Before the Great Extinction, small groups of hunter-gatherer monsters made up the earliest societies. Despite relative safety in numbers, many of these earlier tribes were wiped out by hungry Saurians.
The group to which Sibidu belonged was, sadly, one of them. Sibidu went out to find food, but when he returned, his tribe had been devoured. Everyone he knew in the world was gone.
A monster alone in the world had very little chance of surviving in those days. But Sibidu wanted to live, so he grimly set out to kill or be killed.
Many solitary years passed, filled with adventures. Once bounty hunting became popular, Sibidu started picking up contracts, more for the chance to hunt something challenging than because he wanted money.
Sometimes Sibidu encountered other monsters during his hunts, usually because they’d made a foolish blunder. At first he shrugged and left them to the mercy of Nature, but over time Sibidu began trying to explain their folly: Those berries are toxic. That cloud means rain. Don’t feed wild animals. Before long, grateful rescuees were grouped up in Sibidu’s camp, healing from their various wounds and following the (former) lone hunter around like lost ducklings.
One day Sibidu woke up and realized he’d started some sort of…society. With other monsters. Who wanted to talk and talk…
Total nightmare.
Resourceful as always, Sibidu realized these hangers-on could be useful. He had a stack of outstanding bounties, and most of the targets weren’t worthy of his skills. So Sibidu gave some of his stronger followers his contracts and ordered them not to return without his cut of the money.
This plan worked. Not only could Sibidu spend his time stalking the plains away from his coterie of acolytes (who now called themselves “the League of Hunters,” much to his annoyance), but he’d have a nice reward waiting for him every time he did go back to camp.
Sibidu the Apex is a Nature and Thunder Attacker with the Area Dodge trait and Torture skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Area Dodge
Rank 1: Immune to Blind
Rank 3: Immune to Possession
Rank 4: Cooldown Immunity
Rank 5: Status Caster - Applies a random Torture to each enemy at the start of its first turn
The Conjuring: Sibidu the Apex, the League of Hunters' Ancestor 💀🅰️
Last Updated: 169d