Like his counterpart Kerubel, Florael advises Graciel Choirmaster on terrestrial matters, but his sphere of expertise involves the natural world rather than other monsters. Florael ensures the weather and climate on every planet benefits the creatures who live there—and, conversely, that those creatures care for their natural environment as much as they are able to.

It’s a difficult and demanding job, and one that has left Florael with an overall poor opinion of monsters outside the Celestial Paradise. He believes they should be more grateful towards the environments they inhabit, and should strive to find balance instead of trying to control the natural world. Sometimes Grandmael is the only one who can talk him out of punishing mortal monsters for their environmental abuse with unexpected storms and droughts. (It sounds harsh, but after millennia of watching monsters destroy your carefully-calibrated work, you might feel the same way.)

But, regardless of how he feels about the monsters he supervises, Florael knows how critical his role is. While he may not enjoy some aspects of his calling, Florael is ultimately a dedicated servant of Graciel and deeply concerned about preserving nature, and would never dream of abdicating his post.

Florael is a Nature and Light Support with Taunt and Damage Boost skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Celestial
Rank 1: Immune to Control
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Life Regeneration to all allies at the start of its first turn