Dryathin is a shy, yet playful forest spirit. It spends its time hiding among the trees, where its spindly legs and leafy appendages mimic the boughs of trees, and mimicking birdsong. A fragile monster, Dryathin rarely reveals itself to others, preferring the quiet company of animal friends. As long as it stays in the treetops, Dryathin is hard to spot.

On the ground, however, it’s a different matter entirely. Everywhere Dryathin’s feet touch soil, mushrooms spring up, making it fairly easy to track on the ground. All the more reason for Dryathin to stay hidden in the forest canopy…

Note: If you encounter Dryathin’s mushroom trails in the woods, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT eat them, no matter how delicious they look.

Dryathin is a Nature and Earth Control with Mega Roots, Stun, Toxin, Evasion, and Healing skills.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Immune to Blind
Rank 1: Immune to Poison
Rank 3: Status Caster - Gains Immunity to Tortures at the start of its first turn