There isn’t just one Stornt. In fact, there are many Stornts—a legion of them! Stornts are golems made of rocks that are extremely resistant to heat. They do the hard and dirty work inside volcanoes. Whether it’s pulling out rocks that are stuck in small craters or opening new pathways for lava to flow, Stornts do it!
Word of advice: Avoid getting close to these monsters, they are angry creatures and have the ugly habit of throwing rocks at bypassers who stop to watch them while they’re at work.
Stornt is an Earth and Thunder Controller with Megastun and Torture skills.
Evolving Trait:
Rank 0: Tough
Rank 1: Immune to Cooldown Activation
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Quicksands to all allies at the start of its first turn
NEW Monster: Stornt ⛰✨
Last Updated: 35d