Firesaur Treat is obsessed with Halloween! He waits all year for spooky season, dreaming every day of his favorite thing in the world: good ol’ trick-or-treating.
Unfortunately for the little guy, not everyone shares his passion. As cute as Firesaur Treat is in his homemade costumes, his persistence can be annoying. Tell him you don’t have any candy or you don’t celebrate Halloween, and he just stands there with an expectant smile on his face, repeating “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” until you give him something. Candy, a rock, Gems…whatever, it doesn't matter. As long as you plop something in his goody bag, Firesaur Treat will walk away satisfied and finally leave you alone.
But if you don’t…
Well, just remember that the opposite of “treat” is “trick.” And if you won’t give Firesaur Treat one, he’ll definitely deliver the other—violently.
Firesaur Treat is a Magic and Fire Tank with the Taunt trait and Vulnerable and Fire Weakness skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Taunt
Rank 1: Immune to Tortures
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains Life Regeneration at the start of its first turn
Tales: Firesaur Treat 🎃🍬✨
Last Updated: 162d