Doub and Blak were the most argumentative, unpleasant pair of coworkers ever. They literally couldn’t agree on one single thing, and they were extremely loud about it. Although the occasional argument, fistfight, or bout of light stabbing is somewhat expected among the Dark Blades, Doub and Blak took it to an extreme and regularly caused serious bodily harm to other members of the faction who accidentally got between them.
Annoyed with his underlings and their petty squabbles (as well as paying for extensive blood splatter cleanup), Nishant decided to take an extreme approach to employee management: Using magic, he fused the quarreling minions together. That, he thought with some satisfaction, would certainly teach them to get along now.
Sadly for Nishant, his plan didn’t quite work out the way he expected it would. The newly-fused monster Doublak was now a two-headed hurricane of internal conflict. Not being able to get away from each other made it even harder for the two heads to get along. Plus, now they were twice as noisy.
Disgusted, Nishant considered killing the unsuccessful experiment at first, but then gave Doublak a nice sharp ax and told them to guard the back entrance of the museum. At least no one could hear them bicker back there…and with any luck, Nishant thought, they’d eventually kill each other and solve the problem.
Doublak is a Dark and Metal Attacker with Control Immunity and Shield Removal skills.
Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Control
Rank 1: Hardened
Rank 3: Status Caster - Applies Nightmares to all enemies at the start of its first turn
Twin Desolation Marathon: Doublak 👬🪓
Last Updated: 247d