hunting. They met by accident in a dark forest pursu...
Pandalf's Conjuring: Shamanka 🍃⛰️
When Petra was new and largely unexplored, wild magic was everywhere, like vapor in the air. The environment was so saturated in magical ene...
The Conjuring: Sibidu the Apex, the League of Hunters' Ancestor 💀🅰️
Before the Great Extinction, small groups of hunter-gatherer monsters made up the earliest societies. Despite relative safety in numbers, ma...
Golden Legends Pass: Orba Flami 🔥
Orba Flami’s devotion to his mentor, Tenno Kihaku, went beyond mere adoration and into obsession. Everywhere Kihaku went, Orba Flami followe...
Multiplayer Mode: Anky 🦕
One of the last surviving ancient Saurians, Anky is a simple beast: He fights, he eats, and he breeds. There are few creatures who’d dare go...
Quinzhee Marathon: Tikaani 🥶❄️
Despite being made from cobbled-together scrap, technology developed in the Wastelands is often light-years beyond what most monsters would ...
Tales: Firesaur Treat 🎃🍬✨
Firesaur Treat is obsessed with Halloween! He waits all year for spooky season, dreaming every day of his favorite thing in the world: good ...
New monster: Errantwind 🏹
Errantwind is a living example of how much the Fury Dojo has lost after its crushing defeat. Before Yaoguai Wangzhou’s retreat, Errantwind w...
Bounty Hunt: Detecticoon 🔎🦝
This fast-talking gumshoe is on the case! What case? Any case! He loves bringing the lowest crimelords to sweet, sweet justice. The sound of...
NEW Monster: Hexer Alb 💜
One of Anwir Paincraver’s Companions, Hexer Alb is a diehard zealot for his master’s evil word. Some say he is the last monster left from An...
NEW Monster: Darquarium 🐟
Despite his bulk and slow pace, Darquarium is a master assassin. As well as being one of the Dark Blades’ most sought-after mercenaries, Dar...
NEW Monster: Pulse Bane ⚡️
The monsters of Souls’ Lair can be a little too self-congratulatory about how grimdark and gloomy they are. They think their particular bran...
NEW Ancestor: Anwir Paincraver 🅰️🖤🗡
Anwir was once king of a small nation. His people were cheerful and industrious, and his kingdom renowned for its prosperity.Meanwhile, the ...
NEW Monster: Cornucrabia 🍎🍊🌾
Every Thanksgiving, every good Citizen looks forward to Cornucrabia’s visit! This magical cornucopia monster brings glad tidings and tons of...
NEW Monster: Frank Einstein 🤪📚
Frank Einstein was Dr. Viktor's university professor. His studies on portals is one of the reasons why nowadays it is so easy to travel betw...
NEW Monster: Charm Constrictor 🐍
Charm loves bad men, worse decisions, and dangerous games played at secret parties. This nightclub singer is looking for her next thrill at ...
NEW Monster: Herrerio ⚒️
Herrerio and his brother Teddybomb worked together in their forge at the Barbarian camp, but Teddybomb wasn’t great at the job—actually, man...
NEW Monster: Posy 🌸❄️
Every year, when winter arrives and snow blankets the Cardinal Forest, Posy is born. She lives, thrives, and becomes the most active creatur...
NEW Monster: Presentus 🎄📜
Every monster’s Xmas letter to Santerion starts with “I’ve been good this year!”, but anyone who follows our monsters’ adventures knows too ...
NEW Monster: Blindsaur 🦖
This sightless beast follows the smell of its prey’s blood until it has no escape from him. You might think that his lack of eyes is a handi...
NEW Monster: Blastroodon 🐉🔥
Meet the king of speed within the Saurian pack. Back in their age, when they ruled over Petra, he was unstoppable, his agility unmatched. Ev...
NEW Ancestor: Linnaeus & Saberus 🅰️🦁
In the beginning of time, Saurians were pretty much the only ones in Petra. There were small tribes of other monsters here and there, and th...
NEW Monster: Pengunel 🐧
Elvira Demonslayer has Celestial Paradise emissaries all over the Monster Legends universe. For example: Cyberiel and Arumel cover space; Br...
NEW Monster: Shadowbolt ⚡️
See that peculiar head shape? The only reason for Shadowbolt to look like an alien is that he is one. But he’s a supervillain too!When Malai...
NEW Monster: Snowclus ❄️
This big and scary yeti is a self-proclaimed guardian of the Christmas spirit and an unlikely ally to Santerion and Thundeer. It all started...
NEW monster: Red Eye Roger 🐰
The things one hears on the other side of the bar… Deals between gangsters, Galante Jr.’s promises to each of his dates, and endless gossip....
Nomad's Place Marathon: Khan Cesko 🎸🪓
Cesko used to paint war figurines for Darmith Khan’s strategy council meetings, but Darmith Khan isn’t one to trust strategy over violent in...
NEW monster: Lightning Star ✨💫
The Elektra Patrol doesn't accept new-joiner applications, but Lightning Star's was too good to ignore. She'd dreamed of becoming a superher...
NEW monster: Aspero Flame 🔥
When Stina was looking for mechanics to help her at her garage, Aspero was one of the first applicants to walk through the door. She asked h...
NEW Ancestor: Stina Steambandit ⚙️🅰️
As a kid, Stina was Ingenica's biggest fan. The famous engineer had a TV show where she built artifacts and relics on screen, and Stina paid...
NEW monster: La Befana 🧙♀️🎆
La Befana has been delivering gifts to different monster communities for many years! Lately, she’s been having a little problem, though: As ...
NEW monster: Mosscrawler 🌿
Dr. Laura Green was a passionate environmental scientist, but when an accident in her lab exposed her to an experimental strain of moss, her...
NEW monster: Diesel Drake ⛽️
Stina Steambandit met Diesel Drake at her lowest point. She had decided to pursue a career as a mechanic, but she had no money and couldn't ...
NEW monster: King Wander 👑
No one in Monstown pays much attention to vagabonds. They're just there, like part of the scenery, like the city lights, like the cars... Be...
NEW Ancestor: Adaled Cliffbreaker
Before Adaled, the faction known as Rocky Peaks didn’t exist. There were only the living rocks and golems, and the miners. These two groups ...
NEW monster: Grandmaster Gortak
The beloved Earth Warmaster has received a new honorary title in the 100th anniversary of the union between miners and golems as the Rocky P...
NEW monster: Volken Miner ⛰️⛏️
This was one of the first golems to also start working as a miner, becoming one of the best representatives of what the Rocky Peaks are abou...
NEW Monster: Mollugh 🐙
Mollugh lost his shell at a very young age and was struggling to survive among the seabed rocks without it until he was rescued and taken to...
NEW Monster: Polar Blaze 🐻❄️
When he was a baby, this polar bear got lost from his pack while they crossed the mountains. He tried to find his way back, but he ended up ...
NEW Monster: Violentine 💞
Violentine was part of an elite battalion of soldiers in a distant kingdom ruled by an egomaniacal king. When his ruler commanded him to sep...
NEW Monster: Stornt ⛰✨
There isn’t just one Stornt. In fact, there are many Stornts—a legion of them! Stornts are golems made of rocks that are extremely resistant...
NEW Monster: Eeehgor 🪦
Eeehgor works as a housekeeper at Count Vlad’s castle. As such, you would think that he has the full trust of the Count and Countess, but th...
NEW Monster: Knuckles Nicky 🥊
Knuckles Nicky was an elite boxer, but he enjoyed Monstown's nightlife a bit too much after his fights. He stayed at the bar a bit too long,...
NEW Monster: Darkypus 🪓
Darkypus prides himself in being a swamp rebel. The Cardinal Forest has become a bit too boring for him. It's all peace and collaboration si...
NEW Ancestor: Maximus Astrum 🅰️✨
Born to a wealthy family of space merchants in the Star Sailors faction, Maximus Astrum started his career precociously when he was chosen a...
NEW Monster: Sentinella 😱🤖
This artifact is one of the most useful tools for the Space Defenders—it's like a portable prison! But it has many other functions: it feeds...
NEW Monster: GM Victoria 📈💜
ZEO had never had real competition in business until she arrived. He learned about her in a very unpleasant way while trying to acquire a sm...
NEW Monster: Moreena ⚡️🐟
Mighty Thetys and her friends set out to explore the seabed around the Water Realms. Along the way, they stumbled upon something that looked...
NEW monster: Kevlar 🐕
Who's the goodest dog in the galaxy?! Well, K911, the beloved space firefighter... But who's the goodest cyberdog in the galaxy?! Kevlar! Ma...
NEW monster: Rick Coyote 🐺
The police force in Monstown has trouble keeping its members motivated. After all, most of their work consists of patrolling, fining drivers...
NEW monster: Stalwart 🩵
Stalwart once served as Sir Lancefloat’s squire. He dreamed of becoming a knight, but he had no confidence, given his lack of speed and agil...
NEW monster: Spod 🧪🤓
Spod is a renowned scientist in Elektra, celebrated for his groundbreaking work—from revolutionizing renewable energy to discovering cures f...
NEW monster: Bonemeal ⛰💫
Bonemeal was originally a Dark Blades mercenary, trained to kill, earn gold for his faction, and never speak out. However, he was bored of h...