Unlike most monsters who hibernate, the noble Porcuspike is only active in the autumn. During the rest of the year, it sleeps and dreams of the coming fall.

Despite this majestic creature’s armored hide, it has a playful and curious nature, actively seeking out visitors to its forested home. See now as it approaches a young couple walking through the woods! Porcuspike immediately signals that it wishes to play by burying itself in a leaf pile before the couple draws near enough to observe.

Porcuspike leaps joyfully from its leafy hiding spot and does a dazzling spin to entrance its new friends! Unfortunately, these interlopers aren’t well-versed in forest customs, and they seem to take it badly. The larger of the two takes a fighting stance while its smaller companion looks on, hoping to feast upon the dominant monster’s leavings after the bloodsport.

But the clever Porcuspike has yet another trick up its sleeve. With a quick shake of its lethal quills, it neutralizes its foe before the other monster has the chance to become a threat, leaving it pinned down and barely alive as the Porcuspike romps cheerfully to a less-threatening part of the forest, hoping anew to make friends instead of enemies. The other monster is left to the mercy of Nature.

Porcuspike is an Earth and Nature Tank with MegaTaunt, Vulnerable, Guard Down, and Pyrophobic and Thunderphobic Shield skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Hardened
Rank 1: Immune to Stun
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains MegaTaunt for 1 turn at the start of its first turn