Chopork’s parents weren’t smart enough to build their house out of bricks, so when a big, bad wolf came sniffing at their door, there wasn’t much they could do to keep it out. Chopork, who had been outside rooting for apples, watched in horror as the wolf devoured his family…except the heads of his two younger brothers.

Chopork threw the heads in a bag and ran as fast as he could to a tree everyone knew hid a witch coven’s lair. Throwing the sack of heads on their table, Chopork swore to do whatever the witches wanted in exchange for bringing his brothers back to life.

Without the bodies, however, it wasn’t an easy task, but one witch remembered she had a magic needle. Another had a strand of the thread of life. And Chopork had wide, handsome shoulders. It all came together…well, seamlessly.

Before Chopork gave himself over to the witches’ service, they allowed him one free hunt with his new powers. He used it wisely—to seek the wolf in its lair, and to show it the same mercy it had shown his family. One bite at a time.

Now Chopork and his brothers are a three-headed behemoth of blade, bristle, and brutality. Lucky for them the spells they’re under have also rendered them utterly blank, without a single thought in their heads and no way to remember the things they’ve been called upon to do.

Chopork is a Magic and Light Attacker with the Bleeding Hater trait and Dark Hater status.

Evolving trait:
Rank 0: Bleeding Hater
Rank 1: Immune to Tortures
Rank 3: Status Caster  - Gains Dark Hater at the start of its first turn